Friday, July 31, 2009

A Drunk Driver

Today 30th July, my street had a major accident. A drunk driver crash into 6 cars at my side and at the end of my road when he was doing cornering he crash into another car as he was turning at high speed. I have to say after 7 cars, my car bumper drop off, sis car light broke, opp jiran car was the worst as his car was the 1st car that Sri Lanka student crash into, another taxi butt was totally wrecked and the last car was scratch(unsure the damage of the car).

This drunk driver even tried to run away but he didn't go far. He crash his car into a wall near my house. The impact was so great that the sound of the crash was so loud that it woke many ppl up especially those whose cars were crash. I have to admit after hearing the crash I felt so scared. Its like so near me which it was just that I was sleeping at the back room the sound was like kau kau loud.

Anyway why I am a little down is because property is damage which is 7 cars, peoples gate and fence. I have to admit, I love my car a lot but it's not my idol. I am thankful that I even have a car to go from A to B. My car, actually not really my car which is my parents my car but it means a lot to me even though its old. This car really bring me to office or to where I need to go too. So when I saw it damage, I really felt sad. But after that I got a stupid comment which my parents felt it was funny but to me was not. They told me to stick stickers not to bang my car as its old. Anyway I hope that they will punish that student kau kau. There was someone who was saying if it would have happen 1 half hours later, someone could have died which I totally agree. Kids or working adults could have died due to such driving. In the end can I say

Don't Drink & Drive

Thursday, July 30, 2009

GF Question Again

On the last day of prayer and fasting, I had to take my mum's cg friends to church. Then they ask me again as below. There are 2 aunties in the car so I can't really remember who ask me what.

Aunty : JT any girl ur interested in so far?
JT : Nope
Aunty : JT so what type of girl u looking for? (character, type etc)
JT : At current don't really matter to me
Aunty : You should come and help in the kids ministry then you see many girls.
Aunty : But some of them are still quite young
Aunty : Do you know a girl called Lydia *cant remember surname*
JT : Nope, church is just too big.

I know some people serve and when the time is right they will be attach. But for now I don't bother if I have a gf or not. Don't know why. Don't worry I am not GAY...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Classic Chat

Check out the chat as below.

JT : I heard people say see fish can release stress
Soo : Sea fish?
JT: Yeah. But dont ask me how coz I don't have fish
Soo : *asked another fren if ikan laut can release stress, reply was unsure too*.

*Since I understand, I intercepted the talk*

JT : I don't mean ikan laut. I mean tengok Ikan.

*all 3 people laugh*

I guess when words have the same pronouncation and nearly the same spelling, it is really tricky situation as most of the time people will get caught and have misunderstanding of what is being said. But a times misunderstanding is fun coz it will cause everyone to laugh :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kau Yang Terindah

Kau yang Terindah

Kau yang terindah di dalam hidup ini

Tiada Allah Tuhan yang seperti Engkau

Besar perkasa penuh kemuliaan

Kau yang termanis di dalam hidup ini

Kucinta Kau lebih dari segala- nya

Besar kasih setiaMu kepadaku

Ku sembah Kau ya Allahku

Ku tinggikan namaMu selalu

Tiada lutut tak bertelut

Menyembah Yesus Tuhan Rajaku

Ku sembah Kau ya Allahku

Ku tinggikan namaMu selalu

Semua lidah kan mengaku

Engkaulah Yesus Tuhan Rajaku

One of my favorite song and he other day I went to a website and they have that song to download for free. So I was wondering who was the singer and when I found the lyrics it was the same song. But this song the arrangement is like old school. But it aint no matter as it is a song to worship our God :)

Monday, July 27, 2009


Played badminton again and got whip again. Man the 1st game was playing against people who are just so good. The 2nd game was a little more fight but in the end we still lost. But I enjoyed the 2nd game much more than the 1st. At least we can play a little better on the 2nd game. I was not happy at the 1st game as it ended so fast and I really mean really fast. But its ok to go home loosers. It was really the fun that we needed over there. Anyway they gave us this sticker to stick on our clothes on that night.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Classic Order

Mr Ng & I went for lunch on Friday in Tmn Paramount side. I decided that we should eat rice just for something different. Anyway check out the coversation as below

Mr Ng : Asam Fish
Owner : Ok
Mr Ng : What vege u have?
Owner : Patin!
Mr Ng & I : Huh?

*All Laugh due to the mistake of the owner*

Owner : *telling us the vegetables*
Mr Ng : *order a vege and also tofu*

I have to say the food there is not bad. Asam fish really nice and we had to add on rice as the fish came a lot slower. We were hoping that the fish came 1st so that the food will taste even better. Anyway for 2 people eating, it cost us rm21 each. But I guess it is ok once a while to eat a little more expensive as at times we don't know what to eat during lunch even though there are so many shops around our side.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Hi All,

DUMC is having its loud Concert on Sunday. Its a concert for youth but everyone can attend. I heard that last year it was really good and this year I will be ushering for that event. So come and check it out and be bless.

Friday, July 24, 2009

My Friend A Lucky Girl

If you like Manchester United, head on to my friend's blog. She manage to take some pictures with MU players when they were playing golf in KLGC. But I have to say she didn't call me..tsk tsk..hahaha....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Miss PD Trip

Darn as I was sick and health not up the mark, I decided not to go for the PD trip that my uni classmates had on the 18-19th July. This year PD trip was kind of last minute and it was me who started to respect a friend of mine who resign to go back to help his dad and he invited us to his farm. Thanks Chuang Ming for allowing the rest to come. I know many didnt turn up as they have their own reason. So lets think what we will be doing next year!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Guitar Playing Damm Bad

Man, I suck now at guitar playing. Played for worship the other day and I was like total screwed. Not only that some part of my lyrics were wrong and my mates we laughing. Darn it seems when I do worship too close to one another, nearly back to back or every 2 weeks my playing will be screwed up. I admit here that working OT is causing my guitar playing to be a little screwed. My timing is now out. Darn I guess I really need life balance to become good in the stuff that I do.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Michael Jackson Gone

Its Sunday, 19th July and as I am writing this blog, suddenly MJ song started to play on my mp3 and its "We Are The World". I have to admit this guy is really the King Of Pop. But its really wasted that he left earth before he could do his last show in London. I know there are many people wondering how he died but I am leaving it as it is. Some of his song were my fav like smooth criminal, we are the world, you are not alone a few others.

We Are The One That Make A Brighter Day So Lets Start Giving

Monday, July 20, 2009

Its Human Greed

Do you all know why the whole world is in financial upside down? It's because we as humans we don't know when to say enough is enough. After listening to the Saturday message I really know that I am one of them too. What I mean is I am not happy with what I have now and I want to have this and that which is actually not necessary. The reason why everyone is in debts is because we are told to spend like never before so that it will boost up the economy. Like the Pastor mention, got money we spend, no money we swipe our card, no money we borrow from people then we spend which is total not good.

I don't believe in over spending and also buying stuff that you don't need. If you buy those stuff that you don't need, it will end up becoming trash in the house or in the end it might be pass to another person who will have better use for it. I guess I have to realize that I should not be simply spending especially when the economy is not so good. But then again I hardly spend and I guess I need to jimat as economy is not so good. Anyway everyone is saying that the economy will be back to normal by end of this year or end of next year but I doubt it.

In the end I have to say it is due to human greed and we will really need to know when to stop all this type of stuff. We really need to have life balance but at the same time serve the best to our Lord in what ever that we do.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Kota Kinabalu Trip

I guess since I was there for 5 days, I wont go detail about what happen there. Will roughly give what happen there by daily report.


Plane @ 2pm. Reach around 430pm +. Stayed in Sutra Harbour. We hang around the hotel till around 8pm and only we headed out for a quick dinner. We ate bak kut teh at one of the shops. We were lucky that there is a free bus ride to town from the hotel for free at hourly basis. When we arrive back, we sat at the lobby while enjoying the music from the lounge that is near by while waiting for my cousin to arrive.


View From Swim Pool

View From Swim Pool

Swim Pool

Main Building

Swim Pool Again

Swim Pool


We headed to Nexus KaramBunei. I have to say from KK city to Nexus took us around 1 hour wiht GPS. It was really great to have a GPS to lead us all the way. While we were there, my sis, cousin and mum was busy shopping at the market for pearls. In Nexus, you can see all types of people from all types of country. Even those working there are mixture of Malaysians and Japanese. The Beach picture that I took and path is actually the same day, just that the path to the rooms were bright while the beach was a little gloomy. Spend 2 nights there



Looking At The Park From Lobby

Morning Picture (Around 730am)

Morning Picture (Around 730am)

Morning Picture (Around 8am)




I don't have any update and pictures for this as I was really piss off that day and I didnt go out to the foothill of mount KK and other places that my parents went.


Back to Sutera Harbour. The ladies went straight to shop. The guys had to check into the hotel 1st before we went to the town to check out the Pasar Pagi. All I can say that the morning market got a lot of cats, dogs, birds and other animals for sale. Not only that, there are many stalls that sells round neck T of Sabah. Below is the picture I took of the dog and after I took its picture, it woke up and tried to sniff me :P At night we went for seafood. We had oyster eggy which you can see the oyster for rm15. We ate another 7 dishes and free crab for 170 for 10 people to eat (8 adults, 2 kids)


Sleeping Dog

Seafood At Night

Friday, July 17, 2009

Because Of Haze

Because of haze, I tend to sneeze more when I am in direct contact with it. Even at the slightest haze I can sense it as my nose is so called ultra sharp. Because of haze also I was sick and I had to take MC on Friday. I wish that those who are burning where ever you are, that you will stop as it is just making people sick. I know burning is the fastest way out but its not the answer. But I guess none of you will listen as its the cheapest way out too. So thanks to you more people are sick.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Holiday Is Good

I was away from 9-13th. I have to admit with a holiday it will really recharge a person again for work. I was actually very dried and tired of work and was quite sick of it and really wanted to change job but I guess changing jobs is not the solution to it either. I guess when you work too hard you will surely feel sick as the boss / other people want this and that all the time and its really hard to give back what they want especially when the resource is very limited. I guess everyday I dare to say that we give our best but at times the best still cannot finish the work. So if your tired of work, take a break, but I have no kit kat to offer you :P

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

TC & WL Wedding

On 27th June 2k9, it was TC & WL wedding. We had a great time as usual in weddings. On Friday we arrange the chairs in the hall. On Saturday we had a good time in the morning by playing games. But one thing for sure we manage to trick the girls that we ate the wasabi bread but we didnt eat anything at all. Its all called tactics. But a friend of mine decided to eat it as he was hungry.

The it was morning wedding, then it was lunch and we went home after that.

For the night I was the driver for Chris, Jason Khoo and David Khaw. We manage to spend good time talking about different stuff and sharing about diff stuff. I know some of them wanted to try to get gf during wedding but I guess that didn't really turn out that way :P Anyway I was not 1 of them as my time is not here yet :P

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tribute To My Battery

My car battery died on me today. But I would like to thank my battery for its life span of 3 years. I guess I took care of the battery and I didn't allow the battery water to be low and tried to make it last as long as it can. I got a new battery today and I hope that the battery will last long too :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Found An Album

The other day when I was online I decided to find 1 of the albums that was started and I know 2 songs from that album that was nice. In the end I manage to find the whole album and manage to DL the whole thing. By DL the album, I manage to jimat at least rm32.90 :) If you want to know what album is that, drop me a note :P

Sunday, July 12, 2009


On 4th July I decided to call Lixia out for exercise. Been a while since I last saw her and I am glad that morning when we decided to go for a run the haze wasnt there. I actually manage to sweat after such a long time not doing some exercise. After running as usual we will drop by for breakfast and we ended up eating mamak food :p

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lost In Badminton Again

Well I played on my 2nd Olympics games and I lost. This time this guy always drop the shoot everywhere which is not possible to return. Darn its like those matches that you see in the badminton tourney that you watch on TV. But it dont really matter, we just play play and I guess we will play better the next time around :P

Friday, July 10, 2009

Real Story

When I was still studying in uni, I was really worried on what job I will do when I am out of school. I really cannot do programming as my programming is really out of the world. I was worried so I started to think to do part time jobs on weekends to earn a living. Then my friends were telling me that I should not be worried as there will be many jobs to do our there even if I cannot do programming. But that didnt really convince me that I will get a job that I can do.

But in the end I know God knows that I cannot do programming and I end up doing IT security which till today I am still doing. This job is not easy to do as it covers very wide of security issue in an organization. If you are not sure how wide it is, allow me to tell you now

  1. Policy & Procedures (PnP)
  2. IPS
  3. Firewall
  4. Antivirus Solutions
  5. Security Settings for servers & as400
  6. Documentations
  7. Security Check list
  8. Email Security Settings (last time in aeon)
  9. ID creation
  10. Answering emails
  11. etc.........

Some companies hire like 4-5 IT security but let me tell you, they even have problems managing their own work. They even violate the security processes. I mean no company is perfect but if there is a guideline, lets follow the guideline to make sure all things are done correctly :)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Dont Play With Trust

Something happen the other day @ office. While I was heading to 1U, my friend called me but since I am driving I decided not to answer the call. Anyway to cut the whole story short, this is what happen.

One of Team Leader (TL) was once caught and this time she really kantoi. She lied to the management that she was in WK but her staff say she is not there at that time and she was no where to be found in HQ. So in the end her reputation was gone as the MD wrote an email to everyone and informing them that he has already revoke her TL title. Not only that that email really is malu case. If someone wrote against me that way, I would not know where to hide. I would resign

So bottom line is don't lie. If you lie a few times you might not kantoi, but if you kantoi THATS IT!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Not My Problem Is My Problem, My Problem Is Whose Problem?

Well I am starting to feel sick of the title that I wrote on top. I don't really know why its like that. Will explain what is really happening. I was told that I don't have to touch system A and suddenly one day this stupid Team Leader programmer told me I will be so called 'involved'. Check the Chat.

Lilo : JT from today onwards any parameter change you will be involved
Lilo : Coz doing parameter change is quite technical and they cannot do it and we must do it.
JT : Ok, so?
Lilo: When ever there is a parameter change, it will be routed to u before the programmers will do it.

*Inside me was why so stupid? why want to keep me in look for everything?*

Lilo: The reason why need to go thru u 1st is because this is security

*parameter change is security? I can't even lock in the system so what security?*

Anyway I was not happy with his comments and I told my boss about it and my boss told me to tell those SMC dumb people to route it straight to the Programmers. When they want to come in and change the stuff then only they will let me know. Darn imagine if I go for leave for 1 week (which is majorly impossible) then the logs come to me wont I get into trouble if I breach the SLA? Some stuff is just major weird to me, which is really beyond my understanding.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Classic Driving Skills

I was driving to office one morning and there was this car on the middle lane on LDP. I notice that this car indicator was on for the right hand side change lane. But next thing I knew, the car turn left! I was like "huh like that also can!" But I have seen many times people put indicator to left but they end up on the right or other wise :P

Monday, July 06, 2009

Cat Died

Finally I am quite happy to say that in DJ there is this cat that I call Gangster Cat / No Tail Cat is finally dead. How did it die? Well I am not sure either. All I know is that day when I came back from work my mum told me she had to help the neigbour put the cat into a hole that the neighbour dug. Then I ask my mum is that cat grey in color, my mum told me no and I asked if got tail she say no which I was so happy.

Reason why I am happy is because this cat always fight with any cats that he sees. Its like my road belongs to him and the other cats have no say @ my road. This cat is really gangster. Front road he fight with other cats, back lane also fight. Since I haven't seen the cat for quite some time, I believe it is dead. I am really happy as there is no more or can I say less fighting happening between cats. But one thing I can say, there is another 1 more cat which is Black and White was part of this Gangster cat and now it no longer fight with others (haven't see that happen for quite some time). Hopefully all the gangster cat will just die of heart attack and there will be less problems at my side.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Do Not Turn On A/C Immediately

Do not turn on A/C immediately as soon as you enter the car!

Please open the windows after you enter your car and do not turn ON the air-conditioning immediately. According to a research done, the car dashboard, sofa, air freshener emits Benzene, a Cancer causing toxin (carcinogen- take note of the heated plastic smell in your car). In addition to causing cancer, it poisons
your bones, causes anemia, and reduces white blood cells. Prolonged exposure will cause Leukemia, increasing the risk of cancer may also cause miscarriage.

Acceptable Benzene level indoors is 50 mg per sq. ft. A car parked indoors with the windows closed will contain 400-800 mg of Benzene. If parked outdoors
under the sun at a temperature above 60 degrees F, the Benzene level goes up to 2000-4000 mg, 40 times the acceptable level... & the people inside the car will
inevitably inhale an excess amount of the toxins.

It is recommended that you open the windows and door to give time for
the interior to air out before you enter. Benzene is a toxin that affects your kidney and liver, and is very difficult for your body to expel this toxic stuff.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Starting To Goyang

I am starting to feel a lil shaky in my work. I am not sure if it is time for me to leave. It seems not only I am starting to feel shaky but most of the team is already starting to feel shaky. It seems that all of us have one thing in common to say which is our boss is not strong enough.

Reason why I am starting to feel shaky is because my boss keep on saying I am not performing. Damm doing IT Security is not easy and its really tough job especially when you need to do so many things (technical + docs). Since I am already starting to feel shaky, I am starting to find other options which mean I could be out of this company.

I am starting to feel sick when people is saying to tell me that I am not performing even though I try my very best to make sure all is updated rather than doing it on the day before audit. But since I am starting to feel shaky I will have to start to pray that if its God's will for me to get a stint in S'pore then S'pore here I come

Friday, July 03, 2009


The other day my friend asked me to help her sister to take a pen as she won a competition. From the website it says its an Rm80 pen. So as I was there to take the pen and when I was talking to Adrian while the person went to get the gift I was wondering wil be like in a nice casing and etc. But when I got then pen I was so wrong.

Damm the pen was like just a rm5 (that is the maximum price I will give) pen. There was no proper casing. Then I was wondering if the pen is rm5 where did the rm75 went too? I mean honest la, if it should be an rm80 pen then let it look like 1 ok. Don't let it look so cheapskate.

Now I am really wondering if the 1st price was quite a cheapskate too..

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Fifa 2007

Yup I know its a old game, but I don't really play the game when I am a manager of a team. I just simulate the game and get the best players to play for my team. I started off the game with Boston which was in Div 3 in England and in that team I put the strongest line up to play which is as below.

  1. Buffon
  2. John Terry
  3. Ferdinand
  4. Sergio Ramos
  5. Christiano Ronaldo
  6. Frank Ribery
  7. Fabregas
  8. Robben
  9. Torres
  10. Messi
  11. David Villa

Since the team is so powerful, I didn't have to play any game at all. They just won every single game till they went up to the premier league and even won every game. We practically won every single cup that we could get our hands on. A few seasons later, I decided to come back and find my players that have been playing so well as a team and every season when my team is a champion, I will resign and go to another club and will try to buy back my players. I have bid Messi for $135 million then only the club would accept. His starting price was already at $90 million. Even now when I simulate the game, Christiano Ronaldo is already 30 years old. So how long will I continue to play the game? I don't really know :p

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Something I saw...

The other day when I was heading to office in the morning and since it was red light I had to stop. In front of me was a girl who was using the aircond to like dry her hair or something and she was tilting her head to the aircond level. Then I was like oh ok. Next thing when I turn back to my back mirror, the girl behind was doing the same thing! I was like wondering if it is a norm for girls to use aircond to blow their hair in the morning :P