Sunday, August 16, 2009

God Is Good

I have to thank God for allowing something to happen on my house on 9th August 2009. Pr Mang Siang who is from Myanmar was down in KL. My mum invited him to come down to my house. He was actually in KL that night. He did came over and we talked and he showed us some pictures of his new church and his ministry in his own land. At that time he told us that he still needed an amount of money 2 pay up for his church and the best part is during that night, it was the nigth that when we calculated, it was more than enough and his church was paid off to the last cent! It was such a joyful occasion for me as my eye teared as it was such a wonderful feeling. The money was also more than what was needed and it will be great that it will be used for other renovation or furnishing or etc. That was why that I put on my msn "I am Happy" as God allowed it to happen in my house :)


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