Monday, August 24, 2009

I Am Going To Complain

Programmers in SL memang no quality. Wonder Why right? Come let me tell you a couple of stories that happen to me and my gang.

  1. They do object migration but can forget to include the object across platform. Then at night when DCO do EOD, system crash! Then when call support they say forget to put in the object.
  2. Their program that they write so suck that everyday need to Backup & Restore.
  3. Duration for Backup & Restore is actually 1 or 2 days. But every time Lionel wants it fast. Delay abit they make noise.
  4. Now its quite common to see Backup & Restore across platforms (3 platforms).
  5. I tweak their internet they make noise. I didn't allow them to access FB, Friendster, Hi5 and many other websites.
  6. I believe because they play this type of things too much, they don't do their work nice.
  7. When they ask us to do something, most of the time we end up in trouble as they will put the blame saying we did it our way (dammit we call u and you guide us over phone).
  8. You cannot understand DC people but DC people must always understand you. Honest, go fly kites.
  9. They don't have proper documentations for the things that they do. Simply hantam all the way and its all crap.

I guess since SL programmers gave me a lot of crap. I will make sure the crap is back to them even harder. I will need to make sure that every criteria that is needed in ALL THE FORMS will be filled up NICELY before I proceed in any thing that they need. So be prepared, the Sec Adm will make your life even harder now.


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