Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I am A Nottie Boy

I guess most of you know that I am a very naughty boy. I play jokes a lot on people and even to my sister's baby. Many times I have already kacau my sister's baby by eating nice smelling food infront of her like "char siew pao" with coke n many more. She wants to eat as I can see that and she keeps on calling out and keep on staring at me.

I guess if she is bigger she would have hantam me up the wall already. But since she is still little, I will continue to bully her :p I am not that bad, but deep down I really love kids a lot. God has given me this skill which is I can interact with everyone (people i know or don't know). This people can be kids, YA, adults. I really love kids to the max, I really do. I love to hear them talk. Its just so fun then when you talk, they will really listen to what you have to say.

I guess I am going off topic, and I am going off also now.


Blogger Lizard said...

agree..:P totally a nottie boy who cant find elsewhere... don kill me for this and hey,don bully ur niece, she will beat u when she started to grow up..buy her some dolls would be better,gal no need to be taught to use it to beat nottie ppl :P

12:57 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

beat me for wat?im her fav uncle.i alwis make her life interesting by putting a colorful book there and she will keep quiet

7:36 PM  
Blogger Lizard said...

haha..fav uncle..*faint*
kidding lar,i believe she likes u alot since u've a cute kiddie voice and u can talk in a very cute way too but keksei ppl sometimes huh..I guess u're the 2nd cute ppl ady lor since she is the cuttest d..:P

11:03 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

i hardly talk to her but i guess more of bully.but i guess im still the cutest la.come on give me some credit la :(

8:23 PM  

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