Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Day Before & Valentines Day

Since I am quite free and I don’t have a valentines date, I shall blog what really happen yesterday and today. The whole of yesterday I was in training (9am-6pm) and when the training decided to break I went back and was shocked to see my UTAR classmate there on his 1st day of work. I am happy that my friend got the job there as it was me who recommended him to get the job. Since I saw one, I wish to see the other 2 more to come it too. I guess you all might wonder if I will get a certain amount of money when I intro people in the company, well NO. All I want is just to help my friends who are still looking for jobs just to kick start their lives with something they studied in their degree.

During training my mind was there and not there. Even the person teaching knew that and he asked me a question and I didn’t know the answer at all. But I did utter the answer to my Ipoh counterpart which was “ISO”. I was not sure of the answer so I didn’t answer. Then later he said ISO and I was “crap should have said it”. Then everyone started to laugh at me abit (everyone as in representatives from every department).

Another part of training was when I was chosen to do presentation and the stuff for presentation was all written by my friend Rachel (Ipoh) and it was at times quite hard to read her writing. But I manage quite well during the presentation. There was a part where I was suddenly blur when I don’t know what my friend was drawing (presentation on flow chart and also some stories about a company we created). So I was “wait ah” stood infront of the board and look look and suddenly people started to giggle. Then Mr Fong (Ipoh) suddenly helps me out and I manage to continue. Then Melaka Branch asked me a question that was not in my diagram which we left out and I could not answer. Then it was time to go back to my seat when suddenly people started to laugh again. Honest I don’t know why people laugh. Maybe they thought I was cute up there (maybe only). A lot of people keep on asking what my age is and keep asking me why I still look like a lilboy which I can’t answer too. Actually the audience could be nearly the same age as me or even older.

The only part that I didn’t really like was during tea time, the melaka guy came and question me why the as400 system in the company was so slow. Our system is actually supporting the whole of Malaysia and not only his branch so when there are transactions at times there will be a lag time and it is worst when everyone logs in the system the same time. He was actually blasting the IT department that due to slowness of the system and because of this his staff will have to do extra work and by offering manual receipt and later when the system is up they will need to key in the data again after office hour. Actually he doesn’t know that the IT department works like mad and every time there is a problem they will just call us and make noise and we try our best to troubleshoot the problem as soon as possible.

I left office at 615pm and headed back to sleep till 9pm+. I woke up and had dinner, bath and headed back to office at 10pm. Once I was there, I had to process my work that I didn’t do the whole day. I manage to call a friend of mine to yack a while and also sms people using the net sms. At nearly 1045, Mr Ng and Allen only came in. during that time we had fun time laughing and talking all types of trash. And when we laugh we laugh really loud as there is no one in the company already. At 1115, that was where the nitemare started. The exchange server had some problems and we restarted the mail server. I had to trouble shoot the problem with Allen as email server is really important to the company and before the email server was down at 9am, the whole of Malaysia started to call us, our boss made DAMM a lot of noise and etc etc. We kind of knew the situation in the morning if we don’t fix the problem. In the end Adrian, Mr Ng and I went on to do our other task which was PC Maintenance at 12am. That was how we ushered in V day at 12am.

At 330am we were so tired and the email server was still not fixed yet. In the end all 4 of us slept from 330 till 430am as we were so so tired. When we awoke we were so fresh. We slept by connecting 2 or 3 chairs and slept on it. It was comfortable but we didn’t have pillow. If we had it will be superb.

We work till 6am and went back to the IT department and the email server was still down. At 645am, the mail server was not working and I decided to go home as I was so tired. I reach home around 7am and I slept till 1245pm. Ate lunch and at 130pm I was off to bed till 6pm. So my whole day was considered gone. Even thought I slept many hours, my body still can’t change back to normal. Even right now I am still feeling damm tired. Tomorrow I’m working once again. I bet there are a lot of task which I will have to complete once again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha..u look like lil boy cos u r too thin..hahaha.. such a long blog ler..don play in the office la,later ppl say u kid again..hahaha.. y the small bear besides the big bear cant appear wanz?the bear smiling ler,so cutez!!!! XD

3:36 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

look cute coz im thin?wat statement is that man? i nv play in office la.u think im so crazy meh?when i work i work la...

im not sure wat u mean the small bear cannot appear beside the big bear

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha..ur smiling bear photo at the bottom rite? is it the mirror image o besides it stil have a small bear? argh,the smiling bear sooooo cute ah!!!

11:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

well i didnt notice there was another bear on teh side..maybe his son leh?haha...aiya u c bear also out of control adi meh?relax la....

8:56 AM  

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