Sunday, January 31, 2010

Weird Dude

I have a friend and I want to tell you all about him. This dude is specially weird. Well story goes like this. I was cooking on Saturday for a party I was going to attend. Then my friend called me but since I was still cooking, I didn't answer the phone. After that I started to clean up the stuff that I use and I throw the trash away and I saw him outside my house. So I invited him to come in as I was not ready yet (haven't bath and etc).

I went in and continue to clean up some more stuff and pack the drinks into the box. When I walk to my hall, aprox 15minutes after I threw my trash, I didnt see any 1 in the hall. At that time when I threw the trash it was about 645pm and it was already drizzling. At 705pm when I send out the drinks, he was standing under my dad's mango tree under the starting to be quite heavy rain with thunder and ligthning. I then had to invite him in again and only he say "oh".

After that he came into my house, he followed me into the kitchen. I was actually heading to take my bath. Then I told him that I was taking my bath only he "oh, I wait for you in the hall". I was like "yeah". After I was done, I had to SMS my friend (you might know who you are) and told him the story. When I walk out of kitchen, I saw him very stress and he wanted to tell me something which I told him to talk in the car. Then he told me his friend want to borrow his shoes to attend some event and he asked me my opinion. I gave him my opinion in the end.

When we arrive at our destination, I told him to go down and get someone to help him with the drinks when he comes out the 2nd round. This time he was holding the chicken, went to talk to my friend in the house and walk out with the chicken AGAIN! Then later another friend came and help him take the drinks. Man Blur and weird dude has strike back :P

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Testing Guitar

Today I was at Guitar Store and I manage to test some guitars. Testing was more to find a guitar for my sister who wants to learn. Honest, the guitars not only sound great but from the string to the fret is so FREAKING NEAR and with hard strumming, the thing DOES NOT BUZZ @ ALL. I manage to try 1 of the series that I truly like, it was the D67, D62, D52, D16, R10 and M2 and I saw and heard someone playing J72 and it ROCKS. I have to admit the D67 is a beauty. Really nice guitar and the playability is superb and the feel is so damm nice. But the price is so damm ugly :( D67 cost about RM5300 (without discount yet). I manage to test the lower end guitars and it sounded round and nice too. The cheapest guitar is about 890+ which is folk guitar. Really tempted to get a new guitar. But not sure what guitar and when I should get it. Anyway a special thanks to Jordan who assist me the other day.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Yeah Yeah

There is this uncle that day when I was ushering was asking me this.

Uncle : Did you get your increment this year?
Jason : No
Uncle : Why no? You got ask?
Jason : No
Uncle : You should ask. If me I surely ask.
Jason : *inside me was whatever*
Aunty : Maybe they haven't pay out yet and wait and see on your January pay.
Jason : Maybe.

The reason is SL dont really want to release the money so fast. Why? Coz the slower they give us, the more they can save in their bank accounts and they dont backdate. Anyway this uncle who ask me this quesiton is also "one kind". So I don't really bother about him. Last time he can brag so much when he don't even have work and someone belas kasihan him and offered a job and his salary was quite high. There are more stories about him that I know that I don't want to share. Not worth mentioning as there are many special people out there including me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

So Free

There was once when I was doing ushering when my friend told me this

Someone : You know those 2 infront there?
Jason : Yeah, I mean I don't know them but I know they are from DUMC.
Someone : You know what they up too?
Jason : Don't' know
Someone : They are acting as couples to get someone guy jealous
Jason : What???? Like that also can?
Someone : And that guy is someone son
Jason : Why they are so free to do that man?
Someone : Don't know

Well those who I mention is about secondary school and now they are so free to play this type of stuff? During my time there is nothing like this, or even though there is, there is not much. I guess now the generation is different. Not only that, I guess most of them are spoilt. How I know, just watch around you when you are out and you will know.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I havent been doing my exercise. Why? Coz I am so lazy. Feel that without my friend who is now in UK, there is no purpose in going alone. My friend always told me find new kaki, but always tak jadi :P But there is a need for exercise to be fit and healthy so that we can lower the chances of having weird diseases.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Yeah I Am Young

About 2 weeks ago, when I was in church, there was 2 person who said the same thing to me which is I look young and I look like I am a f5 kid. Darn. Anyway check out as below. Happen twice in a single day.

Uncle : How are You
Jason : Doing Good Uncle
Uncle : Are you still studying ( He knows that I am working)
Jason : Nope, already working
Uncle : *Looks shocked* really? You look like your still in secondary schoo. How long?
Jason : Yeah, about 3 years.
Uncle : What are you doing?
Jason : IT.

Someone (cant remember name) : Are you still studying?
Jason : Nope, working already.
Someone : Really? You look really young. Like f5 boy
Jason : Yeah thats what everyone tells me
Someone : But good, always look young.
Jason : Its good and bad. If once it comes to work, people wonder if you can do the work.
Someone : *She laugh*, but if you can deliver its ok right?
Jason : Yeah.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Statement

There is this statement by the programmers.

  1. Do Nothing, Nothing will happen.

But guess what, the true statement is this

  1. Do Nothing, Something Happen
  2. Do Something, Something Worst Happen.

The Should think about this statement

  1. Do Something, Nothing will happen

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Type Hp Number

For about 3 days I have been typing my mum's friends HP contact into her new hp. Really tiring. Each session can be about an hour over without stoping. I manage to finish on the 3rd day but that too I force myself to finish it. Tiring = Yes, but after finishing typing all the numbers, its like you feel you have manage to finish and you feel really good. Sounds weird but true :P

Friday, January 22, 2010

Car Plate Numbers

I have nothing to do so I decided to write about car plate numbers. It is especially starting with WT*. Will write from A-Z of the letters. Hope I don't leave out any letters as it has been quite a while since I left school :P

  1. WTA - Want To Access
  2. WTB - Want To Buy
  3. WTC - Want To Care
  4. WTD - Want To Dance
  5. WTE - Want to Eat
  6. WTF - Well the 1st thing you see is the bad word. Any other words people?
  7. WTG - Want To Go
  8. WTH - What The Hell
  9. WTI - Want To Ideal
  10. WTJ - Want To Jump
  11. WTK - Want To Kill
  12. WTL - Want To Leave
  13. WTM - Want To Make
  14. WTN - Want To Nap
  15. WTO - Want To Open
  16. WTP - Want to Pen
  17. WTQ - Want To Queue
  18. WTR - Want To Race
  19. WTS - Want To Sleep
  20. WTT - Want To Trade
  21. WTU - Want The Ultimate
  22. WTV - Want To View
  23. WTW - Want To Wax
  24. WTX - Want To Xerox
  25. WTY - Want To Yell
  26. WTZ - Want To Zoom

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cool Place 2 Eat

There is this place in SS2 which is nice to hang out. The chair is nice, the place is comfy and the aircond is great. Food is not too expensive too. Food is also ok. Name of shop I can't remember. But it is the same row as Murni, jz that it is down the road at the corner. Check it out..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Horrible Food

Dont ever go and eat in Station 1 Cafe at night in Jaya 1. Why? I will share my experience why. I was there last Saturday for dinner. So I decided to eat the western food there. There was an extra saying that if you add rm5, you will get a soup and a drink. So I decided to go for that.

1st came my drink. It was good. Next was soup and guess what? Soup was COLD! It was not even warm. Really. So we told the waiter to take it back and they got it all heated up and serve us. Next was the chicken chop. If it is grilled or fried, it should be hot, but guess what? It was not even warm. I paid like rm70+ (3 people eat same thing) and honest it is NOT WORTH IT AT ALL.

Once my friend went there and asked for the pizza and it was cold and he could not even refund it. So its in your hands if you want to try that place.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Keyboard

Tak jadi buy the rm10 keyboard. Had to pay rm20 for this new keyboard that I have. Its a Samsung. Still getting used to the keys as it is total diff feel from my old keyboard. This will require a little more strength to press it but its the cheapest. Man keyboard can range from 30 over to 200+ depending on brand and the type of keyboard you want. But its no use for me. A normal keyboard is more than fine.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dont Play With Health

Well all I can say don't play with your health and make sure you watch what you eat. Reason is because my friend who is 1 year younger than me is having crystals / uric acid and he is younger than me. So the thing is watch what you eat and do exercise. This type of stuff is not fun to play with. Once you kena, you might be for life taking medication. So please please, especially YA, watch your sugar, BP and etc.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gi Joe Today

I am going to watch Gi Joe today. End Of story :P

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Was in church today and it was the graduation of those who are done with their SOL. There was 1 person who was done with SOL Level 3. I was like wow. IT really fired me up to finish my SOL Level 2 ASAP as I can.

Friday, January 15, 2010

What Not To Buy

Just to share with you all. I know that flat TV or you can called it LED TV, Flatscreen, LCD TV is now hot in the market. But the thing is this things are the in things now in the market. But allow me to share that this things are high on the things taken if your house is broken into. My sis house just got broken in the other day and they took her 42 inch tv away. Not only that, my office mate house was broken in and they took the same thing away too. I know CRT aint the thing now, but at least you will know that it will be there. The best is also to install an alarm in your house. Might be costly, but is better for your own safety.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pen Test

IT was pen test day today for us. But I have to admit, even though with my hard work and etc, there are still a lot of weak points at my office which actually can cause us to fail our certification. Everything that is needed actually will cost $ and when it comes to investment, susah la. Company try the very best to find ways to work around it with the cheapest solution. Not only the cheapest, but it is we who are working there will suffer. Why do I say that? Coz we have already suffered alot.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What Have I Done

The other day when I was on the way out with Mr Ng for lunch, this is what we talk about. Not really sure of the sequence but lebih kurang.

JT : Today already the 13th Of Jan
Mr Ng : And 1 month time is CNY
JT : Yeah so fast. Actually dont knw what we are doing for the 1st 13 days in off
Mr Ng : Yeah time flies. We got do work la.
JT : Yeah but we take our time unlike last time always rushing.

Days just fly by so fast. At times really when you reflect back, what have you done in 13 days? Was it worth it all? Maybe at times we should not do so much and take time off to really rest and reflect what is good and worth while doing.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So Fake

I guess if you guys really know me, you guys will know that I have PR skills. I mean I am not the greatest but it is enough to talk to people. Anyway check this out.

JT : Tell him this "Mr ****, we know u r a bz man, so if you dont come its ok"
Mr Ng : JT you are so fake
JT : But I am sincere.

Haha. I can be that fake at times and when am I fake? You will know it when you know me long enough :P

Monday, January 11, 2010

Yearly Submission

Every year we are to submit something in the month of April. I believe all those working adult will know what is this. My mum shared with me that her friend who paid up 7 years ago had her items recheck and they told her that she didnt pay. Because of this, she might get into trouble.

So final words, when it comes to deal with stuff, keep everything even paper slip as evidence that we have done all that we can nicely and fairly.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Won ?

Well the other day I decided to take a look at my spam mail. They told me that I have won 1,000,000 Pounds from Microsoft. They even ask me to send my details to them. But I didnt bother as I know it is spam. Imagine with 6 mill pounds (after convert). Can get married already :P

Saturday, January 09, 2010


Man after not buying magazines for so long, I now know that I have left behind many technical knowledge behind. Things have now change and there different stuff in the market now. I really got my hands full to a lot of mags as I really wanted to read and learn new stuff again. But boy it don't come cheap but I guess it is worth it to invest to make yourself better.

Friday, January 08, 2010


The other day a friend told me this on a sms.

"Do you know a girl parent who didnt allow her to see her bf died? She climb thru something (cant remember) and fell down"

Is it worth it to go against your parents and you (general) will do such a thing that will put your life into danger and just lose it because your parents don't allow you to see your bf? I feel this is not worth it at all. Just listen to your parents as they will know better even though at times we think we know better.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

A Christmas Card

When I was in the choir, aunty HL wrote everyone of us a Christmas Card. My message was this

Dear Jason,

Thanks for bringing the spark to the choir.

Yeah I admit I was really nottie boy in choir. But this is me and I guess I cannot change and I rather let the real me be what I am today :)

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Dont Lie (In General)

Allow me to say this, please don't lie no matter what. I mean it is dangerous to lie as it can cause you a lot of problems. Let me share with you why you should not lie

  1. People will not trust your words anymore
  2. It will become a bad habit
  3. It becomes automatic when you are kind of caught.
So before you think you want to lie, think about it. When you lie it is sin. So why keep on lie and keep on sin? Not worth it. I am here not shooting any 1 at all. So please do not take it into heart, but just consider it as a reminder.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

My House Nearly On Fire

On one of the days, early January when it was still holiday, my dad was collecting water. I was outside watching TV. After that he put in on the stove and on it. He then came out to the hall and watch tv with me. After a while, I heard like the water was already boil and I told my dad "water boil already". He told me it was not possible as he just put it, but the sound that came out from there sounded like its already boiling.

So I went to the back kitchen to check it out and yes the water was not boiled yet but the plastic container that I throw my rubbish in was ON FIRE! I was like shocked and I on my tap and took the rice pot and collect water and throw at it but it was not good enough. So I on the hose and for about 5 seconds no water came out. At that time the smell of burning plastic was really strong. I manage to put off the fire and then came my dad and mum asking me on that smell.

I guess you all must be wondering how far is the fire and the plastic right? It is about half a meter away. How did it happen? I am not sure. But one thing I want to thank God for is giving me some senses that at times it is really outstanding.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Beware When Pump Petrol

Reminder to hold the petrol nozzle at all times -don't be lazy.

Always hold onto the nozzle while filling up your petrol tank. A friend stopped for petrol at the petrol station (the one) at the Lingkaran Highway near Gombak) a little over two weeks ago. This was the first time he patronized a station. As his normal practice elsewhere, he put the nozzle on automatic and stood nearby waiting for his car to be filled up. Suddenly, the nozzle flew out of the gas tank opening with petrol spewing out at high speed.

He was sprayed with petrol all over, including his face and eyes (just imagine the pain in his eyes). His companion quickly brought him to toilet to wash his face. After that they reported the incident to the staff and asked to speak to the manager. The manager refused to see them. He only instructed the staff to take our friend to the hospital.

According to the staff that was not the first time the nozzle came out of the tank while customers are filling up petrol. But our friend's incident was the worst. The top layer of his right eye was damaged and the area around his eye burnt. His eye had to be bandaged for 10 days. He was not so lucky his eyesight was badly affected and became blind.
Apparently the nozzle was lighter than normal and the speed of the petrol created a backward thrust that pushed the nozzle out of the tank

So please be careful. Share this info with your friends, family & relatives .....

Sunday, January 03, 2010

2010 Resolution?

This Was my 2009 Resolution :
  1. Do Better as an Security Administrator (I guess was a little better)
  2. Pray more & constant QT. I really want to see dreams / visions from God once again. (Got)
  3. Be better in guitar to lead CG for worship (Not sure better)
  4. Practice guitar all the way! Must be better this year. (Not sure better)
  5. Want to give my best when ushering. (Yeah )
  6. Must Finish SOL Level 2. (Tak Jadi)
  7. Start to find the other half of my life. (Tak Jadi)

What About 2010?

  1. Must Finish SOL Level 2.
  2. Start to find the other half of my life.
  3. Do Better as an Security Administrator.

Better don't have so many, after cannot cope with it :P

Saturday, January 02, 2010

31st December 2K9

I was on leave on 31st Dec. It was watch night celebration at night too. I was there at about 545pm to have my early dinner in church as those who were serving got the chance to eat 1st. Food was really great. The amount of food that we had is so superb. Will mention the dish below

  1. Bee Hun
  2. Maggie
  3. Fried Rice
  4. Curry Chicken
  5. Fish
  6. Mutton
  7. Sotong
  8. Vegetables
  9. Fried Stuff
  10. Fruits
  11. Soya Bean
  12. Kuih
  13. Fruit Salad

Celebration started at about 830pm. There were so many people in church by around 7pm. Church celebration was loud man. I even got headache due to the loud music which is louder that normal times. I remembered the way people came in when the door was open. It was like Loud concert but this time they didnt pull the door. Next thing I know, downstairs is full and they had to open upstairs. Church ended about 1230am. I manage to get my cookies from Danielle that day and it tasted good. Thanks :)

December Activities

For the whole month of December, I can say I was really busy. I guess looking back, I have to thank God for every that happen throughout the whole month. Will give a brief of what happen each weekend.

Weekend 1 (Sunday)

  1. Practice for Choir. Full dress rehearsal. After practice was usher dinner.

Weekend 2 (Fri-Sun)
  1. DUMC "God Is Near"

Weekend 3 (Sat-Sun)
  1. Had Parents Home E
  2. OA Christmas Party in Carey Island

Weekend 4 (Thrs-Sun)
  1. On the 24th, I came back @ 530pm as parents say heading out for dinner. In the end ate @ Kota Damansara. Ate Western till nearly vomit. Too full. Then @ 1145pm, we went to A&W to yumcha till about 130am. But that night I suffer, I was having back pain :(
  2. Christmas celebration was @ 11am. Had to do ushering which was so messy. Had a scarry incident during offering. Church was full. Then I got m16 by SOMEONE for some issue.
  3. Had a Christmas dinner @ 730pm @ my dad's friends house. Food was so freaking good. After food sing carols, then hang around to talk and etc. We had so much to eat from lasagna, 2 types of chicken, vege, soup, lamb, rice, fish and etc.
  4. 26th Was ushering again.

In between the days was work but it was not really that productive. Everyday go back @ 530pm.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Blessed New Year

Hi All,