Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Cat Worst Nightmare Part 7 Update

I just got back from Choir and I went to check my back yard to see if the kittens are still there. They are no longer there as before I left for practice, I really terrorize them till they really freak out. I kept on pouring water or shall I say shooting water on them till 2 of them fell of the place they were hiding. I bet it is a painful fall as it is about 3 feet high. The were meowing for help and their parents only can see what I am doing from a far. But the place they are resting is one of the hottest place to rest as that place gets direct sunlight and the kittens are protected by a black plastic bag. I guess that helps a little bit and I thought I was really doing them a favour by pouring some water to cool the place around :P

The Cat Worst Nightmare Part 7

I hate cats as most of you all will know. If you don't know what I have done to cat's in my life before, do check out my old blog.

This morning when I woke up and came down to my computer room, I was wondering why my room smells so bad. It smells like shit from cat's puu puu. I was piss off and started to check my back yard and I found a mother cat and 3 little kittens. I then started to plot what I should do to those cats. I decided to pour 1 cup of water and 2nd cup and the 3rd cup and I decided to go head on with a one on one encounter by pouring water directly on those cats. The mother cat then decided to run and check out what are our movements from a far.

I actually wanted to go further by boiling hot water and pour on those cats as those cats at times fight behind the lane which will awaken me from my sleep. I then told my dad about those kittens and my dad wanted to throw them outside of the house but he didn't as they are very cute. I decided to give those kittens a chance. If they make noise tonight, I will really pour hot water on them when I see them.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


Please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about.

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this "sludge" reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.

A serious note about heart attacks - You should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting. Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a he! art attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let's be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.

A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we'll save at least one life. Read this & Send the link to a friend. It could save a life. So, please be a true friend and send

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tiring But Worth It All

I have to say that from last Sunday till the 5th of December I will be extremely busy nearly most of the days as I have to attend for choir practice from 3-7pm for every Sunday and from 8-11 pm on Monday's and Wednesday's.

Last Sunday was the 1st Sunday that we did 4 hours of rehearsal and boy I have to admit I was really tired. I was in church for Sunday celebration from 9am till 7pm (most of the time in church and for 2 hours eating and waiting and chilling out). By the time I got home, the only thing I really wanted to do is sleep. But I feel that it is worth every single time that I spend in church as I get to interact with different people and also kids that I love so much. I guess even though I am tired I don't make so much noise is because this is what I really want to do for God and Church.

My mum did ask me the other day why this production, and I did have the answers before. Answers are,

  1. we are at the dreamcenter and it will be wonderful to be up on stage.
  2. Singing is my passion and the last time I was in a major production was in 1999
  3. Its part of giving back my time to God (serving)

Event is really coming really soon and I have to say I am really excited to be up there to sing and make some joyful noise for Heaven :)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Wedding Dinner

The other day when I was about to go home, I was in the pantry with my 2 other friends (C and S) and one of my friend decided to tell my other friend about my plans of the wedding dinner next time. C told S that I will be having my wedding dinner at Mac Donald's and both of them started to laugh so much in the pantry. We had a good time of laughing in the pantry about wedding ring, wedding dinner place and even I was the subject of talk.

C then suggested to me that I should have my wedding dinner at Taman Jaya Lrt A&W as it there is a small playground for kids to play. I then added that if the people are still hungry, opposite A&W there is Mac Donald's and there wont be any traffic jam as everybody can take the lrt for my wedding :P

Anyway I was at my wedding place yesterday as I went there for a drink before my choir practice at 3pm. Had a rootbear and 2 scoops of ice cream. Being there remind me of the days when I was smaller and my parents would bring me to A&W on either Christmas eve or Christmas night for a drink and also to eat the waffle. It was like every single year I will be there especially in my primary school years.

Anyway don't worry I am not having my wedding dinner @ macdess or even A&W. Not going to think about that for now too as it is still too early to ponder upon. Lets wait and see where I will have my wedding dinner.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Pocket Tissue

After plaster's story, its time for pocket tissue story. I have been carrying pocket tissue since 6 years ago. Last time I bring it around for fun, but now I really make sure that I have a pocket tissue with me. I still remember there was once I had dinner with a couple of my friends (2 girls and 2 guys) and when one of the girls ask who got tissue, I was the only 1 who whip out my tissue and offered them. They were shocked. They then ask me "how come you bring tissue wan". My answer was simple "I am worried that my girlfriend will cry one day".

Jokes aside, pocket tissue is really a need these days especially after when an individual takes lunch, dinner or etc. Not only that, tissue can be used to wipe of sweat, blood, tears or other things. Tissue comes in important when you lease expect it to be needed to be used. Actually I only know the importance of bringing pocket tissue when I was involved in an tiny accident in KL last time. My forehead was hit by the car park bar. Then I bled as my skin was tore a little on the forehead. The reason of my accident is because 2 person in front of me walk so slow and I over took them and I paid the price for overtaking them.

So its no harm for guys to carry tissue too. My advice is do it, as you don't know when your girlfriend is really going to cry :)

Plaster In Wallet

As we were doing our practice in the church for our Christmas Presentation, Hung Lan suddenly ask a few people seating on the chair this question "does anyone have a plaster" and everyone told them her no, but I told her I have and I took out my wallet and took out a plaster and gave it to her. Those who were there (guys and girls) were really shocked that I had a plaster in my wallet. I actually gave her 2 plaster and she return one to me.

Julia then commented this "I wish you were my little brother then I know I will be well taken care off and she added do you have a microwave in your wallet too?" I only laugh and told her that I was still working on that. I guess most people are amaze that I bring stuff that guys usually don't bring like pocket tissue and even plasters around. They are really needed in time when you least expect that you need to use it or even others who need to use it. This is actually not the 1st time that I am giving a plaster to a person. I did that last time too.

The reason why I carried a plaster was for safety reason. Last time when I was working part time, I cut my finger while I was cleaning something and the blood flow like water. I was really scared and at my place of work we had a lot of 1st Aid Kid. So I pull out a plaster and put it on my finger. But since the blood kept on flowing I had to change it often. Then I took an extra plaster and put it in my wallet for my own safety. Actually I have been carrying plaster in my wallet for the pass 4 years. Don't worry those plasters which are 4 years of age is no longer in my wallet.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Did I marry the right person?

(An insightful look at why couples find it harder to remain together. Good reading.
By John C. Maxwell, Oct 9, 2007)

During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question. She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?"

I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?" In all seriousness, she answered, "How do you know?"

Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.

Here's the answer.

EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies.

Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love...

Because it's happening TO YOU.

People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet." Think about the imagery of that expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.

Falling is love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship.
Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts.

The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?"

And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown.

People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.

Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work, a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.

But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else. You could.

And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):


SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the expression "the labor of love."

Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it takes WISDOM.
You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.

Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.

Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships.

Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger.

It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are can "make" love.

Love in marriage is indeed a "decision"... Not just a feeling.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I had Enough

Mood not that up to cheerful now.
I had enough.
I guess better put a fullstop to everything for now.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Loosing Mood

I don't know what is up with me today in office. I really lost my mood to work and I didn't really smile at people today and one thing's for sure I hate to pickup the telephone calls today. I guess I lost it when I went in front for the morning briefing and the event that happen last week came back to me and I just lost it from there. I guess I have to snap back to work really hard once again.

Ah Moi Ah Moi Part 2

I was at a wake service on Saturday when the wake service has A LOT OF SITIAWAN people and most of them know my mum. Well as usual they will talk "foo chow + hoh chian" to one another. It when was after the wake service one of the aunty called me and ask me to sit beside her and she asked me if I can understand and I reply that I could but I could not speak back and she told me it was good enough.

So the next question she ask me "do you have a girlfriend?" and I told her I got none and she ask me the next question "when are you going to get 1 and when are you going to get married?" I then started to laugh as what happen to me in Genting's when the police asked me the same question and it was like a replay of the event. Then she started to tell me stories about people getting in love and etc etc and I just listen to her to what she has to share.

That was when the Police came in the police car and 3 policeman got down from the car and one of them were carrying a m-16. On that Saturday if none of you know, there was an event that happen in KL and the police were extra careful. Anyway the person who was in charge of the wake service went and explain to the policeman that there was no illegal gathering and just that someone pass away.

So should I be worried that I don't have a gf? Nope, God will provide and the best is yet to come.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Being Appreciate And Words Of Encouragement

I was chatting with my friend and this is what my friend told me. I really thank You for your kind words and your salute to me. It was really an encouragement that there are still people out there who really appreciate my work. Thanks once again Corrina. U make my day even though I felt quite sick and tired of AEON. Thanks once again

Jason says:
sis net is back to normal

Jason says:
u can check tmr

Jason says:
and u didnt tell me the bad news

Jason says:
u told me good news only says:
yeah...10s... says:
its was back at 5pm

Jason says:
yeah says:
and i know u stay in the office till late

Jason says:

Jason says:
till 6+

Jason says:
how u knw sis says:
coz i know says:
hey...have to tell u this says:
good job, Jason

Jason says:
how u knw sis says:
and u know wat...

Jason says:
no sis i didnt do this...i had to get vendor to do ler

Jason says:
and u knw wat sis? says:
im proud to know someone like u...though u didnt do anthing

Jason says:
when i was coming back says:
u met the gal?

Jason says:
i felt so stupid coz monday i got blasted and today i stay back and work.. says:
hey...tats y i feel proud of knowing someone like u says:
and I reallt SALUTE u!!

Jason says:
why sis says:
coz if there's one day of u in MIS, i think everything will get back to normal says:
though u're not doing everythiing, but u're a responsible staff... says:
and tats y u have my salute says:
and tell u something...I dont always salute ppl says:
but u're one ...and guess wat,,,its not bcoz u're holding watever position in the company, but coz u really gain my respect!!

Jason says:
Thanks sis

Jason says:
i appreciate it alot..really says:
i know u will... says:
coz Im sincere in telling tat says:
GOOD JOB!! says:
hey..though i dont really know wat MIS is doing says:
but I think i sort of feel their importance says:
coz without MIS..the whole company wont work says:
no wonder u keep on saying u're hero says:
or i can feel a bit of the environment

Jason says:
ur rite sis...without us the system wont work and etc etc says:
how come u are the one being called? says:
then wat is their role there (am and HOD)? says:
SCREW ppl up?

Jason says:
yeah she told my friend that....and u knw wat sis?

Jason says:
i was not called up but i went back to see what i could do..but in the end i could not do lor but i tried.... says:
tats good enough says:
see...tats y i said im proud of u

Jason says:
sis im goin to keep this chat that have with me

Jason says:
i really appreciate what u say says:
...u're most welcome says:
u know wat... says:
if i were in KL now... says:
promise will buy u ur favourite banana choc as a token of appreciation

Jason says:
u knw even though i cannot do the system i end up doing other things for the dept.....i fill up the printer paper, i clean up the pc's that were so messy and set up the area once again says:
tat u dont have to tell me, brother... says:
i know u're doing something lar...but tats not in the list of the things tat i think u're be doing

Being Attach The Best Way?

As I was on the LRT with my senior the other day, my senior was talking about some of the school mates / school runners that got married already. He was telling me or shall I say many people say the same thing too everyone has the idea that getting a bf/gf is the best idea on planet earth and that they can do things together and etc etc. But in real reality it is extremely difficult when you have a partner. Not only that, you will have to spend most of your time with your partner by getting to know them better, doing the things that each other wants and etc. By doing that, you will never have the time for the rest of the things which is your friends or even your family members. Not only that, this is when your friends will really see if the individual will still be close to them or are they no longer important to them. I have seen this happen before and well can I say the post that I have with many comments are true. Some friends don't really bother if you even exist anymore on planet earth.

The next step is getting married. According to Nafal, getting married is like so fun and enjoyable, but it is not really enjoyable once you are married. Some of his friends hope that they didn't get married or rush into getting married. He told me that all freedom is gone and now everything needs to be done together. Things like going out for mamak is also freaking hard when you are married or attach.

Honest at times I wish I had a gf too when I am lonely (especially when you wake up after a nap finding that the whole house is dark and its only you alone and you have to take dinner yourself) but then again its just the feeling of being with someone. But I guess at times being with someone is fun, but you might not be really ready for what might happen. I guess the best is to get as many friends as you can and really enjoy their friendship and trust me, the time will really come for you to get a partner and move on in life.

Im Fedup And I Know How It Feels

Since today is a holiday I still had to go back to work. The reason is the IWSS is down as the database is over the limit size. Honest I was to visit my friend for her open house in KL for deepavali. But since I had to work, I could not attend the event with the rest of my friends. It then struck me that since my HOD blasted me so much the other day, it really made me even more piss. I guess this time I lost my mood towards everything.

Not only that, now I know how it feels when I turn people down. My friend was telling me that she has to turn her boyfriend down most of the time due to work too. I guess the feeling really sucks. Its like you promise the person then u cannot live up to your promise. Darn company.


Since Jinny has blog something about boy friend / girlfriend, this thought came into my mind. Lets say you have a bf/gf, will you abandon / don’t contact (from calls/sms/emails) your friends / find them when you are in need of their help? Will you do this to your friends? Friends can be any 1. They can be your classmates, church friends, best friends and etc etc…

If you don’t get the picture, well I will try to make it simplified. You have a bf/gf now and your friends are less important to you. Do comment if you have a bf or gf or you come neutral (no bf/gf). Tell me if you will still keep in touch with your other friends and not take them for granted.

Am I In Love?

When I'm together with that special someone,

I pretend to ignore that person. But when that

special someone is not around, I might look

around to find him at that moment

Although there is someone else who always makes

ME laugh, MY eyes and attention might go only

to that special someone.

Although that special someone was supposed to

have called ME long back, to let ME know of

their safe arrival, MY phone is quiet. I'm

desperately waiting for the call!

If I'm much more excited for one short e-

mail from that special someone than other many

long e-mails,

When I find myself as one who cannot erase

all the messages in my answering machine

because of one message from thatspecial someone,

When I get a couple of free movie tickets, I

would not

hesitate to think of that special someone.

I'm keep telling myself, "that special someone

is just a friend", but I realize that I can

not avoid that person's special attraction.

While you are reading this page, if someone

appears in

your mind, then u are in love with that person.

Who is she/he?I'm pretty sure you know who that

special someone is..

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Guitar Sounding Weird

My beloved wife is starting to sound weird especially for the last 3 strings which is 3G, 2B and 1E. Actually last time I did modify the saddle and I don't think the modification was done nicely. The last 3 strings have a weird sound when I hit it. Darn need to get back my old saddle and try to fit it in or I will need to modify the current saddle. But the thing is, I am freaking lazy to unstring the guitar and fix the saddle. It is so much hassle. Maybe I should just leave it.

Friday, November 02, 2007

People Leaving Again

This time my 3 bro's who is kok chung, derrick and chin wei is leaving the company. 1 of them left today, 1 more will be leaving NEXT WEEK and 1 more on the 24th november. Seems so many people are leaving in such a short time. I guess if I do tender my resign (if i got a better offer) the company will find it hard 2 survive as I hold quite a lot of the keys as I am one of the next guy who know the systems there. So when will I leave? Stay tune for more.

The thing is, many people know that my department is not so good department to join. I wish to say that is true. They are only nice to who they like and they are nice when they know the key person are leaving. Actually after I manage to solve the email and internet issue, my HOD and AM is nicer to me now. Even yesterday and today I manage to cover the network team work by troubleshooting all the pc's that have problems. I think I manage to fix 5 and each time I do 2 at once. I have to say it is really tiring job as I have to walk here and there. But I guess I really put my all in doing all the pc fixing for all the branches and HQ as I want to leave a good name behind, but then again I guess no one will bother as no one will know that I am the one that is fixing all the stuff. But then again it is ok, it is my duty to serve my VERY BEST for all.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Little Boy Not So Little After All

Since I look young like a form 5 leaver (most people say, and i bluff ppl), some say just finish diploma and etc etc but guess what people? My real age is not that small. If you read the post below when I was going to the casino, they ask me to show them my IC and they are shocked that my age and my features don't look like the age I am holding now. I still remember the 2nd time I went to casino for free drink the policeman was quite action when he asked me for my IC and when he saw my IC he look at my IC MANY TIMES and at me many times. I guess coz they don't believe my face can be at my age.

Not only that, there was once when I went to Ipoh Branch, some of the staff there was wondering if this small boy can even do the task that he is here to do. But guess what, after my friend told them my age and position in office they were really shocked. My friend from Ipoh when 1st saw me thought I just finish diploma and wondered how old I am too.

So please, I might look like a little boy, yeah I am in character at times, but I am working for nearly a year already. I guess so I am no longer a little boy anymore huh? hahaha :p

Ah Moi Ah Moi

When I was in Genting Highland's I decided to go to the casino and no I didn't go there and gamble but since I haven't been in the casino before (did once in korea) I decided to go there to check out the place and also get free drinks. Yeah drinks are free flow there. You got alot of choices of drinks and they are from tea, teh tarik, milo, cordial drinks and many more. Sandwiches are a lot cheaper there too.

As the 1st time I entered the casino, there was this big size policeman who ask me for my IC and asked me my age (before I hand over my IC to him) and if I am working. So I told him I am 2* and I told him I am working (then I hand him my IC). The next question he ask me was this "sudah ada ahmoi ka?" and I replied "belum lor" and then he ask me this again "bila mau khawin?" and I replied "ahmoi tak ada macam mana khawin?" and both of us laugh and I walk in the casino.

At night during dinner something happen during dinner and I was total piss off. So I went for my walk that night by myself and I decided to go and look at kids who are sitting those little rides. Those kids are really cute. And I have to say I thank God for every one of you who put a smile to my face. You all just don't know what difference that you made me in my life that day. I want to thank again those who I sms and those who really gave me the support during that time of my need. During that time I was walking and checking most of the shops in 1st World Hotel and I found some cute teddy bears too :)

That night at around 1130pm I went back up to my room, but outside my room near the lift, there is a place where you can sit down as there is a couch there. So I decided to sms some of my friends during that time. The couch was really comfortable. Then a guy who is working for the hotel was on his way checking some of the rooms who needed items sat and talk to me. One of the questions he asked me was "sudah ada ahmoi ka". I was like no not yet. Most of the questions are repeated like are you sure you dont have, when are you going to have, when are you going to get married and etc...

So does it mean its time for me to get a gf??? I really don't know. I know my time will come and the best will be provided by God :)