Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Treatment Plan For Guitar's

Both my guitar's at home are dusty and starting to loose its shine. Boy I need a day where I need to unstring my g's and clean all the strings and frets. Worst I think I need to change one of my guitar strings are the tone is no longer there. But the thing is I don't play that guitar that often anymore and it is only used when it is brought to play during mission trip.

Talking about mission trip, my 1st guitar picture is in the DUMC Coffee Book. That was the time when my dad brought my guitar there to be used as a musical instrument. I believe that book the longer it stays, forever my guitar will be a legend ( in my opinion). If you all wonder which is my guitar, go check the coffee book, check out the section on mission trip and the Orang Asli mission trip (something like that)

Both my guitars mean something to me, as I bought both of them with my own money back in 2002 and 2006. So I guess the next guitar will come might be in 2010? Both guitars have their own sound, own saddle height and body size. I can share so much of what my guitars did in the life with me and they will be part of my life till I leave planet earth.


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