Sunday, February 11, 2007

When I Finish My Walk

When I finish my walk just now (Bukit Kiara Hill), someone handed me a small booklet. It is sort of a valentines day booklet. The front title is called "Love is all about... You". In this whole book it is actually phrases and some explanation of the phrase. But I am a lot lazy to write the explanation so I shall only put down the phrases. If I am a bit hardworking, I will put the explanations down next time. The only thing is the explanation is so long. Even a fast typist like me will take some time to finish it.

I have to say there are somethings that I don't agree with (phrases and explanation) as it goes into meditation. There are classes to this but it is on meditation. As Christians we are to only meditate on 1 thing which is God's Word. Just have an Open mind towards some of the phrases. I believe God can give/help us more in our lives and make it clear and take away all fears than we rather needing to meditate on other stuff. I wish I can share that God can take us to a different level and we don't need to be so worried of our future and etc. Once we believe in HIM, he will bring us thru EVERYTHING.

For More Info Of This Stuff that I Got, this is the URL. You can download the same stuff that I got and read through what I have Written.,25,0,0,1,0

  1. Love is "Accepting Yourself For Who You Are And Who You Are Not"
  2. Love is "Allowing Others To Be Themselves"
  3. Love is "Giving Worth To Your Self"
  4. Love is "Giving Up Self Pretense And Simply Be Who You Are"
  5. Love is "Recognizing Abundance In You Instead Of Lack"
  6. Love is "Receiving With Joy What Is Entitled To You"
  7. Love is "Being Grateful For Little Blessings That Comes Your Way"
  8. Love is "Being Thankful For Everything That IS Already You"
  9. Love is "Being Kind To Yourself In Moments Of Stress"
  10. Love is "Seeing Everything With Gratitude"
  11. Love is "Opening Up To Greater Possibility"
  12. Love is "Inspiring Others With Confidence"
  13. Love is "Sharing Your Innermost Fear"
  14. Love is "Sharing What You Love"
  15. Love is "Rewarding Yourself For A Job Well Done"
  16. Love is "Listening To Your Heart"
  17. Love is "Guiding Others To Grow At Their Own Pace"
  18. Love is "Embracing Negativity With Forgiveness"
  19. Love is "Listening With The Silence Of The Heart"
  20. Love is "Speaking With Fullness Of The Heart"
  21. Love is "Giving Yourself A Measure Of Comfort A Day"
  22. Love is "Sharing Yourself With Others"
  23. Love is "Letting Go Of The Past Hurts And Grievances"
  24. Love is "Forgiving Yourself Unconditionally"
  25. Love is "Letting Go Of Guilt And Regret"
  26. Love is "Expressing Gratitude For Lessons That Come Your Way"
  27. Love is "Living Your Life Purposefully"
  28. Love is "Making A Difference In People's Life"
  29. Love is "Rejoicing In Others Happiness"
  30. Love is "Respecting Your Needs Instead Of Wants"
  31. Love is "Handling Yourself With Gentleness"
  32. Love is "Trusting Your Own Capabilities"
  33. Love is "Turning Your Perspective 180 Degrees"
  34. Love is "Surrendering To Your Highest Good"
  35. Love is "Surprising Others With Random Acts Of Kindness"
  36. Love is "Allowing Yourself To Live Instead Of Exist"
  37. Love is "Letting Yourself Be Appreciated"
  38. Love is "Overflowing Your Life With Kindness"
  39. Love is "Silencing Yourself In Stillness"
  40. Love is "Attending To Your Inner Call For Peace"
  41. Love is "Giving Others The Benefit Of Doubt"
  42. Love is "Making Time For Yourself And Your Needs"
  43. Love is "Allowing The Good Heart To Be Contagious"
  44. Love is "Encouraging Yourself To Server"
  45. Love is "Seeings Others With Compassion"
  46. Love is "Letting Go Of Control"
  47. Love is "Believing In Your Goodness"
  48. Love is "Choosing Loving And Positive Thoughts"
  49. Love is "Loving Yourself Unconditionally"
  50. Love is "Letting Fear Be Your Teacher"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...look like love knowledge like tat.. hmmmm.. overall i din reali agree cos it is all talking abt ownself..tat one is called as self-centred in my opinion.. especially phrase 49 :Love is "Loving Yourself Unconditionally" haha..have a thought on it ya!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

yeah some of it i don't agree also as it is not in it is quite dumb/selfish..

3:04 AM  

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