Tuesday, January 05, 2010

My House Nearly On Fire

On one of the days, early January when it was still holiday, my dad was collecting water. I was outside watching TV. After that he put in on the stove and on it. He then came out to the hall and watch tv with me. After a while, I heard like the water was already boil and I told my dad "water boil already". He told me it was not possible as he just put it, but the sound that came out from there sounded like its already boiling.

So I went to the back kitchen to check it out and yes the water was not boiled yet but the plastic container that I throw my rubbish in was ON FIRE! I was like shocked and I on my tap and took the rice pot and collect water and throw at it but it was not good enough. So I on the hose and for about 5 seconds no water came out. At that time the smell of burning plastic was really strong. I manage to put off the fire and then came my dad and mum asking me on that smell.

I guess you all must be wondering how far is the fire and the plastic right? It is about half a meter away. How did it happen? I am not sure. But one thing I want to thank God for is giving me some senses that at times it is really outstanding.


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