Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 8 (20 August): Alignment with the Word of God

Morning Meditation and Passage: Psalm 119: 57-112

Having looked at the alignment with the head yesterday, Pr Daniel continues in the series of alignment of the heart with the focus on the Word of God. Pr Daniel sensed that God is saying to us that ‘My people are not spending enough time on My Word’. Our priorities are not set on the Word of God and instead filled with the 7 ‘Ms’ mentioned in Day 7.

God wants us to keep focus on His Word as it contains great power and Pr Daniel highlighted 7 reasons why the word of God is powerful.

1) The Word of God gives DIRECTION

Passage: Psalm 119: 105, 133

The Word of God is the ‘lamp to my feet and a light for my path’. If we hold on to the Word, we will be directed against wrongs and sins in life. It shows the path in our life in all areas of our lives whether it is relationships, work / business and our responsibilities.

2) The Word of God provides CORRECTION

Passage: Psalm 119: 36-37

The Word of God also provides correction, helping us to recognise and turn away from worthless things. We need to be constantly seek to apply the principles we learn from the Word of God as well.

3) The Word of God offers PROTECTION

Passage: Psalm 119: 25, 93

The Word of God protects us from evil and harm. By knowing the Word of God, we will know what is right and wrong in the eyes of the Lord and it will draw us away from evil and harm.

4) The Word of God provides CLARITY for living

Passage: Psalm 119: 66-67

We easily go astray and distance ourselves from God. This is because we are not obeying God’s word. The word of God provides clarity for living. As we go deeper in the word, the situations in our lives become clearer and as a result we are able to make wise decisions based on God’s guidance and will.


Passage: Psalm 119: 99-100

As we continue to meditate on the word of God, We will grow in insight and understanding.

Pr Daniel shares that in the area of business, the high level leaders seek spiritual sources to help them in their decision making. Many lead their lives in fear because their decisions at the high levels are costly to their businesses. The spiritual sources can be right or wrong but all these leaders recognise the need to have divine powers to guide them and provide direction. Hence let us continue to seek insights, understanding and discernment from the Word of God, the true spiritual source.

6) The Word of God fills us with STRENGTH and COMFORT

Passage: Psalm 119: 25, 52

The word of God strengthens us and provides comfort at all times. Pr Daniel shared examples of how the Word of God strengthens and comforts two political leaders during times of their personnel crisis.

All of us have personnel crisis of our own. Let the Word of God strengthen and comfort us during these times!

7) The Word of God produces FRUITFULLNESS in life

Passage: Psalm 1: 1-3

If we are filled with the word of God, our lives will in turn be blessed and fruitful. We will lead a life honourable to God and in turn draws and attract people to us, enabling us to become counsellors and enrich others with the Word of God.

Point of Reflection:

In many countries, the Word of God is not available to them. If we have slacked in reading the Word of God daily, let us confess our lack of emphasis in the Word of God.

Consider what ways that you can rearrange your current time schedule so that you can make time everyday to study God’s Word.


Blogger Lizard said...

it is a very very good meditation for daily devotional.thanks for sharing up too! I gain alot too..yeap,god wants our hearts..I believe u listen to the song,"heart of worship" before. He searched deeper into our hearts. God answered our prayer thru His words.. We're all learners along the journey..

I meditate on the daily devotional of purpose driven life yest.. this paragraph caught my eyes.

"While it is wise to learn from experience, it is wiser to learn from the experiences of others. There isn’t enough time to learn everything in life by trial and error. We must learn from the life lessons of one another. The Bible says, “A warning given by an experienced person to someone willing to listen is more valuable than … jewelry made of the finest gold.” (Proverbs 25:12 TEV)"

thanks bro for sharing up with me alwis alt i alwis usik u with bear=P sorry if i did throw tantrum at times,maklum me pampered kid..lolz.. don mind me yeah.

3:46 PM  

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