Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day 11 (23 August): Unlocking God’s Purpose and Destiny

Morning Meditation: Psalm 23

Passage: Matthew 16: 13-28

We have approached the midway point in our 21 day fast and prayer. Pr Daniel emphasised that today is a turning point for all of us because God will start revealing to us the keys to unlock God’s purpose and destiny for our nation. Today, one of the keys is found in the passage, Matthew 16:13-28.

In the passage, Jesus was asking His disciples who others thought He was. Jesus was then known very much as a teacher and a miracle worker by many. When He asked His disciples who they thought He was, Peter received a revelation from heaven and was able to say, “You are Christ, the son of the living God.” (v. 16)

Thus began the turning point of Jesus’ ministry. Jesus went on to tell His disciples that His main mission in life is to build His church by laying down His life (v. 18-21). From the eyes of the ordinary, it may not be a favourable solution. Peter, who had earlier received a revelation of who Jesus was, did not like it either and even rebuked Jesus (v. 22). Jesus’ answered that He steadfastly would not allow such a viewpoint to hinder God’s purpose for His life (v. 23).

Jesus later shared that to be His disciple will not be an easy task (v 24-28). From these verses, Pr Daniel shared with us three marks to unlock God’s purpose for us to advance God’s Kingdom, bring community transformation and impact our nation.

  1. Deny Oneself (v. 24)

We need to be disciplined to deny ourselves from the pleasures of life. We need to deny ourselves certain pleasures in this life so that we are able to go far in fulfilling God’s purposes.


  1. Sleep and food – Is the willpower of the Spirit man within us weaker than the flesh man?
  2. Attitude and character – If we find ourselves easily offended and hurt, we will not go far in life.

In denying ourselves from certain pleasures of life, we find ourselves happily focused on the greater goals and purposes of God’s kingdom.

  1. Wholehearted Commitment (v. 24b)

Jesus says that we need to ‘take up His cross and follow Him’. The cross represents suffering. In following Him, there may be troubles and sufferings along the way and until we are ready to commit wholeheartedly to this, we will not be effective.

Are you willing to sacrifice and follow Jesus? It does not necessary mean we MUST suffer, but it is the willingness that counts.

  1. Total Surrender (v.25)

Jesus says that if we are so concerned about preserving our lives, we will lose it but we will gain it if we fully surrender ourselves to Him. This may be a paradox but it is the truth. If we are prepared to lay down our lives for Christ and His gospel, nothing can prevent us from making an impact in our nation or even the nations of the world. Our lives are extremely precious as we only get to live once on earth. Let us not squander and waste it!

Let us all arise to fulfil the mission that Jesus Christ started off for us!

If Christ is our everything, then, be willing to give Him – everything!

Point of Reflection:

What price are you prepared to pay to follow Jesus?

Are you prepared to surrender your all?


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