Friday, June 05, 2009

Diploma Story Part 10

As I was staying in hostel for the 1st time in my life in Year 1 Sem 2, I was actually staying beside a surau. Not really beside but if you walk in 2o steps you will be able to reach the surau. I was actually wondering how I was able to sleep if they pray in the morning. At the 1st few times I was affected but after a while I was really used to it already.

During the nights, all the hostel rooms will be visited by an insect that is attracted to lights. Across us is an oil palm plantation and we are only separated by a very very dirty river *I believe it is the most polluted river. Its Juru river*. This insects that visits us every night is really small. It is as small as those lil black flies that fly around your rubbish. But once this insect bite you, its really painful. All of us were beaten by the insect. After the bite, your skin will swell then inflammed. My friends who were staying the other side which is nearer the river got it the worst. But after we complain to the warden, they got people to spray something on our land so once the insect smells it, it fly far far away which was good! Since we had insects, we never ever had mosquito in our hostel. Really. I was NEVER BITTEN by a mosquito there before :)


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