Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I just want to share the incident that happened to me yesterday. I received a call from a woman by the name Lisa claiming she is calling on behalf of Bank Negara. She introduced herself formally and explained to me that Bank Negara is concerned for credit card users in Malaysia who overspend their limit and put themselves too deep in debt. So, Bank Negara is introducing this new 'MBF Countdown Backup' card for all owners of credit cards all around Malaysia and will soon be a compulsory thing.

The card, according to Lisa, will be swiped everytime a transaction is performed using your credit card and this will enable Bank Negara to monitor our spending. And in return, we will get discounts ranging from 5% to 40% for different merchants.

Then, this is where my stupidity sets in. Because she spoke to me in Bahasa Malaysia and the background noise implicates that it is a bank working environment, and above all this, she was able to read out to me my 16-digit credit card numbers and particulars and even my outstanding balance with the credit card, it convinced me that this could be a new system implemented by Bank Negara.

So, when she asked for my 3-digit approval code written behind the credit card, I 'STUPIDLY' gave it to her.

Then after all this was charade was over, Lisa informed me that a charge of RM 480 will be charged to my credit card as a starters fee to waive off the annual fee. This woke me up!! So, I questioned Lisa on why do I need to pay for something that Bank Negara wants to implement to help the people of Malaysia (not a very noble cause). Then she explained to me that they are from a company calling on behalf of Bank Negara. And she said all the banks are well aware of this system. She then passed me over to her manager, Mr. Zakri or Mr. Z (similar to the MIB) or something. This gentleman then tries to assure me that this is not a fraud or scam.

Then after his long-winded speech about the benefits of their card (no longer Bank Negara's), I told him to hold the approval of the card as I don't need it. I told him that I will call my bank to verify this card and get back to him. He agreed to my suggestion and even gave me 2 of his contact numbers for me to get back to him (03-40422522 and 03-40424288) .

So, when I called both my credit card banks regarding this matter both banks told me that there was no such thing. Immediately I told them that I might have fellen for a fraud telephony case and wanted to cancel and suspend all my credit cards. The banks suspended my cards and agreed to send me a replacement card. Then when I called back Mr. Z at the number he gave me, a different lady attended to me and passed me on to a Chinese lady who spoke in mandarin to me in a very heavy China accent. I told them that I have called my cc banks and canceled my cards and specifically told her that I do not agree to their terms and I don't want their offer. She explained to me and assured me that they will delete my cc details and not charge me for anything. So, all this happened yesterday.

Being paranoid, I called my banks again this morning to double check if any transactions had gone through yesterday after I canceled my card. And guess what. Those m#^*!fkers actually did try to charge me but the banks did not let the transactions go through. I consider myself lucky coz I acted a step ahead of them.

Lesson from all of this, never ever entertain telephony offers that involve credit cards. Two of my colleagues fell for these scams before and 1 of them was lucky enough to have the bank recognise it as a fraud case while the other 1 lost RM3,000.

Monday, June 29, 2009


Boss walked into the office one morning not knowing that his zipper was down.

His secretary walked up to him and asked,
'Boss this morning when you left your house, did you close your gate ?'

Boss was not smart enough to understand, so he went back into his office looking a bit puzzled !

When he was about done with his paper work, he suddenly noticed that his Zipper was not zipped up.

He zipped up and remembering what his secretary had told him, then boss finally understood.

He then intentionally went out to ask for a cup of coffee from his secretary.

When he reached her desk, He said, 'When you saw the gate open did you see my BMW parked in there ?'

The secretary smiled for a moment and said,

'No, Boss I didn't.
All I saw was a Kancil 600 with 2 flat tyre.'

Boss went back to his office mumering... %^&*&#$@..........

Sunday, June 28, 2009

I Wish I Was Good And Got $

This is one of my favorite guitar. It's Steve Vai Jem 7V. I wish one day I will earn enough to get a Taylors guitar too which can be a Taylors 814 which has FMI saddle and RTS 2. But never mind, practice 1st then next time can upgrade my gear once again :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chicken Wings

Avoid eating chicken wings frequently - ladies, especially; a true story...!

A friend of mine recently had a growth in her womb and she underwent an operation to remove the cyst. The cyst removed was filled with a dark colored blood. She thought that she would be recovered after the surgery but! she was terribly wrong.

A relapse occurred just a few months later. Distressed , she rushed down to her gynecologist for a consultation.

During her consultation, her doctor asked her a question that puzzled her. He ask if she was a frequent consumer of chicken wings and she replied yes wondering as to how, he knew of her eating habits. You see, the truth is in this modern day and age; chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate their growth so that the needs of this society can be met. This need is none other than the need for food.

Chickens that are injected with steroids are usually given the shot at the neck or the wings. Therefore, it is in these places that the highest concentration of steroids exists. These steroids have terrifying effects on the body as it accelerates growth.. It has an even more dangerous effect in the presence of female hormones, this leads to women being more prone to the growth of a cyst in the womb. Therefore, I advise the people out there to watch their diets and to lower their frequency of consuming chicken wings!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Eating Fruits

We all think eating fruits means just buying fruits, cutting it and just popping it into our mouths. It's not as easy as you think. It's important to know how and when to eat.

What is the correct way of eating fruits?
IT MEANS NOT EATING FRUITS AFTER YOUR MEALS! - FRUITS SHOULD BE EATEN ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. If you eat fruit on an empty stomach, it will play a major role to detoxify your system, supplying you with a great deal of energy for weight loss and other life activities.

FRUIT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FOOD - Let's say you eat two slices of bread and then a slice of fruit. The slice of fruit is ready to go straight through the stomach into the intestines, but it is prevented from doing so.

In the meantime the whole meal rots and ferments and turns to acid. The minute the fruit comes into contact with the food in the stomach and digestive juices, the entire mass of food begins to spoil.

So please eat your fruits on an empty stomach or before your meals! You have heard people complaining - every time I eat water-melon I burp, when I eat durian (fruit from Asia with a foul smell yet delicious flavor) my stomach bloats up, when I eat a banana I feel like running to the toilet etc... - actually all this will not arise if you eat the fruit on an empty stomach. The fruit mixes with the putrefying other food and produces gas and hence you will bloat!

Graying hair, balding, nervous outburst, and dark circles under the eyes all these will not happen if you take fruits on an empty stomach.

There is no such thing as some fruits, like orange and lemon are acidic, because all fruits become alkaline in our body, according to Dr. Herbert Shelton who did research on this matter. If you have mastered the correct way of eating fruits, you have the Secret of beauty, longevity, health, energy, happiness and normal weigh t.

When you need to drink fruit juice - drink only fresh fruit juice, NOT from the cans. Don't even drink juice that has been heated up. Don't eat cooked fruits because you don't get the nutrients at all. You only get to taste. Cooking destroys all the vitamins.

But eating a whole fruit is better than drinking the juice. If you should drink the juice, drink it mouthful by mouthful slowly, because you must let it mix with your saliva before swallowing it.
You can go on a 3-day fruit fast to cleanse your body. Just eat fruits and drink fruit juice throughout the 3 days and you will be surprised when your friends tell you how radiant you look!

KIWI: Tiny but mighty. This is a good source of potassium, magnesium, vitamin E & fiber. Its vitamin C content is twice that of an orange.

APPLE: An apple a day keeps the doctor away? Although an apple has a low vitamin C content, it has antioxidants & flavonoids which enhances the activity of vitamin C thereby helping to lower the risks of colon cancer, heart attack & stroke.

STRAWBERRY: Protective Fruit. Strawberries have the highest total antioxidant power among major fruits & protect the body from cancer-causing, blood vessel-clogging free radicals.

ORANGE: Sweetest medicine, eating 2 to 4 oranges a day may help keep colds away, lower cholesterol, prevent & dissolve kidney stones as well as lessens the risk of colon cancer.

WATERMELON: Coolest thirst quencher. Composed of 92% water, it is also packed with a giant dose of glutathione, which helps boost our immune system. They are also a key source of lycopene - the cancer fighting oxidant. Other nutrients found in watermelon are vitamin C & Potassium.

GUAVA & PAPAYA: Top awards for vitamin C. They are the clear winners for their high vitamin C content. Guava is also rich in fiber, which helps prevent constipation. Papaya is rich in carotene; this is good for your eyes.

Drinking Cold water after a meal = Cancer! Can you believe this??
For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this 'sludge' reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks
Women should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line. You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. Sixty percent of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive...

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this...It could save your life!!

Let's say it's 6.15 pm and you're driving home. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to radiate out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself.


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.

However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and vigorously. A deep breath should be taken before each cough, deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest.

A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.

Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. This allows the heart attack victim to get to a hospital.

Tell as many people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ext Hot & Ext Cold

Office is ext cold at times and outside is ext hot every time. That's the weather problem that I have in my life. Office is cold is cool but when we go out for lunch and we come back its like freaking hot then we go into a freaking cold room. But because the weather has been so hot, I wish I can stay in the DC rooms which are empty. Its like free aircond, water to drink, internet which is 2mb, just that we dont have proper toilet. If we have proper toilet everything is complete then I can work and stay in office :P

And nope I am not going crazy over work that I want to stay there. There is nothing to do there actually other than have the cold air. So I guess I will have to on more aircond at home and pay my mum more rent :P

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Are You Drinking The Right Tea?

1. People who use their 'brain' to work or students who study hard day and night.
--- Should drink more Chrysanthemum Tea.

2. People who need a lot of body energy to work or those people who exercise a lot everyday.
--- Should drink Wu Loong Tea.

3. People who travel on a bike or work in dirty and polluted places.
--- Should drink Green Tea.

4. For people who like to sit down all day long and not do anything, even exercising

--- Must drink Green Tea and Flower Tea.

5. People who smoke and drink a lot of alcoholic drinks.
--- Should drink more Green Tea.

6. Carnivore (i.e. People who must eat meat at least once a day, or feel sickly)
--- Try to drink some Wu Loong Tea.

7. People who go to the washroom too often or not often enough.
--- Should drink more Honey Tea

8. People with high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
--- Wu Loong Tea, Green Tea.

9. Those who work with computers everyday.
--- Need to drink a Lot of Tea (any tea will do).

Whenever you are working with the computer, you should make some tea; drink it when you are free.

Drinking Tea is healthy, it can protect and prevent the harmful Ultraviolet light from harming us (when using computer).

Furthermore, it can also relief us when we are tired and help make our body feel fresh again



All of us know that soyabean drink provides good protein to our body... but many of us don't know that there are certain days we should avoid drinking it.

Soya bean drinks are best consumed on hot sunny days when the sun is strong. The soya milk will give lots of nutrients to the body as the body is able to absorb the protein well.

However, avoid the drink when the weather is cloudy or raining. Taking the drink in that weather, the body will not be able to take in the protein and will result in a disease called ‘GOUT’ or 'high acidic urine' due to the high protein residue in the body, after a long run.

This disease will cause pain to your knee joints and it will only be in control when you control your food intake of proteins and medication. The pain is unbearable and usually you will have no idea what you have taken to cause the pain. Food like soya beans, anchovies, broccoli, spinach, peanuts, & n esp animal organs ( i.e. pork liver) etc will have to be avoided to prevent the pain from attacking.

So my friend, pass this to your family, relatives and friends to keep an alert on the pros and cons of soya bean milk and when it is to be taken and to be avoided

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Plant Trees Then Cut Them?

Its like now everyone is like 'we need to plant more trees'. But the thing is after planting the trees, there will be some people who will cut them especially when the trees are really big. It takes time for trees to grow but a snap of a finger the trees are gone. So why do we actually bother to plant trees and keep on saying it is for our next generation if not they cannot enjoy what we have when you keep on destorying all the trees and environment?

I actually want to have my dead leaves to rot on the ground so that the soil will be more fertile but my dad doesn't allow that to happen as he says the snails will come. I wish I got some flower pot which I can just throw the dead leaves in and let it rot. But I know for it to rot it will take some time but its ok, things cannot change over night.

So question, do we plant trees and cut them down later?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Win 2K3 & Win 2K8

I guess servers change every 4-5years. Now Windows 2K8 is up. Boss told my gang to look into it and I guess I will look into it as I am the Windows guy. It will be a great chance to learn it. I wish my work place will extra servers that I can play with by installing what I want. But it wont be so easy as servers are EXPENSIVE toys.

I wish I can learn more but I can't as I have something called B P S O D. Its really hard to do. Even under the lesson from another trainee, its really a dread. I mean I'm not paid to do that stuff but I have 4 customers and I have to face programmers and do my work. So how to be good at your work when you are so distracted? How to find gf also? Cannot find lor...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Guitar Playing Geting A Little Bad Again

I havent been really taking up my guitar to play thanks to a lot of OT that I do. At times I wish I had a guitar in office and when I am really sick of working I can take it up and play a little or even practice some of the stuff that I need to improve. Not only that due to OT after work I come home and bath and sleep. Thats the end of my day. So to my guitar, sorry if I havent play you so often. Its all work fault

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

To my Dad,

Friday, June 19, 2009

Last Week..........

Last week I did ushering and this uncle who always kacau me on bf gf was at it again. I was standing with him and 3 girls (2 was my height 1 more taller, flat shoes!!) walk to my section where I was ushering and sat down. Then the uncle was at me @g@in. Check out the coverstaion below

Uncle : Go and take either 1 la

*was a little disgusted at his remarks. To me proper approach if not its disrespectful to other party*

Jason : nolar uncle cannot.
Uncle : why cannot?
Jason : not time yet
Uncle : Why not time yet? U c ur sister got married, my son also got married then ur turn
Uncle : you c that guy also got gf already *a f4 boy who he and i know*
Jason : time will come.

I actually respect girls a lot and I don't want to like simply go and whack any tom dick and harry and ask them to be my gf. It should be done in a correct way. I still remember that my proposal that I once made and I showed to people and they told me if it was them, they will accept my proposal straight away. But everyone will have their way to catch the heart of their love 1's

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Take Holiday Also Cannot

I applied leave for Friday and Monday. But yet my boss ask me to take 1 day only. What I don't get it is he loves to m16 me and since I always kena m16 am I that important? Of course not la! Then better he let me off for longer holiday. Then AL is given to me so why I cannot take? Then why my friends can go on holiday yet I can't?

I really don't get it. I am not performing according to him. Since I am not performing, I don't know why I need to have so much responsibility. Darn its all about Security. I wish I had my own room, no programmers kacau me so that I can really do my work.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Question I Cannot Answer

Was in CG the other day and since there were new people checking out the CG, they decided to ask the question to everyone, which is "when are you getting married". 1st person was mr leader and since he is married, he could answer easily.

Next was me. Honest I could not answer that question at all. Liz Lee then ask if I will be getting married. I could not answer that question too. So my leader asked me to give a number and I really could not give a number too.

Of Why I cannot answer or give a number or etc...is because hack with r'ship 1st. The time will come when I am truly ready. I am not in a desperate mode yet. I am still enjoying every single second of my life so far.




Tuesday, June 16, 2009

End Of Season 8

Smallville ended their season 8 not so long ago. But the thing is the show ended in a very not happening way. The way he killed that beast was too easy. Its like a bomb then that doomsday is dead? So easy? How come? I mean when Davis Bloom was still the best, even in a car explosion that monster in him didnt die. Weird but true...

But I guess S9 will be more exciting as I believe Zod is back and hopefully Clark Kent can fly la. I mean so many seasons he still cannot fly. He better take some tuition really soon :P

Monday, June 15, 2009

I Need A Holiday

I really need a holiday. I know I will be going in July but I guess I just need a break from work. Work has been up to me till sometimes I wish I don't have to work at all. The last time I went for a holiday was with my Canadian cousins in Cameron Highlands. It was 5 months ago when I was there with them. I have to admit that I really enjoyed myself there as my cousins were my age group and I really thank God I manage to go as I have never seen them before. I really enjoyed every second I was around them, from eating, to walking around Camerons while chatting with them, sitting and enjoying air and chatting with them. Not forgetting the food that we ate was good too.

I wish my July holiday will be a memorable for me again. I guess before the July holiday, I will take a couple of days off from work just to rest or even hang out in the movies to just to unwind. But it seems 1U movies are now at rm11. Last time it was only rm9. I guess I will have to take the offday on a Wednesday so I can watch cheaper movies :P

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Recap & Update

This was what I put in January 2009 Must Do. Well I will update if I am up the mark.
  1. Do Better as an Security Administrator - Not really up the mark, did learn new stuff though.
  2. Pray more & constant QT. I really want to see dreams / visions from God once again. - Slacking at times. Not seeing any dreams / visions
  3. Be better in guitar to lead CG for worship - Working on that
  4. Practice guitar all the way! Must be better this year - Working on that.
  5. Want to give my best when ushering.- Got promotion to be sectional leader. Now serving my best I can every 2 weeks.
6. Must Finish SOL Level 2 - Have to rekindle the fire to finish those easier courses 1st.
7. Start to find the other half of my life - Honest answer, never find my other half this year

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Superb Vocals

On the last day of MCCC (so called Saturday), Patrick, Juwita, Steve and Aunty Stef did one song called 'One'. This song can be found in Steve's album. I have to admit, vocals of the 4 really shocking. The music was tape, but the vocals were real. Darn good sound. The tone was superb. Wish I could do those stuff too just like them.

At the end of the celebration, so many people wanted to take pictures with Juwita and Patrick. I myself haven't had the chance to take picture with both of them yet till today. I wish my day will come one day :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

No Increment

This year there wont be any increment for my side. Wish we had at least a little bit then it will be better for our pockets. Without increment, got to do more OT to earn money. But now a days I try to keep my work to up to date so I don't have to do so much OT. But it is really important so that I don't like slack and do last minute work which is bad. I guess I need to learn how to put my time to the best from 9-530 and also learn how to improve myself in my work. I still need to get a lot of experience in other stuff which I am still weak in and be better in it so that I will be an overall person.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

So Many Subjects In SPM?

Every year when I read the newspapers that SPM results are out, I am really shocked to see that people are doing like 16 subjects, or 18 subjects for SPM. Not only that, they can hit like 17A1 and 1A2. I was like what on earth? I mean during my time 9 subjects is enough to kill me and now students can take 18 subjects? It is either the kids today are smarter or the exam is a lot easier. So which is which? If you have taken more than 10 subjects, do tell me how u do that

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Check This Out

Must Hear!! WORTH YOUR TIME. Click Here. Its Amazing Grace song and its a bassist that is playing the song. For harmonics of amazing grace, click here

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

So Much Fun

I haven't been touching my guitar for quite some time. After church on the 3oth. I spend nearly 3hours playing. I guess you guys must be what? 3 Hours? Yeah really 3 hours. I got back around 750pm, saw my guitar sitting there calling out my name and I was like yeah time to practice some of the songs that I know and start to practice some other stuff that I don't know. I always wanted to learn the song 'Everyday'. But because of strumming pattern, I could not play that song. But after watching youtube, I manage to learn how to play that song. So thanks to youtube being my teacher and thanks to those who uploaded clips on how to play that song. Actually my finger really hurt after playing for that long hours, but I still force myself to go on.

31st of May was another day that I practice for nearly 2 hours. Fingers the night before already hurt but I kept on playing as I wanted to get the tone right. Not only that, when I played the music and practice, it seems my timing is a little slow. So must find the correct way to boost my strumming patter :P

Monday, June 08, 2009

So Many People

On 23rd Of May, I was doing ushering and there were 45 people(If I am not wrong about the figure) going to get baptize in church. Most of them were youths! I was like wow! All the youths were really fired up and it is really nice to see that kind of scene when people are so excited. I thought ushering will be piece of cake as all those who are getting baptize sat together and sat at my side the front row.

But once the worship started, the youths all went infront! I was like ALAMAK! At that time I honestly had no idea how many seats are empty and etc. I only could guess by checking if the seats had items on it or not. At around 510 many people started to sit where the musicians sat. I had no choice then had to talk on air (walkie actually) to my leaders that we were running out of chairs. Can you imagine those people who dont have seats were standing with me? I still tried my best to find seats for people even though so many people were standing with me.

In the end upstairs open and those who were hanging around my place cleared and went upstairs. Then in the end all the youths sat back at their place and it was full actually. But there were couple of loose seats around. The thing about baptism is it will always remind me that I was there before.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Petrol Going Up In September

Petrol will be up on 1st September. Luckily this time they gave us a longer time before they push it up to rm2 on ron97 and rm1.75 on ron95. Now I am really wondering if I pump ron95 will there be any side effects on my car. On my car petrol cover they told me to use ron97. But since ron97 will be @ rm2, I am not sure which ron I should be using. I am using an old car, wira, around 11 / 12 years of age. My car is actually still in a really great form (that's my opinion). I wish to keep my car for at least another 5+ years or even more if possible since it has gone for a overhaul. Next reason for me to keep the car is because this car has a big space and during parties it can fit 3 tables and other stuff inside. If I get a car today, the car wont be able to fit so many things.

Anyway since like last time when petrol is going to go up at night, everyone will rush and fill up their cars. But since now they have already told in advance, please fill up your car to the max before 1st of September. I guess I will max it out and with a max out petrol (maybe rm60), I can use it for at least 3 weeks or if possible will try to push it to a month b4 refill :P

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Diploma Story Part 11

My room was actually at the corner for my 1st year in hostel. But this story which I am sharing now really happen to me. One of our classes was cancled. I was heading back to the hostel to rest. After I change, I sat down reading some of my stuff, suddenly there was a knock on my door. Then I went to open, I found no 1 there.

So I went back to what I was doing, then there was a knock on my door again. So I went to open and I found no one again. So on the 3rd knock, I went to see further to see if my classmate wanted to kacau me. But there was no one again. From my room if you knock and you want to run, its not possible to run that fast away from being detected. When I went to the next door (my jiran door always open when they are at class) to peep if they were playing a trick on me. This time for sure I knew that I was 'disturbed'. On the 4th knock, I prayed and bind those 'things' that was disturbing me and there was no 5th knock anymore.

During lunch time, I went to check my classmate out and if he came to knock my room door and he told me he was never near my room after class. I only later found out that during the construction of the hostel, there was a spot check on the place and some of the construction workers actually jump into the dirty river to escape. My friends told me there were a couple of casualties during that jump. Scared? Nah, Coz Jesus Lives In Me and With US :)

Friday, June 05, 2009

Diploma Story Part 10

As I was staying in hostel for the 1st time in my life in Year 1 Sem 2, I was actually staying beside a surau. Not really beside but if you walk in 2o steps you will be able to reach the surau. I was actually wondering how I was able to sleep if they pray in the morning. At the 1st few times I was affected but after a while I was really used to it already.

During the nights, all the hostel rooms will be visited by an insect that is attracted to lights. Across us is an oil palm plantation and we are only separated by a very very dirty river *I believe it is the most polluted river. Its Juru river*. This insects that visits us every night is really small. It is as small as those lil black flies that fly around your rubbish. But once this insect bite you, its really painful. All of us were beaten by the insect. After the bite, your skin will swell then inflammed. My friends who were staying the other side which is nearer the river got it the worst. But after we complain to the warden, they got people to spray something on our land so once the insect smells it, it fly far far away which was good! Since we had insects, we never ever had mosquito in our hostel. Really. I was NEVER BITTEN by a mosquito there before :)

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Haze Is Back

Alamak jiran oh jiran, why do u burn? Because you burn we suffer. Now our friend who we know very well called Mr / Mrs Haze is back to great us. I know burning will be the fastest way to clear the forest / plantation, but there are side effects to it. We will have to smell the extra perfume in the air which is not nice.

I am one guy who is quite sensitive to this type of stuff. Even the haze might be mild (at times others cannot catch it, but I can) my nose will react to it. I cannot kena too much haze as it will cause my nose to be itchy and I wont feel that well after that.

So I am asking those of us who stay at haze affected areas, take care of yourself. Try not to burn any extra stuff to add on to the air which is not healty anymore.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Where To Learn Guitar?

If you guys want to learn guitar and you are not sure if you want to go for classes and you just want to try it out, you can try it out here. I am learning a little from this place too. So come lets learn together :)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Work Work

1 week of tiredness. Man project implementation is never easy. Its worst when I not only have to focus on 1 project but at the same time entertain the other 2 projects and entertain people at the same time. Its really tiring job. Wish I was some entertainer, just sit down there and talk to people. But this one cannot as I need to walk from here to there, do this and that, answer phone calls and etc.

For the whole week (except Tuesday) I been doing overtime. My overtime started on Sunday till Friday. My original plan is to go back at 530pm and have dinner with my parents as I haven't seen them for nearly the whole week. I can say for each day I just see them like around 45mins? But the programmers drop me a mail at 3pm to tell me they want to do migration at 8pm *grrrrr*. No choice but had to stay back. I told them that any migration must let me know in advance. But advance can be like 1 day before and not 2 half hours before I go home..

Not only that, when I come back from work, I am really tired. The other day (Monday) my mum ask me why work so much OT and if I needed money and my reply was had to clear work because of project implementation. On Tuesday I came back at around 620pm and my mum ask me why I come back so early? On Thursday my mum ask me why I come back so late. Alamak how la :P

Monday (1st June) will be key injection. It will be another long day for me. I believe the whole week will be a long and extremely taxing as after key injection, they will need to run full test which I am then again very much involved.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Degree Story Part 1

Since I have so many diploma stories, I will start with my degree stories. I will always remember this guy called 'smokey' who was my classmate in year 1 sem 1. None of my classmates knew his name and he just pop into my class even later than me (about 1 month later). We called him smokey as his nick name as he doesnt really speak to us and he smokes like crazy! His whole body and baju just smell smoke. After studying for 3 weeks, he was not found in class anymore. Then one of the lecturers told us that he didn't pay any fees and he didnt even enroll into the Uni. I guess he decided to try my uni before he wanted to commit anything to the university.