Monday, August 31, 2009


Hi All,

AT midnight, petrol will go up again. So better you all pump kau kau full full ron97, as it is going up to rm2 a litter. Anyway its just a reminder to everyone to reload their oil once again before the 1st September 2009.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Shout To The Lord

I have this song that was sang by American Idol S7. It sounds nice as each person have their own vocals to make it sound sweet. I have the song and I once posted the URL on how they sang in live which was so vocally nice!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Chatter Box Gone

Yeah my chatter box is gone because it didn't work or can I say it suddenly "hilang". Don't ask me what happen as I wont know too. But then again having a chatter box is no use. No 1 says anything on it either. So got or not, no difference to me.

Friday, August 28, 2009

San Francisco SteakHouse (Tropicana City Mall)

Hi Guys,

Want to share my lunch experience at this place. It was actually a very horrifying experience to me. The way that they treat their customers are like crap. They are only gender bias and the way they did it was so obvious that they only decide to serve female customers and not male.

What happen was when we wanted to order our food, we had to wave like dungu to the waiters who were there and were acting dumb. Even though they saw us, they REFUSE to come to our table and take our orders. There were other tables that was sat by females and when the female table lift up their hand they will go directly to them bypassing us even though we uttered "excuse me". When he was walking pass us again, we say asked to take our order and that guy just act dumb and walk away! I mean what type of people do we have in such an expensive area? Anyway my friend and I kept on trying to get another waiters attention but all of them decided to ignore all of us. After 5minutes waving our hands like dumbos only 1 waiter came to us.

10minutes later only our bread came without drinks and other customers who are ladies again came and sat down and we saw that when ever they lift up their hand the waiter will go directly to them. We actually didn't have our soup and food at all. Next thing I know the table that just entered got their bread, drinks and soup! I was starting to feel piss about that as we were not served drinks even after more than 20minutes! The bar boy was doing NOTHING and he could only pour drinks for the female while for us he decided not to pour anything. Maybe it is easier to pour drinks for girls than guys! Then another waiter only so called "notice" that we were not served and asked us the best question "You haven't got your drinks, soup and meal?" But lucky it was my friend who answered. If it was me, I don't think it will be nice.

Not only that, the other tables (about 2-4 tables) that came after us received their food! At that time my mood was gone. It was total unfair. Around 10minutes later only did we receive our soup. I mean how hard was it to dish out your soup of the day as it is already pre made? Then we had to wait another 10minutes before our food was serve. For the whole process from order to food delivery it took nearly 50minutes. Food was nothing to shout about too. No taste and it was dry. But when it is time to pay the bill, the bill came extremely fast as they just wanted their money. I believe going to Kepong the food is even much better and the service there is superb!

Nope they were not apologetic. Those who were working there just didn't care. Maybe they only like girls better than guys. Due to this incident I will never ever step into any other San Francisco SteakHouse ever. I would like to say "well done" to those staff as you proof to be just like one of a kind.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Work Over Night

On 2oth August I work from 9-530pm. I then continue to work from 12am-130pm (21st August). Man, after not working overnight for a long time, it is really tiring. It is worst when you don't get to sleep during those times. Not only that, the day I work was so called "HELL". We started by having pc problems, server problem, EOD problems across platform and many other issues. I was actually about to sleep at around 115am when my friend came and wake me up at 145am telling me that IRules got problem. When there is a problem, I will surely have to assist as I am the so called most experience on OS that night.

I was to go home at 9am but my crazy boss wanted me to stay back till 11am which I wasn't that happy about. When the programmers started to come in and troubleshoot the problem and were asking me questions, I really could not answer them as it was like noise when they were asking me questions. I in the end push the questions to others who could answer it.

One thing I can say is that SL program really sucks. I mean if there is a little tweak on the program, everything goes upside down. That is why its really true that their program memang no quality at all.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Definetly Unfair

SL is a screwed company. Really. I mean every word I say. Why I say that? Well simple. Fresh Grads that come in and after confirmation they got salary adjustment. Dammit. I didn't even have salary adjustment last year or even pay increment this year.


One person don't get then all should not get. That's my theory. I know they love them more. But its unfair. But never mind since the world is so unfair, we will make things unfair for people. Try me. You will get it back at full force when I decided not to cooperate with you coz everything comes thru me and I have every rights to deny or even take my time to do it. But I am not worried, with all the OT knowledge that I can grasp I will do it and leave even better than what I came at the 1st place.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My SE Got Problem

On 12th August, my hp suddenly decided to die on me. I have no idea why. When I brought it to the shop the next day, the shop fella also havent seen the problem before. He had to send my hp back to SE service center. When I asked him what can be the problem, he told me it could be the software corrupted or the IC is spoilt. But if it will cost me a bomb surely I won't fix it. I would rather use my Nokia 3310 as it is a better phone without nice ring tones, its ok, but at least I still have a phone to use.


What happen to my handphone was an IC to access the applications was down. To fix it it cost me rm130. SO since it is not so expensive and since my phone is still quite new (1 Year, 3 months), I decided to fix it back. I guess more OT will be done to cover back the cost that I have already spend.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I Am Going To Complain

Programmers in SL memang no quality. Wonder Why right? Come let me tell you a couple of stories that happen to me and my gang.

  1. They do object migration but can forget to include the object across platform. Then at night when DCO do EOD, system crash! Then when call support they say forget to put in the object.
  2. Their program that they write so suck that everyday need to Backup & Restore.
  3. Duration for Backup & Restore is actually 1 or 2 days. But every time Lionel wants it fast. Delay abit they make noise.
  4. Now its quite common to see Backup & Restore across platforms (3 platforms).
  5. I tweak their internet they make noise. I didn't allow them to access FB, Friendster, Hi5 and many other websites.
  6. I believe because they play this type of things too much, they don't do their work nice.
  7. When they ask us to do something, most of the time we end up in trouble as they will put the blame saying we did it our way (dammit we call u and you guide us over phone).
  8. You cannot understand DC people but DC people must always understand you. Honest, go fly kites.
  9. They don't have proper documentations for the things that they do. Simply hantam all the way and its all crap.

I guess since SL programmers gave me a lot of crap. I will make sure the crap is back to them even harder. I will need to make sure that every criteria that is needed in ALL THE FORMS will be filled up NICELY before I proceed in any thing that they need. So be prepared, the Sec Adm will make your life even harder now.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I Actually Saw It Coming

God actually showed me a vision on one of the nights when I was sleeping. On 3rd August 2009, I told my cg members about something that I saw from God. I was brought to a front of a beach and I was like OK. SUDDENLY the water went up as high as 6 stories(or even more) looking like Tsunami. I was so freaking scared as I thought I was going to die and that I know how people died during the Tsunami many years back that wipe out quite a lot of places.

This time I didn't know where was the place as there is no indication. Anyway I could not tell the last time where it was going to happen too. Anyway as usual, no one believed me again and it actually did come thru when Taiwan and Philippines was hit by floods and typhoon on the 7th or 8th August.

After talking it to my another friend about what I saw my friend told me this (roughly).

"At times people might not believe till they see it happen"

"It might not be for them, but for you to intercede"

I guess I cannot wrong people for not believing me. If put me in their shoes and when someone could have so called seen the future tell me something that haven't come to pass, I would not believe the person too. I guess like in the end like what my friend said, it might be for me only to pray to mercy and grace.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

H1N1 Is A Scare

I have to say when I see people cough or sneeze / have flu, I feel a little worried. I mean we won't know if the person is sick with H1N1 or is having normal sickness. The worst part is the symptoms are all the same like normal sickness. So everyone do take care. Do take vit, fruits or anything that can make your body stronger and healthier.

Friday, August 21, 2009

This Is Crap

I manage to see the police report of the dude who crash into my car. His report is total out of what really happen. In his report he say that he was to going to Seremban at 520am and some motor came and snatch his chain and he started to chase that motorcycle. Then suddenly an unknown car started to chase him and he crash into all the 7 cars. He didn't mention he was drunk at that time. The question is also why does he need to go to Seremban at 520am? He is from Sri Lanka and dont tell me he got some relatives there?


The real story is that he was drunk and he was just trying to race around and he crash into 7 cars and he was actually trying to run away. IF his story of some motorcycle snatch his chain he should have gone to the petronas exit to find out the plate number of the car and motorcycle. But guess what? When that accident happen. There was only 1 car noise and that was his. So I guess he did a good job by paying people(s) so that he don't get his ass into the court and get jailed for drunk driving. Great job done by all of them. So you see the situation, story dont just match each other.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

For Laugh Part 2

Last time when I was in this tuition center in Damansara Utama, next to the ship, upstairs, I read the same story like For Laugh. And when I read it I laugh non stop and I shared with my friends and all of us laugh. I actually found the paper on the floor and we kept passing it around till the teacher was not happy as we were not paying attention and we kept on laughing. If I am not wrong, that time I was Std 6..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

For Laugh

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CES Weekend

I help out in CES weekend on Saturday. I was there around 845am (yeah I was late). I was suppose to be there at 830am. In the end it was selling drinks(rm1.70), chang(3 for rm11, 1 for 3.70), muruku(rm7) and scones(rm8 or rm9). As I started out it was really no customers at all as all of the people were attending the conference. I didn't really get to sell that many things till quite late in the noon where people started to come in and buy chang, muruku and scones. They didn't buy any drinks. It was really hard for me to do the math as my math is not that good and as most of you will know I will need to use my fingers to count the total and how much to give to people. So that was a little bummer for me.

But I have to admit that it was quite tiring as I help till around 130pm. Then I stayed back in church till 230pm and only left around 245pm. At 4pm I was back in church again to do ushering. I was nearly going to sleep when I was in church but I force myself to keep awake to listen to the sermon that CB Samuel was preaching to us. But I have to say that it was worth while staying and helping out in church.

Monday, August 17, 2009

GF Question Again.........

Again in my parents cg on the 7th August during the last part they were talking about bf gf again. Yes I was the target again. I guess the bottom line is my mum is more worried than I am. If she is more worried then she should go do her vows with my dad once again. If you all know me well, I can be scastic enough to shoot back that topic as I kind of had enough of it..

Sunday, August 16, 2009

God Is Good

I have to thank God for allowing something to happen on my house on 9th August 2009. Pr Mang Siang who is from Myanmar was down in KL. My mum invited him to come down to my house. He was actually in KL that night. He did came over and we talked and he showed us some pictures of his new church and his ministry in his own land. At that time he told us that he still needed an amount of money 2 pay up for his church and the best part is during that night, it was the nigth that when we calculated, it was more than enough and his church was paid off to the last cent! It was such a joyful occasion for me as my eye teared as it was such a wonderful feeling. The money was also more than what was needed and it will be great that it will be used for other renovation or furnishing or etc. That was why that I put on my msn "I am Happy" as God allowed it to happen in my house :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Church Story Part 1

Was in church on Sunday and we will usually turn around to shake others hands and this dude named David (imu student) shoke my hands and asked my name. So I told him Jason. Anyway check out the coversation below.

David : Hi I am David
Jason : I am Jason
David : Are you studying? Do you attend a CG?
Jason : Nope I am working already. Yes I am, YA CG.
David : Where are you working?
Jason : SL (Lucky he don't know where) :P
David : Don't know coz I am doing medical
Jason : It's ok
David : How long have you been working
Jason : Once touch Dec, 3 years already
David : *a little shock* *I know why, coz I look like a kid right!*
David : What you working as
Jason : Sec Admin
David : whats that?
Jason : security admin doing with system administration and etc
David : So to prevent kena hack and etc?
Jason : Yeah sort off.
David : Nice to meet you
Jason : Nice to meet you too *smile*

Friday, August 14, 2009

In Church The Other Day

Was doing ushering the other day and usually when I get the numbers from the rest of the ushers, the numbers will be weird. What I mean is they will give like 78 and 63 so when I have to tally out I need to write behind my paper and do the math. So while I was walking to the other side

Jason : *use finger to count count to make sure*
Irene : Do you need to borrow my fingers to count count?
Jason : *kantoi* haha. Yeah can can. At times aunty the number weird wan so must count lor
Irene : Yeah I understand.

Anyway just to tell u I count with fingers last time and math ain't my best friend.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Damm Classic

The other day CG was at Steven's place. But want to thank Steven & Jo for having us that night. It was really nice and a great place. Anyway, the most classic is when there was a superb slamming of something and the apartment shook. The 1st that I thought someone was fighting and when David & I went to check it out, we only heard that a neighbour talking about something about house keys.


The fire escape door suddenly open and I saw this crazy women suddenly shouted for my friends name and she started to JUMP IN FRONT OF HIS HOUSE at the corridor while screaming like a crazy fool. Then she m16 my friend like hell and I honestly was not happy. But my friend kept on saying sorry and trying to explain the situation. But if it was me. Sorry no mercy I will blast you back with full guns. Anyway thank God that I was a good boy just watch the full show and in the end when Steven explain that we had a christian meeting and only she quiet down. That is when my leader step in and explain everything and she was apologetic about her actions. But I guess I got to learn that confrontation with anger and anger is not the answer. Something I truly need to learn

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bye Bye Lixia


This is specially for you to say bye bye to you. I guess you wont be coming back so often once you start your work there. Thanks for going running with me for those couple of times and breakfast after our run. I guess in the end we ate more than we ran :P

Take care
It's me :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Facebook Invites

The other day when I check my mail, a friend of mine send me an FB message. So I check it out and actually that message is to tell me that I am invited to her wedding and she wants my contact. I mean FB is now a easier way than SMS to get your friends attention. I mean thats hopefully they will check their FB often. Even the other day when my friends and I so called plan for the PD trip, we use FB to send msg to everyone and from there most of them replied from FB. SO I DARE to say that FB is more popular than Friendster.

Monday, August 10, 2009


The other day when I click on Yahoo webpage, this was the topic that was shown on the front page. It is Abbreviation. This website really caught my eye as there are so many types of abbreviation on this website. I mean things that you can hardly imagine in a single category, there are so many break downs in that category and the amount of words there is there is total madness. Check it out and you will know what I mean.

Saturday, August 08, 2009


Lixia & I went for our run the other day in TTDI park. I have to admit, the weather that day was truly great :) God is great to us that day :) Anyway till 830am the weather was still cloudy and I guess we talk more than doing exercise and in the end it was me who was flat. We walk more than run. In the end we ended up eating breakfast more than what we could have lost.

But finding parking was hard as there were many people looking for treasures in TTDI area :P But really that morning really remind me that God is in control of everything. I didnt pray for good weather but God was kind enough to give us good weather so that it wont be so humid

Friday, August 07, 2009

My car on traffic light

The other day when I was coming back from CG, I was at a traffic light to turn to DJ. I actually stop a distance from the car in front of me. But that car decided to go in front again. Maybe he was freak out after seeing that my car dont have the front bumper :P

Thursday, August 06, 2009


The other day Liz Hie told me watch fireproof as it was a good show. She told me it was a Christian story. So I decided to go check out the website of the show and I thought since it was about fireman and got fire story and its like cool show. I have to admit I love this type of stories (fireman, rescue show) and suddenly to think about it, I am unsure where both my toy fire trucks are! I gave it to lil belle to play. Must check that out where my trucks are :p

Anyway this show is about a couple whose marriage was on the rocks. Then his dad pass him a book for 40days to go thru which was really good. I shall not tell too much of the story if not rosak la their show :P

All I can say looking at it, we as Christians we should act that way not only towards our bf/gf/wife/hubby (we have to pandai pandai to change the situation) as the world out there needs a little good deeds of kindness. Even Sunday Church Sermon (2 August 2009) is to go out there and make the difference for the people. So what shall we do?


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

2 Hints On A Day

On 31st July, my parents CG was having prayer time and since I had enough with computers, I decided to come out and join them too. Actually I came out as I was really tired. I even brush my teeth to prepare to sleep at 10pm. But since Belle was still there, I decided to hang out there a little longer as it was going to be supper time too. But most of the time I don't take their supper. Jaga badan mar :P


Since it was prayer time, my dad asked everyone if they have prayer and they started to tell their prayer points. So my mum later said that we should "pray for our kids who are looking for partners". So Since I am one of the kids there who is in this category all of them look at me which I don't know where to hide and some of them started to tease me :( :P Anyway aunty Sharon ask me what is my criteria and I answered "Criteria unsure" and they all laugh. Then they started to name the kids who are not attach yet and my name was again the last and everyone turn to look at me once again! Then I told them my mum is more stress than me and all of them laugh again.

After that one of the aunty prayed on that subject and I agreed on most of the parts which she prayed which was to have a Godly Christian wife and etc etc. But after that she said this. Check out the prayer as below (lebih kurang I can remember)

"Lord we would like to pray especially for JT for him to get a Godly GF and (some part lost here) and even though he says its not time but you know its time for him. (prayer went on)"

Most of the time when they prayed for me it was funny and they got laugh and the aunty uncle look at me wan :P Never pray to God wan :p But really deep down, I shared with a friend when I was in KK about something. I shall not say it here. It's just about something about r'ship that really creeps me.


After cg was over, we were talking about the accident that my dad had to do the running around for my car. I really Thank God for him as since I was working he went to check things out for me. Thanks dad :) My mum was telling me to buy a new car! She told me she will borrow me money to get a new car to replace my car. She told me that when I was in the car after she pick me up in KJ LRT STATION. But I straight away shot down the buying new car by saying "I don't believe in buying a new car for now". Its actually really hard to earn money to buy expensive things like cars, house and etc. Like in my post, I am still happy and comfy with my car and since I don't even travel much I will try to at least hold my car as long as possible before either one of us decided that we have part.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Don't Play With Trust Part 2

Check Out don't play with trust. Now I shall continue the part 2. The women who was under the supervision of one of the heads from office have now resign. I got the mail from my boss and he return to me her access card. Honestly, if you spoil your image in office and you have been hit with such an mail, better resign.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Church Transformation Conference

Hi All,

DUMC will be having Church Transformation Conference on the 14-16 August 2009. It is actually a conference host with Malaysian Care. Conference speaker will be CM Samuel from India. Other infromation as the url below

  1. Conference Brochure
  2. CES Brochure
  3. Registration Form

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Where Are You YA?

It was prayer and fasting not long ago at church and I attended all the 3 nights. It has been a while since I last attended the last prayer meeting that will be held either on the 2nd or 4th week of the month. Since it has been a while I decided to attend it once again.

On Tuesday, the turn out was really bad. Really. When I turn my head around, I don't even see young adults who will take over the church next time there. There were some but they can be counted by fingers. Most who turn up are the older people. But the message that day was actually meant for all of us from the church. It was regarding the Human's Heart. and that we have already slip along the way and taking things of God for granted. I am one of them. Last time church prayer I always attend then a few times don't go is ok then after that I decided not to go anymore. I am guilty. So I had to repent from my tidak apa attitude.

I know that some people when it comes to prayer they just back off which I feel its not right. They think that maybe the pastors, prayer sec, intercessors pray will be enough but that's total wrong. It is our work to pray together to bring so many things that is happening to planet earth before God. I guess even Pr was not happy with the attendance that night and he told that Wed CG should meet in church for a time of prayer which on Wed suddenly so many people turn up. But then again quite sad, I believe none of my cg members were there.

I am not sure to say this but I guess if the YA don't take a step the church (not only DC but all) will be in trouble in the future. It's not all up to the old folks anymore but its also our part to play. Ask yourself this question


Saturday, August 01, 2009

So Tired

Not really sure why but 27th & 28th July been a really tiring day for me. I am sleeping well but when I wake up in the morning I feel tired. I guess I need to do some exercise once again. Need to work out to keep fit and also hopefully more healthy. I guess once my good friends heads back to UK, must find someone else to replace her. But it will never happen. Coz thats what I told her last time and I didnt really go for anymore runs after that :P But I kind of have a target but don't know if this friend of mine will go with me :P