Wednesday, May 21, 2008

True Story

On Tuesday I attended church evening prayer for my zone. It was my first time attending this prayer after the zone change prayer coordinator. This time the Pastor is Pastor Chris. When I was there, I don't know anyone except Dennis and Michael. I didnt see any other people that are quite familiar to me (other cg people(my own cg or other cg)). I was then quite discourage. That was the truth.

But the start of the prayer was good as Pr Chris ask us to pray a prayer of blessing for the next person and this is a picture that was shared to me by Mike.

'I see a jug / jar on top of a table and you are that jar. And God is actually watering you till the water overflow from the jar and the overflowing will touch the people around you and you will be a great blessing to those around you. You will also heal people around you '

At that time I teared straight away. As my name is Jason and the meaning is 'Healer' I believe I got to do a lot of healing :P After that Pr Chris shared a short message and got the Prayer Sec to stand up and those around them are to surround them and pray for them or give them a word / picture they see.

My 1st Word was from a Lai Ling. Her word is this

'At times when you feel there is no 1 standing with you, don't be discourage continue on the race as God is there to help you. Continue to pray Unceasingly'

Her word really brought life to me. I just teared because I know I play an important role (Pastor Chris say so) for the cg and also the zone. Her word really touch me as I was discourage when I saw no 1 I know over there...

Next was Mike and he shared with me Psalm 1-4

1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.

2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

Mike then prayed for me and I knew I will still have to carry on this task by praying for people, nation or other things which matters. Because when things which are physical we cannot do anything and when we pray, God will do something in the supernatural. I was really encourage by their word and also bible verse. Thanks Mike and Lai Ling. I know why I was there was not a fluke but it was meant to encourage me once again.


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