Monday, October 15, 2007

Superman Returns

Was watching superman return yesterday and it actually reminded me a lot of my work as most of the time I call myself the superman of systems. There was one part that superman went to the sky and he was listening to the voices of the people on earth and he had to hear them out and decides on who he should help. I guess superman's work is even harder. It goes the same for me too when there are at times when people really need me to help them when my time is just so limited. I have to say at times when I help too much I start to get lazy and only assist when ever I want too or when I feel comfortable too. Darn being superman is really hard and its worst when every one needs your help or even advice on some of the things. But one thing about superman is people trust him, but unlike my company, even my AM don't trust me even though he is not so good in technical compared to me. So based on this story, there are two things I have to say, it is not easy to be superman and when there is a superman, trust his words when he say so.


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