Monday, June 15, 2009

I Need A Holiday

I really need a holiday. I know I will be going in July but I guess I just need a break from work. Work has been up to me till sometimes I wish I don't have to work at all. The last time I went for a holiday was with my Canadian cousins in Cameron Highlands. It was 5 months ago when I was there with them. I have to admit that I really enjoyed myself there as my cousins were my age group and I really thank God I manage to go as I have never seen them before. I really enjoyed every second I was around them, from eating, to walking around Camerons while chatting with them, sitting and enjoying air and chatting with them. Not forgetting the food that we ate was good too.

I wish my July holiday will be a memorable for me again. I guess before the July holiday, I will take a couple of days off from work just to rest or even hang out in the movies to just to unwind. But it seems 1U movies are now at rm11. Last time it was only rm9. I guess I will have to take the offday on a Wednesday so I can watch cheaper movies :P


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