Saturday, March 10, 2007

Company Dinner 2007

Last Saturday was my company dinner. Held at Mandarin Oriental. Food was not so good. But overall it was quite an good event. Most of the people there went there to drink and get drunk but I was not one of them. I am going to put some pictures of my event down here.

KC, Me, KW, Tong

IT Department Staff

IT Dept + Finance

Programmers, BISS & Adminstrators

Me With My Lucky Draw Price

KC, KW, Me, Adrian

IT Department (Not every one in the picture)

Picture which Tong Shoot Quietly

Ether, Chia, Me, KC, KW, Reagen

Su Li (my direct boss), Chun Yee, Dolly

Me And Group At Mandarin Oriental Ballroom

Mr Wong, KW, KC, Me

Me, Kw, Tong, Kc

Tong & I


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha..u look so energetic when u turn monster ah..=P food not nice nvm la hor,ur purpose there isnt eating mar =P

10:36 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

turn monster?what u mean by monster? yeah food was not good ler. purpose was to eat and enjoy,they told me the food there is good.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha..nola,u look noti oni..lolz.

3:11 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

i look noti? alwis noti wan. im not ok.dont simply say i noti.dont fren u then u knw :P

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... those funny funny ppl are from MIS...I took one photo with the horror man..I think from the movie of Star Trek..don't really know coz im not a fan of the film. that nite was totally not good. Heard from marketing HQ that food will be good when I went there around Im really looking forward towards the meal..but..hai...disappointing...
but really enjoy the nite...

Heard that the company is going for regionalisation, mayb wont have annual dinner like tis every yr...expenses too high..but donno yet..juz wat i heard...but normally the sources that I heard from are reliable..hehe

12:23 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

star trek with be a guy called ether..he is the tallest in the dept and he is a programmer...

hor take pic with him nv take pic with me tat now la...

yeah food words....

about regional well im not sure ler...ur rite jimat duit but pls la dont jimat till like tat rite?at least we can meet up mar the whole of malaysia...

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the company is growing so fast now...going to be listed some more

if continue to meet like this...cost a fortune le...

I actually think tat HQ ppl got a chance to stay at hotel too..until meet up with the staff there...and heard their stingy...but lucky for the outstation one..haha

9:58 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

cost fortune huh?but we bring in spend abit la.haha.

actually the hotel u stay is opp MO..but suddenly the name of that hotel dont ring in my head...i heard it is not bad too...

11:02 PM  

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