Wednesday, August 05, 2009

2 Hints On A Day

On 31st July, my parents CG was having prayer time and since I had enough with computers, I decided to come out and join them too. Actually I came out as I was really tired. I even brush my teeth to prepare to sleep at 10pm. But since Belle was still there, I decided to hang out there a little longer as it was going to be supper time too. But most of the time I don't take their supper. Jaga badan mar :P


Since it was prayer time, my dad asked everyone if they have prayer and they started to tell their prayer points. So my mum later said that we should "pray for our kids who are looking for partners". So Since I am one of the kids there who is in this category all of them look at me which I don't know where to hide and some of them started to tease me :( :P Anyway aunty Sharon ask me what is my criteria and I answered "Criteria unsure" and they all laugh. Then they started to name the kids who are not attach yet and my name was again the last and everyone turn to look at me once again! Then I told them my mum is more stress than me and all of them laugh again.

After that one of the aunty prayed on that subject and I agreed on most of the parts which she prayed which was to have a Godly Christian wife and etc etc. But after that she said this. Check out the prayer as below (lebih kurang I can remember)

"Lord we would like to pray especially for JT for him to get a Godly GF and (some part lost here) and even though he says its not time but you know its time for him. (prayer went on)"

Most of the time when they prayed for me it was funny and they got laugh and the aunty uncle look at me wan :P Never pray to God wan :p But really deep down, I shared with a friend when I was in KK about something. I shall not say it here. It's just about something about r'ship that really creeps me.


After cg was over, we were talking about the accident that my dad had to do the running around for my car. I really Thank God for him as since I was working he went to check things out for me. Thanks dad :) My mum was telling me to buy a new car! She told me she will borrow me money to get a new car to replace my car. She told me that when I was in the car after she pick me up in KJ LRT STATION. But I straight away shot down the buying new car by saying "I don't believe in buying a new car for now". Its actually really hard to earn money to buy expensive things like cars, house and etc. Like in my post, I am still happy and comfy with my car and since I don't even travel much I will try to at least hold my car as long as possible before either one of us decided that we have part.


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