Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 4 (16 August): Examination of the Heart (I)

Morning Meditation: Psalm 99

Passage: Matthew 15:7-9

Pastor Daniel shared today about three types of hearts that could prevent us from having a committed heart to God.

1) A Distant Heart (v. 7)

Although we may be visibly loving and serving God, sometimes, our heart could actually be very distant from God. This would hinder our worship whereas others can easily be caught up in worship.

2) A Divided Heart (v. 7)

Our heart may not be fully committed to God because we refuse to let go of the world. We want to cling onto earthly things and concerns and yet want to pursue after God. We cannot. We cannot have one foot in the world and one foot in the affairs of God.

We also must be careful not to be involved in too many things. Sometimes, being involved in ‘good’ things may keep us from God’s best for us. Pastor Daniel shared honestly about the time when he joined full time in DUMC after stepping down from his position in NECF – how he had to reject invitations to speak or to minister because he is giving his all to serve DUMC fulltime.

3) A Distracted Heart

Many things in life may distract us from being completely committed to God. It could even be our family members or our fear of the future. We need to learn to be at rest and keep ourselves committed in our relationship with God and let nothing hinder us from this relationship.

Pastor Daniel again shared very honestly with us that sometimes, he is so caught up during the weekend celebrations that he is distracted during worship. His mind will be busy thinking of 101 things that goes on in the celebration and in trying to make sure that everything is working well.

Point of Reflection:

What are the things that keep us from committing our hearts fully to Jesus? What causes us to have a distant, divided or distracted heart?

Write these on a sheet of paper and surrender it before the LORD in prayer and repentance.

(The church took time this morning to write it on a piece of paper and then come in front and place that paper in front of a symbol of the cross as an act of confession and surrender before the LORD).


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