Sunday, May 11, 2008

Time Really Flies

It was only about 2 Saturday's ago that it was my sisters kid birthday and one week is already down. Time is really flying even faster than I thought it can fly :P Anyway that Saturday was a really pack day for me. I woke up around 9am + then I went to play some guitar and next thing I know thanks to the programmers ONCE AGAIN, they called me and ask me to create a login for them for the server. I was honestly piss cause I didn't want to go to work just to set the login ID. I could have said no but since I have to pick someone out for the party I just went to do it with not so happy heart I can say.

Anyway back to party, food was good, fellowship with my cousins, cg members was good. I guess the lil kid is happy too that so many people turn up for her birthday. After the makan I head to church and at 7pm I was back home. After that I attended another friends birthday party and after the birthday party it was mamak session again. The whole day was gone and by the time I went home it was already midnight. In the end the day was tiring but every second was well used.


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