Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Classic Chat

Check out the chat as below.

JT : I heard people say see fish can release stress
Soo : Sea fish?
JT: Yeah. But dont ask me how coz I don't have fish
Soo : *asked another fren if ikan laut can release stress, reply was unsure too*.

*Since I understand, I intercepted the talk*

JT : I don't mean ikan laut. I mean tengok Ikan.

*all 3 people laugh*

I guess when words have the same pronouncation and nearly the same spelling, it is really tricky situation as most of the time people will get caught and have misunderstanding of what is being said. But a times misunderstanding is fun coz it will cause everyone to laugh :)


Blogger Huis said...

Haha..this entry itself can reduce stress!! Anyway I agree watching fish can reduce stress. Too sad long time didn't go Bukit Kiara to visit them dy..Haha

12:23 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

yeah. that time my friend nearly cried coz she accidentally deleted her files. but after some laugh she was ok once again

6:43 PM  

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