Sunday, November 18, 2007

Plaster In Wallet

As we were doing our practice in the church for our Christmas Presentation, Hung Lan suddenly ask a few people seating on the chair this question "does anyone have a plaster" and everyone told them her no, but I told her I have and I took out my wallet and took out a plaster and gave it to her. Those who were there (guys and girls) were really shocked that I had a plaster in my wallet. I actually gave her 2 plaster and she return one to me.

Julia then commented this "I wish you were my little brother then I know I will be well taken care off and she added do you have a microwave in your wallet too?" I only laugh and told her that I was still working on that. I guess most people are amaze that I bring stuff that guys usually don't bring like pocket tissue and even plasters around. They are really needed in time when you least expect that you need to use it or even others who need to use it. This is actually not the 1st time that I am giving a plaster to a person. I did that last time too.

The reason why I carried a plaster was for safety reason. Last time when I was working part time, I cut my finger while I was cleaning something and the blood flow like water. I was really scared and at my place of work we had a lot of 1st Aid Kid. So I pull out a plaster and put it on my finger. But since the blood kept on flowing I had to change it often. Then I took an extra plaster and put it in my wallet for my own safety. Actually I have been carrying plaster in my wallet for the pass 4 years. Don't worry those plasters which are 4 years of age is no longer in my wallet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello,I also bring plaster in wallet hehehe :P not only u.

9:29 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

but what gender will you be? ehhehe :p

9:42 AM  

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