Thursday, March 08, 2007

Last Couple Of Days

Work has been a nightmare last couple of days. On Tuesday I was suppose to attend a training and I only attended the training for 1 hour as the whole country had problems with the AS400 once again. I went for the training at around 930am and when it was tea break, I decided to come back to office and see if the vendors replied my email. To my horror, after I sat down, problems started. A lot of people started to complain that they could not log into the system. A lot means the whole country and HQ.

I had to stop attending the training and start to go department by department to troubleshoot the problem. Man it was nightmare when I went to troubleshoot. Its not like 1 pc cant connect but 10 to 15 each department. While I was troubleshooting, my handphone rang coz my friends were trying to find where I was troubleshooting. They also had to tell me where to go next.

To cut the whole story short, the whole of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was doing the work. Today was worst. I came in at around 8am, the phone rang at 820am. At 845am I had to go to another department to troubleshoot. I had to get support and my handphone rang like many times when I was doing the support. My friend then called me and said this "jin teik, we got a major problem. when your done come up and find out"..

I was like yeah ok. Then when I got back, I was so so shocked that every 1 was picking up calls and my boss was doing the troubleshooting. Then I sat down and started the phone calls to all the branches around our country. While troubleshooting I had to take to them coz I was bored. I then made sure that all branches could connect to the system by making them really check all the systems. What time did my troubleshooting end? Ended at 630pm. I then started to do the rest of my task that is outstanding and replying all emails. Was it a productive week? Answer is yes and no. Yes coz i work so much till time fly so fast, no coz i was freaking tired at the end of the day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think u're pretty much into ur job..I'll be proud if I'm ur boss..luckily I didn't call u up tat few days or did I? Nevermind bout tat...

Luckily this is ur last blog..spend so much time on ur web...time for lunch now...

anyway, interesting blog...but dont u think that most of ur friends who are not working under the same roof as urs won't know wat u're talking bout...but I guess u won't care and they wouldn'y mind coz this is ur blog...

Enjoy ur day!
One of the nuts that always bring problem!

12:43 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

ur not 1 of the nut that bring problems la...dont worry about it..its my work to help u guys out ler...

my boss proud of me? abit lor i guess..not much...coz im still weary about her...

5:20 PM  

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