Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Getting Old

Pui Fun was writing on how she forget her jacket, pendrive and etc etc. I have my own stories too.

Everyday when I walk to take my bag from the locker, I am like total not sure if i punch out or not. It's like when I take my bag, I will stand infront of the punching machine and think

"did i punch out just now?"

And worst is I don't remember whether I did or not. I am not sure how many times I am not sure if I did punch out or not. Sounds weird huh?

I guess the reason is simple, work just drain ur brains. There is so much to do, so much things to think about during work and by the end of the day your just plain tired. I am worst when I am extremely tired and if the person talks to me, I can't remember the person's name even if I see the person daily. Not only that, at times I stutter when I talk to the person when I am tired. Not only that, at times after my friend finish talking, I will be like "what are you talking about?"

Is it getting old that causes this problem? I don't know. Someone help me!!! :P


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