Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day 15 (27 August): Peace of God

Morning Meditation: Psalm 91

Passage: John 14:27

As God’s people, we desperately need the peace of God. In the worldly view, peace can be attained through the accumulation of possessions, power or position. The truth is these things only give us false security. True peace can only come from Jesus Christ our Prince of Peace. The peace from Jesus is beyond all understanding (Phil 4:7), and gives us hope, assurance, joy and confidence.

It is easy for us to lose our peace when we see things from a worldly perspective instead of being dependent on God’s Word. Peace can also be lost when we allow worry, anxiety, and fear to set in from an ‘earthly perspective’.

How then can we gain our peace back? There are 3 ways:

1. Look to Jesus (2 Peter 2:9)

Jesus is the prince of peace and ruler of all kingdoms. He is our answer to all our troubles. When we focus on Him, we will find the solution. If you want to “walk on water” and “ride through the storms of life”, look to Jesus.

2. What is God’s purpose (Matthew 10:16-20)

When we are in trouble, we should first seek God and His thoughts. What does God think about our situation and how does He want us to act? God’s way is never wrong so be sensitive to His words. Know God’s Word well, because that He never contradicts with His written word.

3. What is God’s purpose?

God has a specific purpose for our lives. In fact, where we are born has been determined by God (Acts 17:26). Do not be tempted by the ‘grass is greener’ mentality but instead seek God’s purpose for you where He has placed you. Do the same for Malaysia as well. Ask God to reveal to you His purposes for you in the land and seek to serve the LORD faithfully through witness wherever He has placed you. Seek out this higher agenda of His!

Point of Reflection:

God has made us Malaysians for a reason. One undeniable fact is that He desires for us to reach out to all citizens of our nation. How are you going to respond to this challenge of faith? Do you have the peace of God to allow you to face all possible obstacles when you seek to obey Him with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?


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