Friday, August 31, 2007

Day 13 (25 August): Law of the Land

Morning Meditation: Psalm 33

Passage: Habakkuk 1, 2

The passages of Habakkuk mirror the land of Malaysia today. For instance, in Habakkuk 1:2-4 we read about violence in the land, the law is paralysed and justice perverted. Similarly today, we are facing a rising rate of crime and they are increasingly becoming more brutal and violent. Recent news reports reveal that our leaders (both corporate and in government) may well be involved in unlawful acts concerns us as well.

We know from Habakkuk 1:13 that as God’s people continue to petition to God against such unrighteous acts in prayer, God will eventually act! In God’s timing, He will restore the land back to its original intent where love, peace and justice reign!

So, there is still hope for those who live righteously in the land. God will restore righteousness one day if His people choose to arise in faith to claim our nation for the LORD. In this, we no longer need to live in fear because in God, we trust.

There is also hope because one day, the knowledge of the glory of the LORD will fill the earth (Habakkuk 2:14). It is God’s intent that all people of the world will know Him. So, we rest in the confidence that one day, even for Malaysia, God will reveal Himself to all the peoples in our land. Why? Because in 2 Peter 3:9, we read that God wants every person to know Him.

Therefore, we need to share God’s burden for the world. Our mission here on the earth should also be to see that God’s salvation call reach everybodyPublish Post in our land. We have a choice to either make this a call or to completely ignore God’s burden for all peoples.

Are you going to obey, God’s call?

Point of Reflection:

There is only one hope of restoring justice into society. The answer lies in God alone. Therefore, we need to pray and believe that God will one day make Himself known across our nation so that His righteousness and justice will prevail in our land. Are you ready to pray by faith and seek to restore God’s righteous rule over Malaysia?


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