Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 9 (21 August): Alignment with the Word of God II

Subheader: What the Word of God can do for us

Morning Meditation: Psalm 119: 113-176

Passage: Psalm 19: 7-11

This morning, we continue to focus on the alignment with the Word of God as the urgency to focus on His Word was again impressed upon Pr Daniel.

Friends, our land is in dire straits. The devil, also known as the deceiver is luring many people into his web. Many of us have been influenced with the ways of the world, and we fall prey to the many trappings of wrongful thinking and perspective.

Therefore, the Word of God is very important to us. It keeps us in sync with the will and commandments of God that will guide us towards a life of godliness and holiness. The Word of God is one of the 3 things that will last in eternity apart from worship and the soul/spirit (Matthew 24:35).

The Lord also revealed to Pr Daniel a prophetic Word for this morning’s message and this is further confirmed by a DUMC member present who received the same verse from the Lord. It says:

"The days are coming," declares the Sovereign LORD, "when I will send a famine through the land - not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. (Amos 8:11)

All these points towards what could possibly happen in the coming days, where there is a famine of hearing the words of the Lord. We are living in a world with increasing sounds and noises wherever we are and we can easily be led astray and end up following these wrong voices and noises. We need to tune ourselves to hear from the right sound that is: the holy Word of God.

Therefore, we need to pray to the Lord, asking for a fresh and new passion and desire to STUDY his Word and MEDITATE on it day and night (Psalm 1:2).

According to Psalms 19: 7-11, we know that the word of God does the following:

Characteristics of God’s word What it can do to us
God’s word is perfect


It revives our soul (v.7a)
God’s word is trustworthy It gives us insights (v. 7b)
God’s word is right It gives joy in our heart (v. 8a)
God’s word is radiant It sheds light on our path (v. 8b)
God’s word is VERY sweet It enriches us through and through (v. 10)

In closing, Pr Daniel sensed two things that will happen more and more in the coming days.

    1. There will be increased delusion and deception – Therefore, we need the Word of God to keep us in the truth.
    2. There will be increasing trials ahead – There may be difficulties in life and how much more must we be dependent on the Word of God for comfort and guidance!

Therefore it is important to anchor ourselves to the Word of God and allow it to prepare, sustain and strengthen us more and more in the coming days!

Point of Reflection:

The Word of God is not a pamphlet – that we only refer to when we need to get somewhere in life. It is not a story book – that we read to be entertained. It is not a magazine - that becomes dated over time.

It is living. It is relevant. It is powerful.

Consider ways on how you can equip yourself in the Word of God so that its living words can be applied in your life. Commit yourself also to courses in SOL Levels 1 and Level 2 that enables you to practice the studying and of applying the Word of God.


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