Tuesday, August 18, 2009

CES Weekend

I help out in CES weekend on Saturday. I was there around 845am (yeah I was late). I was suppose to be there at 830am. In the end it was selling drinks(rm1.70), chang(3 for rm11, 1 for 3.70), muruku(rm7) and scones(rm8 or rm9). As I started out it was really no customers at all as all of the people were attending the conference. I didn't really get to sell that many things till quite late in the noon where people started to come in and buy chang, muruku and scones. They didn't buy any drinks. It was really hard for me to do the math as my math is not that good and as most of you will know I will need to use my fingers to count the total and how much to give to people. So that was a little bummer for me.

But I have to admit that it was quite tiring as I help till around 130pm. Then I stayed back in church till 230pm and only left around 245pm. At 4pm I was back in church again to do ushering. I was nearly going to sleep when I was in church but I force myself to keep awake to listen to the sermon that CB Samuel was preaching to us. But I have to say that it was worth while staying and helping out in church.


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