Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 7 (19 August): Alignment with the Head

Morning Meditation: Psalm 119:1-56

Passage: Romans 12:2-3

This is a continuation on the need to renew our mind.

Our mind is an important asset given by God. Whatever we think of or conceive in our mind will affect what we are going to do next, so that is why it is important to protect our mind so that it remains unpolluted by our worldly surroundings.

The Bible speaks a lot about the renewal of our minds. It is important to renew our mind regularly. Why? Because this mind has a tendency to go towards wrong thinking that may lead to corrupted actions.

What are some of the things that God warns us of to guard against? There are 7 M’s to watch out for.

1) Music – Are the songs we hear corrupting our values?

2) Movies – Are we influenced by unhelpful living through movies?

3) Machines – Cars, computers, gadgets – are we over-engrossed with these?

4) Malls – Have we made the mall our ‘second home’?

5) Money – Are we trapped in chasing after money?

6) Movement – Quick actions, e.g. sports and games. Are these overdone?

7) “Makan” – Does our tummy rule our lives?

If we only live by these, we live like everyone else. We are no different from any other non-believer if our only aims for our lives are simply the 7 M’s.

Instead, to live fully for God, we need to consider the 3 F’s:

1) Fast from the above – if we struggle with any of the above, then fast from it.

2) Fill our minds with the Word of God.

3) Follow the prompting of God’s Spirit.

What are the marks of a renewed mind?

1) Our minds will know the mind of God.

2) We will be able to test and approve what God’s will is.

3) We will enjoy perfect peace. (Isaiah 26:3)

Point of Reflection:

What have I been filling my mind with? Do I struggle with any of the above? Share the areas that you struggle with, with someone from your cell group of a similar gender and hold yourself accountable to him/her.


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