Thursday, November 08, 2007


Since Jinny has blog something about boy friend / girlfriend, this thought came into my mind. Lets say you have a bf/gf, will you abandon / don’t contact (from calls/sms/emails) your friends / find them when you are in need of their help? Will you do this to your friends? Friends can be any 1. They can be your classmates, church friends, best friends and etc etc…

If you don’t get the picture, well I will try to make it simplified. You have a bf/gf now and your friends are less important to you. Do comment if you have a bf or gf or you come neutral (no bf/gf). Tell me if you will still keep in touch with your other friends and not take them for granted.


Blogger Jason said...

Comments are from my friends from my blog before

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i come by neutral - in my opinion we shouldn't ignore the rest of our friends. the world does not revolve around your partner alone. your friends will be the ones who will help and guide you through things your partner can't do, and they are also source of comfort, joy and love. what happens if your partner is not around?

for many people though, easier said than done.

7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jasee...err..well i still cherish all my gal frens very much eventhough am attached coz when u lost ur bf/gf, no onez goin to be there for u but ur closest buddies to comfort u in ur moments of sorrow. i never believe in abandoning my frens for my loved one. i noe lotza ppl who does that n to THOSE ppl who r like that, DO UR ABANDONED FRENS A FAVOR BY NOT CRAWLIN BACK TO THEM WHEN UR DUMPED. better cherish ur close frens now.

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we shouldn't abandon our friends... i mean, they are still the pillar of our support and they are the ones who will be there when things gets tough as well... but it is not easy to keep in contact with a friend that you hardly see and all..but some effort would change things.. it's not easy in one hand because you'll have to spend time with the one you love, yet you have so many different friends to be close with. I guess you have to set your priorities right and also time management to spend time with each of them.

Well, it is something I would have to learn as well... I guess the relationship will evantually be not as u expected as in "further apart" but may still be friends... But, if your friend dump you and not contact u at all because he or she has a gf/bf den i guess she or he would not be worth becoming you friend, especially when she/he only comes when need help... and i realised, that I have been doing that..

I'm really sorry, Jas... i feel as if, i'm doing the same thing. Well, you have the right to be angry if you are.. and if u don't want me to be ur lil sis/ friend also.. i understand, and you deserve a lot better than this. But... i'll always appreciate what you have done and remember you as my friend & big bro that makes people smile and be a true friend to them.

Take care, bro! I hope that God will really guide you through your dreams, be the best that you can be & bless you today and in the coming years!

7:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

friends do not ask for time spent always with them, but what friends really want is to know that they're appreciated and wanted. an occasional hello, a little chat, small conversation takes little effort actually, compared to being with a bf/gf.

it can be quite easy to keep in contact with someone you hardly see - especially now that the internet makes it so easy. it may seem like it would take a lot of effort, but once you realize that all they want is just a genuine, relaxed, unrestrained relationship! to be loved, you must first, love others. and loving others is not by crawling to them when you need favours, but to let them know, they're in your thoughts.

jason - i really appreciate our friendship! i really do! i thank God i knew you, although we hardly even meet each other, and only talk online, but it's still priceless nonetheless.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

why suddenly u all put me in ar?anyway if you all really appreciate,then i thank god also for what he has done for me in my life to bless others.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was just expressing my appreciation, is that wrong?

7:31 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

no no ur not wrong...actually what i wanted ot say is if u really appreciate me,then i thank god also for what he has done for me in my life to bless others......

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

frens are part of our life.we need frens to listen to us when we r sorrow,pain n at times play together too.thru many couples i saw,i still think that frens do play apart as normally they might have probs in their relationship n here frens play the role.anyway i think frens shld alwis respect each other n appreciate them.i would like to mention sth here is JESUS IS FOREVER OUR BEST FREN!!~~

7:35 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

maybe i am wrong,maybe i am correct......if a person has a bf/gf, MAYBE the person will pour their main care/love/attention for their bf/gf.....would the rest just be outsiders?would the rest be ignored?

what do you guys/girls think?

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i've seen that happen... people who ignore or push aside their normal friends when they;ve got their bf/gf and treat the other friends less than fairly... leaving us to be bystanders.

so yeah, it happens.

7:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess it happens a lot.. I & many of my friends too have that experience before... It's wierd really.. Some people who are still really friendly and still talks to u.. den, it wouldn't be much of a difference.. but when the person is around the gf/bf always.. man, can easily get intimidated because scared "kacau" them... but the couple will not know that they are actually "abandoning" their friends.. it's a wierd thing... cause they are too "stuck" with each other in a way... i guess, that's the circle of life. but not healthy la

7:36 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

i guess if u want to be bad...they ignore u now..u pay them back with ignore..then they will know what they have done...that is the bad way..hehe :P

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for me,i won't abandone my frenz.I sure will have some time for my frenz


7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

still, everything's easier said than done

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree with Jinny

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

still, it isn't impossible..

7:38 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

i guess no matter we got gf/bf we still need to fall back on our friends..lets say bf and gf war war...then who are they going to tell?sure ur close friends rite?

so i guess dotn buat tak tau to ur is just not correct...if u think keeping contact with some 1 is so hard also...then i guess that is just to bad for you...just stick to urself....

i want to sya thanx to those who are my friends also....those who help me in time of need and also adv me when i need.....thanx to all you guys out there

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i remember a conflict i had few months ago.. if not because of friends, i'd have died

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hav a bf. but would leave him the moment he demands i give up my frens for him and him alone. frens are more important. they r the ones who'll be there no matter what would happen. the same goes for family too.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

who is winter?thanx anyway for dropping by...

7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey jason spiderman!!
I just come to 'kacau' U! kekeke i finally updated my blog btw :P

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

~ w i n t e r ~ is dilys. *grin* hehe.

7:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's just ask these questions:

If you have a GF, do you wish her to treat you the same way as treating her other male's friends? Do you wish her to spend the same amount of time talking to her friends as talking to you? The way she smiles at her friends similar to the way she is smiling at you?

You got your own answers, so how can a friend be the same as the counterpart? But if mentioning about abandoning friends because someone else exist in one's life, that's what I call selfish! Coz no one can replace another person's place!


3:07 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

ok well i will comment on what u say on the 2nd line.ur rite that is called plain selfish. and actually when they are in trouble they will come back running to us (or other friends) i mean that feeling sucks as you know that you are needed in the time of need

6:28 PM  

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