Sunday, January 28, 2007

Learn Learn

Was just doing my devotion and I came across this in the devotion book.

"It is better to love than to hate"

Before this I post that I hate certain type of ppl, but it is really hard to love them at times. I believe some of you are in my shoes before. So do comment, would like to hear from you how you love the people that you don't really like.

I Know there was once Pastor Chris say you don't need to love the person or like the person. I cant remember which word he use, but it is 2 of the words that I stated on top.

Go Die

In this world, there are many types of attitudes in every one. One thing I hate is people who are trying to show they are willing but they are not willing. I don’t really understand what their problem is at times. Maybe some of them are not Christians so they don’t have the biblical teaching. Some who are Christians also act the same way which I really don’t know why too. Honest to these people you can go to hell. We don’t need you in this planet earth.

My Favourite Guitars

I wrote this topic before but it was in a previous blog which was the beta version. Now I am creating it again. To get this full collection you will need a lot of $$$$

Steve Vai EP 7

Steve Vai EP9

Maton ECJ85



Jem 7V


JS 1200

Gibson Les Paul

GT 8 Multi Effects

Paul Gilbert Picks

Friday, January 26, 2007

Steve V Guitar

Ladies and Gentleman, Steve Vai New Guitar

Wonder why i put the toilet bowl picture? The reason is because Steve's new guitar has lights on its body. It will look just like the toilet bowl when it is at night

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Work Work

I guess I am working myself out in the company. I work too hard this couple of days or weeks. This is due to many tasks coming to closing date which is on the 31st of January. There are some tasks I cant really complete as the HR department don’t really want to corporate with me I have asked the HR department to hand in the list of resign staff from December till January and they give me stories that they only can come out with the list after the pay is out or the cut off day (for my case it is on the 21st). I send them the email on the 23 and they told me that story that they will need to generate the pay 1st before they come out with the list. Actually I am not doing the payroll so what do I need to wait so long for the list to come out? I just need to know who resign. I actually need to delete the users / block their access to windows and the other systems that they need to use. It shows how lazy is the HR of the company.

I guess I really need to work hard so that my probation will be shorter than usual (currently 4 months). Not only that, I want to get at least a bit of increment after my probation or during my review during the end of the year. I think currently I am not getting enough as after deduct EPF and sosco I don’t have much left. Not only that I need to give my mum a fix rate.

I guess I am going to crash soon. Tomorrow I need to extend my hours in office as I have to be there when they do backup. At times backup can take hours, but at times it can be quite fast. So will it be fast or will it be slow? Stay tune for more.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My Favourite Car

My Favourite cars are shown below :P

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pray Everyday

I got to share this which is really true. Every morning when I go on the LRT or when I am in the station I start praying. I pray in the train / station as I cannot wake up that early. I know it sounds like an excuse but well that’s me. But honestly when I pray in the LRT I don’t have to wait and check which station I am in. I just need to pray and next thing I know I am already in Pasar Seni. My drop off station is at Masjid Jamek.

Today was my off day and coz of my off day I didn’t pray in the morning. THIS IS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE I DID. The reason behind this is easy. My day was not so good and I was irritated most of the time. When we pray God will smoothen our whole day (might not be 100% but it is good enough coz his mercy is sufficient for us). When we don’t pray you will see how short u can be in everything. So do pray every morning. IT IS A MUST if you want God to be ahead of you.

The theory I have is this, if you don’t pray it kind of mean that you want to be the leader of your own life and you kind of don’t need God to lead us (my theory, not sure correct, maybe you all can say something.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Bag Oh Bag

It seems every 1 is starting to say this to me when I carry my Singapore Airlines bag. Actually 2 people already said it.


“Eh you look like small boy with a bag”


“You look like a boy going to school”

I really don’t know why people say this to me. I wonder to myself, do I really look like a small kid with that bag? Do I need to change a new bag to be a man :P ? Well stay tune for more next time if I change my bag.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Story Time

I have to start cleaning my computer room. I can start throwing away all my old notes that I don’t need or even use it as recycle paper for my printer. Most of the time I print the worship songs on recycled paper. I got a lot of things to throw too and a lot of arranging to do. I really need to modify my room. The space in my room seems to get smaller by the days.

I formatted my computer yesterday and there are some programs that I can’t find for my firefox which is mailman. I went thru the whole many times but I can’t find it anymore. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks with me. I really miss my mail man. With it I don’t have to enter password to read my mail. It will direct me to my mail straight away (something like msn/yahoo/googletalk). But it only runs on firefox.

Was in church yesterday with Adryan (Lili Brother). The speaker for the day was good. His message was true. What really spoke to me was we should never tell God IF. Maybe I shall illustrate below.

“God IF you let me pass my exam, then I will give more towards dreamcenter”

Well if we do that or we use the word IF then we got our entire concept about God wrong. Its time to repent if you always tell God IF.

One thing about change me a bit the last couple of days is after I pass my moral, I want to even do more for God. I even thought of doing part time to give to the dreamcenter. I know I cant work that much as I don’t want to end up sick like last time. I told Lixia that if given a chance I just want to cut fruits for maybe 4 or 5 hours a week (Sunday only) and that is about it. I know it is not much but I hope I can contribute as much as I can towards “The Church That Will Never Sleep”.

I even want to win a soul for God by this year. The last time I brought a friend to Christ was like many many years ago. I was in secondary school that time (F3/F4). The thing about me is when Patrick Leong sings during worship, I usually try to follow what he does or use my own style to make it sounds nice. This year when I lead worship during cell group, I want to do the best I can (with God helping me) and I rather not rush into worship and take time to speak to God, worship nicely. Most of the time the worship is like a rushing as we want to head towards prayer and word and works. I know I am not good in guitar, but I wish I can learn from all the mistakes I do (still cacat in playing at times). I know what talents God has given me and I want to use it to the fullest to serve HIM.

It seems that last time I cared for people, I am starting to loose it. Not say to loose it completely but it’s not really me already. I do sms people (using net coz I lazy type on hp. Wish my 3310 can plug in ext keyboard: P ) but not that often too. When I sms people got selected ppl I sms or when I haven’t sms a long time only I will sms. I can say I lost touch with most of my diploma friends which is bad. I guess time to repent and start sending them sms. At times it can be discouraging to see people not replying, but I should continue to coz I don’t want to dwell in disappointment and I wish to touch as many peoples heart as I can.

As I just formated my computer, I decided to change the Desktop Picture. Enjoy

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Couple Of Days

1st thing I want to thank God for is letting me pass my moral paper. Yeah I pass with a C+. Minimum that I needed was a C. when I saw I pass I cried coz I was so relief. I thought I was going to fail moral once again. I did tell my friend who took the moral exam with me that I wish I study harder (some part I skip) and he told me I will pass. not only that, my other mates from UTAR told me that I will pass the moral exam too. Thank You God for making yourself so real to me.

Was it a good training on Thursday and Friday? Well it was not training at all. They were actually trying to sell us new Microsoft products which are exchange 2007 and outlook 2007. Guess what? We are not buying. We so called got the latest which is 2003 (I bet people are starting to say 2003? Now 2007 already) and why do we need to change. I thought the training would like hands on training but I was so wrong. But I think I rather go training than going to office. Office not nice mar :P

Was in church in the morning and it was for intercessors. Since I am the prayer sec of the cg I have to go (it’s not force to, but encourage to go). Was there from 8-1030 and I came home and sleep till 130pm. I was really tired yesterday and when I was playing guitar for my mum cg, I was tired and can’t really focus in playing and at times I don’t know what I was playing. My sister hubby played with me so it was ok. He backs me up and covers my wrong playing : P

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

God Spoke & Thank God For Holiday

I thank God for holiday. Today is off day for me. I did go out with a friend I never see before which is lim lim. It was fun. It was walking around, eat and talk. I really have never seen this person before. I only get to chat online and sms. Not only that, this friend of mine belanja me lunch. My friend told me that one day I will get a free meal, but honestly I can’t remember when I was told about the free meal. I guess I’m getting old already. That is about it. I came home around 230pm and slept till 530pm.

I really thank God for this week as I only work for 2 days and I got today off and I am off for training on Thursday and Friday. I thank God on Saturday is public holiday too.

One more thing I would like to share that I didn’t share on the Saturday post was what God spoke to me when I was in church. I was attending the 630pm service and when I was reading the bible, suddenly the word flood came into me. I then stop reading the verse (Nehemiah 1:1-11) and spoke in tongues for a while. On Saturday the floods were like slowing down a lot and I was wondering why God told me that word.

I came home and check on the Internet to find if there are any floods happening around and I read that the undersea earthquake trigger the tsunami warning machines in the sea. I went to CNN website to check if I can get more info and I read that US was having weird weather too (rain and snow). I actually didn’t know when God told me “Flood” it was for our own country once again. I am not really sure when the 2nd flood start, but it did happen to Johor once again.

During the flood (20th December – unknown date) I was pondering on the flood dream that God gave me (check post on 12th December). Suddenly the word “Noah and great flood came into my mind”. I kind of interpret it as God wants to destroy all the bad things and want to make things new (according to bible, edited to fit my version).

Those who read my blog, please do pray for those in Johor. I know it is really hard for them to recover what they have lost as the flood took away ALOT of things from them. It will take time, but pray that God will work during this time of trial.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Get A Life

I think it is not fair for people to scold people even when they have already repented for what they have done. I feel if they continue to scold, those who scold might even end up in hell because of unforgiving. So when someone repents for what they have done, do your self a favor, let it go and continue with life. If you still keep on cari pasal due to that same old problem, do yourself a favor (if you’re a Christian) don’t bother going to church anymore. Go to some temple as you are no better than them. I am not trying to simply shoot down other religions but I am being honest here. I am sick of people giving others hell in their life. Trust me, you give people hell, you will go to hell.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


Today I did a lot of exercise. In the morning I went to Taman Tun Park with Turtle (you know who you are: P). We started off by walking 1 round and after finishing the 1 round I started to run around the park. It was good time of running after quite a couple of days without exercise. The last exercise that I did was on Sunday when I went to Bukit Kiara hill.

Turtle is really slow when walking. I got to keep on telling turtle faster faster all the time. But turtle cannot walk fast. But when turtle see monkey, turtle is scared. Haha :P At the last round turtle ask me to go 1 more round. I agreed that’s only if turtle runs. So I gave turtle a head start and when turtle was tired and was walking I started to take off. Turtle was shocked when I was walking beside turtle adi. So I let turtle rest and I told turtle to run after a while and I told turtle if turtle walk, turtle will have to walk back home to DJ. Turtle was scared :P Turtle did walk and I gave only 3 chances and if turtle finish the chance and walk turtle must walk home. At the last 20meters I challenge turtle to the finish line. Turtle Lost!!!

After running I went and play badminton. Had 5/6 games but I lost all. I could not really run as I felt my leg muscle sore and I knew if I push it too much I will get muscle pull. In the end I got muscle pull on both the legs when I was playing badminton. I lost is also because I could not run to return some shots that I could normally return.

Church today was about giving to the Dream Center. It was a giving weekend and the church hopes to get around 5.2million in the weekend. Honest I feel it is a big figure and it might take a long time to collect even 5.2 mill. Shows that I got lack of faith huh? Well I still remember lixia told me to have faith and God will provide. I believe that God is going to provide for every single person to give to the DreamCenter. I wish I can give more. But I know I am not that rich and my pay in office is also just ok for a fresh grad. But I told God, every month I will pledge a certain amount to give to DreamCenter. I guess by end of the month I will have to give what I have pledge in advance. It’s going to be quite a large sum of money. I believe once the church is build, the church will be used to the best.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I take the LRT to office every single day and there are quite a lot of stuff that I see and hear when I am on the train. Check out 2 of the comments

“When the train is not there, all the passengers are so good, but when the train arrives they change to mad people”

“Hey stop pushing la, the train is tight already”

There is this person who lines up in kelana jaya lrt station and always plays soduku when she is waiting for the train. Without fail she will play that game every single day. Honest even though my friend explains that game to me so many times, I still don’t understand how the game works. I know that you will need to find the numbers and put it in correct placing.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

School Of Leadership Level 1 (SOL 1)

Today I graduated from SOL Level 1. Got to Boast A Bit My Cert and also the picture that was taken by my friend. I am actually half way thru my SOL Level 2 and I plan to finish my Level 2 by this year. Actually I don't have much more to do. I need to read 4 books, attend 1 seminar, finish my Basic Doctrine Level 2 and Beatitudes. It seems quite a lot too :P Thanks to all who congratulated me whether online or sms. I hope to see more people from DUMC (Young & Old) to graduate from SOL Level 1, 2 and 3.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Work Work

As I was working today, my boss email me task that I need to complete. Man I got like 9 task to be completed by March. Actually 4 tasks I need to finish by this month which has scattered dates which is on the 10th, 15th and 2 tasks by the 31st. in February I got a few more tasks to finish and in March I got a few task to finish too. The task that I need to complete by January some I haven’t even start. The only task that worries me is the policy and procedures that I need to create from scratch. After reading the email from my boss, I started to make phone calls that I needed to make and emailing people that I need to email to get all my information.

I guess the task that I am going to start doing tomorrow will take me days to complete and that’s IF the HR department gives me the list of names early in the morning. If they give me late noon then it will take me longer time to finish. From tomorrow onwards, I really need to focus on my job. I guess my so call honeymoon is going to be cut short starting tomorrow.

Life has been ok, but I actually hope to learn really fast and I can catch up with those who are there for a long time. Once I can catch the entire concept, I can start looking for another job soon as this job is actually hindering me from serving my very best in church. I guess I might stay put in this company for 1 half years or maybe 2 years. That depends on how fast I can learn and also the economy of the country.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Today is my last day of my break. So what was I up to today? Well I went to church at 530am for church morning prayer. It was good. But find it really hard to focus in the 1st 15minutes. After that it was ok. Then I came back and sleep till around 1015am. Woke up and had to send my aunty to her sister’s place in DU and I then got back and played a round of CNC game.

I actually played game till around 1pm ++. Then I went out for a while again. At 3pm I ate my lunch and I was chatting with liz. Then she invited me over to baby sit with her 2 kids. 1 boy at around 4 yrs and 1 girl at 10. When I was there, they were watching CARS. So I watch the show a while and it was quite fun. The lilboy was cute and his English so hard to understand. The other girl is studying in a private school near KJ. I forgot to ask both of the kids name. The lilboy then had to go home and we started to watch “Mean Girls”. I think it is not a good show to show kids who are 10 or less or more. A lot of xrated words a kid can learn from that show. Not only that, the way they act wahlah I am lost of words: P

Then I help liz to do some of her computer stuff and later we were playing guitar as I needed her to help me with some songs intro. She thought me the intro and when I got back I forget the intro. The reason is my strumming style is different from hers. Since we are not pro, we only know 1 strumming style. When liz was playing and we did the song “You Alone” and she sang and I did the so called backup / different voice it sounded nice. I could feel suddenly God was there in our midst. I know when you are really giving your all towards worship, he will touch u and make u in tears (at times, not always)

So what did I really achieve today? Nothing much but I did get to enjoy myself as today was rest day and I got to kacau liz a lot in her house: P

Monday, January 01, 2007

Blessed New Year

The other day when I was coming back home from some where, I saw 4 men sitting on horses on my street. I was coming head to head with them. They were actually policeman. I was shocked as I read in the newspapers that policeman around the country are trying to use bicycles and horses in other states and not in Selangor. Boy was those horses big. Maybe those horses needed some exercise so they were brought around to ronda Damansara Jaya. The only thing I didn’t have was a camera phone. If I had one, I would have taken the picture and post it together with this post.

Well I am 95% ok after my food poisoning. But my body is extremely weak. I was in church yesterday and I wanted to help those who didn’t have sits by carrying chairs inside church. There was a 2 chairs stack with each other and I even cannot lift the chair up. I only could manage to carry 1 chair. That was how weak I was yesterday. Today I am feeling better. Not stronger a lot but better. Church was quite ok yesterday. Felt like a normal celebration as it was 1 half hour only or 2 hours. But it was really fast. Many people in church till the overflow was pack to the max. I bet next year we will NOT have the same problem once again.

Today I got some things done. I went to get a new modem for my mum’s friend (see previous post). I got paid by my mum’s friend but I guess I will not even get a single cent out of it. Honest I think it is not fair. I work damm hard on that pc and I don’t even get paid? I heard people even charge for fixing or troubleshooting other people pc. I was in her house nearly 2 hours setting up stuff that I could not set up the other day. Internet was slow as it is using dialup. So I had to update the antivirus, install some stuff for Firefox (my own use if need to troubleshoot next time) and some updates here and there.