Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day 12 (24 August)

Morning Meditation: Psalm 53

Passage: Habakkuk 2: 2-3

We are now one week away from the 50th year of independence, the year of Jubilee. It will be a time where the nation will see restoration for all peoples and for true harmony and respect for one another to break forth in an unusual manner. It is not about division where we look after only certain groups of people but it is about seeking the best for every race, tribe and tongue. This however has to start with you and I – the church of Jesus Christ.

Today’s passage from Habakkuk 2: 2-3 tells us that the revelation of God has an appointed time. This passage was revealed to Pr Daniel early this week but today is the appointed time to reveal this to us. He explained that before reaching the turning point yesterday, God wants us to sort out our lives first. That is why in the earlier days, the focus has been on the alignment of the heart, the mind and transformation of the community.

The focus now turns towards our nation. The Lord tells us honestly from Habakkuk Chapter 2 the 5 sins that plague our land just as it infected the land of Israel during Habakkuk’s time. What are these 5 woes?

  1. Mindless thievery (v. 6)

There are people who are involved in stealing and exploiting from others for their own personal gain. Some of these are even happening in broad daylight which grieves and break the heard of God.

  1. False security (v. 9)

There are people in our nation who are building up wealth through unjust means to feel secure. What they gain comes from lying and cheating and from ‘raping’ the land, disregarding the interest and rights of others. These people may think they are secure but God’s judgment is upon them and that they living in a false sense of security.

  1. Bloodthirsty criminality (v. 12)

Pr Daniel reminded us that when blood is shed, it pollutes the land (Numbers 35: 33). This is what has happened to our land to our land in 1969. There were bloodshed and innocent lives who were killed and our land was polluted. Blood represents life and only God can take life from us. It is also through the precious blood of Jesus can that we and our nation can be healed.

  1. Human perversity (v. 15)

Human perversity is also evident in our nation. There are some who exploit others sexually and being so perverse as to get people drunk and then abusing their nakedness by mocking them. It scares us to know that some of those involved are from all levels of society, indicating the uncertainty of the future of our nation.

  1. Self-made idolatry (v. 19)

The people of the nation are also very much involved in idolatry – worshipping items that are self made such as money, clothing, shopping and sports. The focus is very much on earthly things just to satisfy the pleasures of the flesh.

All these bring sorrow to God and we all need to repent and ask Him for forgiveness on behalf of Malaysia.

How then should we then live?

Pr Daniel shared that we need to live righteously by faith in God. Habakkuk 2:4 stresses on 3 ways on how we ought to live:

  1. Have deep strong faith in God

There will be more pressures and intimidation in the coming days. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to walk with God faithfully and remain deeply rooted in Him.

  1. Live righteously

We must also live righteously with integrity and a clean conscience. We must always remain transparent and be ready to have our lives examined without hiding anything.

  1. Do not live in fear but in faith

We must embrace the future without fear knowing by faith that God is with us. As we continue to draw closer to God, being deeply rooted in His Word, we will not be easily shaken by the circumstances surrounding us and will not let fear cripple us from being the person God has destined for us to be.

Let us live our lives as God has taught us so what we can move in line with God’s plan and purpose! Amen!

Point of Reflection:

When we see/read about the sins of our land, pray for our nation. Ask God for His mercies upon our land and pray for the healing for the land. Only God can intervene and only the church can bring a lasting change to our nation through the power of prayer!


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