Monday, March 05, 2007

God's Word

Around 3pm today, my friend Adrian ask me to check my email as a branch was having some problems accessing their as400 system. I saw it was Ipoh branch and I attended to their problem immediately. After doing what I can, I decided to call the branch straight away and this was how the conversation went.

Alicia : Eh today I got a lot of problem accessing the system la. Since 130pm I cant access the system

Jason : what u do to the system la?
Alicia : I didn't do anything
Jason : Sure or not? Don't bluff me la. (at the same time troubleshooting for them)
Alicia : You know your like an angle send in time of need
Jason : Yeah I am an angle send from heaven to serve you (my friends who heard what i say started to laugh)
Alicia : (laughing the other end)
Jason ; Your system should work now, do try
Alicia : Thanks!!

Some other part of the conversation was not important so I decided not to put it in. But everytime when we talk or we serve people, serve the very best. People will really see that you are different. Remember this, we are send from heaven to serve people.

As Matthew 20:28 states this

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason, i also need to do this kind of task, but i'm not feel that i'm the angle... If the thing can settle, i'm the angle; if not, i'l scold by colleagues...

8:52 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

well it depends on how u look at the situation my friend. if i cannot settle the thing then i will usually call for backup from my other gang members.steelgoa

8:16 AM  

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