Saturday, March 31, 2007

Thanks For Gathering

To my fellow JMTI mates who came for the gathering last Sunday, I want to thank you for making it come thru. I know it take time to plan and etc and I really want to thank the main organizer of the day. I guess it was quite fun even though it was eating and ending up in my house watching tv, testing guitar, looking at Bali photos and etc. It has been 7 years since we all know each other and I hope that our friendship will last till a lifetime. Some of us might be far, some of us might be near but no matter what, we should try to keep in touch. I have to say I really enjoyed myself that day.

JMTI Hall Of Fame

1. Me
2. CK
3. HS
13.SG (Who left)
14. Jason (Who left)
15. Yennie (Who left)
16. TC

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Smallville I Hope To Be

At times I wish I can work really fast like how CK in smallville works. It's like he uses his superpowers to do this and that in a short time (seconds/minutes). At times there are so much things to do in so short time.

But I know why we are not given Superpowers. Reason I guess is simple. If we are given superpowers, we will be lazy. An easy example is if lets say an assignment is given 2 weeks ago and tomorrow is the due date, with powers we will only do the work today.

With superpowers we will also end up using it for the wrong purpose at times. Its like we want to gain for our own benefit only.

So end of the day, should we have or not have superpowers? You Decide.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

God Works In Ways We Truly Don't Understand

I guess I told some of you that I mistakenly took my halfday off like 3/4 weeks ago. Do you all know that it was part of God's plan for me to execute the mistake. There are 2 good reasons I see why that happen.

  1. I was doing worship for CG that day
  2. Next week was a nightmare working (didn't know that will happen till the next week)
On that day I was really confident that it was my half day off day. Actually most of the Wednesday's I am on half day off. Yeah I was doing worship for the day so I needed time to practice and also prepare. Then I went to CG on that night asking people to pray for me that I don't get killed in office.

On the next week of work, I don't have my halfday off. But from Tuesday till Friday, the whole Nation could not connect to the system that we used and IT WAS A NIGHTMARE (read work work for more information). I had to do phone support, I had to support the whole HQ. It was more tiring for me as I had to wake up early every morning for the whole week to drive myself to the LRT station as my parents were in HANOI. I reach office everyday at around 8am and from 820am I will stop doing troubleshooting at around 6/7pm. After 630pm+ is the only time I can squeeze in time to do the rest of my jobs which are pending and best of all, the telephone will all be silent during that time.

Imagine if I had half day off day on the day of disaster. I bet the company won't let me go home as only a few people could do the task as we are administrators. It was worst as my sidekick was on replacement offday for the whole week. So in the end there are only 2 administrators working which is me and my direct boss. The network team did help me out here and there as well as the BISS team.

So ever wonder why God let things happen? Look to the future as God sees the whole plan.

I'm Out Of UNI!!!!!!!!

Yup Title says it all. I am done with my University Days. Graduated last Sunday (18th). I Think I will just post a few pics of my graduation. At this time I would like to thank all my friends who have help me thru my study life. I know most of the time I am the person that all of you want to kill as I am very nottie, cheeky and many others characters of me which I rather let you all fill in.

Getting Old

Pui Fun was writing on how she forget her jacket, pendrive and etc etc. I have my own stories too.

Everyday when I walk to take my bag from the locker, I am like total not sure if i punch out or not. It's like when I take my bag, I will stand infront of the punching machine and think

"did i punch out just now?"

And worst is I don't remember whether I did or not. I am not sure how many times I am not sure if I did punch out or not. Sounds weird huh?

I guess the reason is simple, work just drain ur brains. There is so much to do, so much things to think about during work and by the end of the day your just plain tired. I am worst when I am extremely tired and if the person talks to me, I can't remember the person's name even if I see the person daily. Not only that, at times I stutter when I talk to the person when I am tired. Not only that, at times after my friend finish talking, I will be like "what are you talking about?"

Is it getting old that causes this problem? I don't know. Someone help me!!! :P

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My New Meighbour That I Sounded

Well it started like this. I had to park infront of my dad's car to kick start the battery. As my new neighbor was at the door I asked if they needed to come out now and they told me not at the moment. Then she ask me to park my dad car more to my side which I said ok. After my dad took the car for a spin and I came back with the other car, I gave her space. Then she told me to give more, so I reverse the car more. Actually I am not even blocking her entrance at all. Her reason was her kids cant come in the house which is total trash. But since I saw the car has P Sticker, I understand it too well. So later she ask me you reverse already? Then I say yeah. Then she say so little? Then I shoot her back "How much space you need?"Then she said its ok la. After that I just walk off. If I am blocking your entrance then I have to say it is my fault. If I am in their position and if I can even come out of the house, who is the bad driver here?

Anyway, we plug on the cable and force my dad's car to start and it did start after a while. I think my dad's car has been parked outside for maybe 3 months without moving. Thank God the brake clippers didn't clip on to the tyres.

A little bit of mechanic stuff now, if you haven't driven a car for a long time, take off the battery connection. If you not going to drive for even a longer time, please at least make sure the car is warm up or even take it for a spin. The reason why brake clippers might clip to the wheels is because of our weather which is hot and cold. If the car hasn't been driven for quite some time, the clippers will jz clip to the wheels. Its also the theory of "pengembangan and pengecutan"

Friday, March 16, 2007

I really Regret

One thing that I really regret when I read DUMC's latest floodgates was about the floods. Just a recall for everyone, on the 12th of December 2006, God gave me a dream telling me that a place is going to experience floods. What I failed to do is to act out on what I should have done. I could have told more people about it, I could even tell Pr Daniel or even other Christian brother and sisters about it but I didn't. Wonder why people suffered? It is my fault. When I read about what the team that was send down to Johor did, I felt bad.

I was given a dream to so warn people but I didn't. The only 2 person who knew about the dream was my cg leader and another friend. I guess if I told many other people, they wont even believe me as it was the future. But what I got quite accurate was when will Worst thing was when the 2nd flood was about to HIT, God whispered to me "flood" when I was in church reading the bible during celebration. That word again was so clear and I failed to act out on his word. All I did at that time was stop reading the bible and spoke in tongues for a while with tears running down my cheeks. After the word, on either Saturday or Sunday night the flood came back again.

When I spoke about the dream to the cg and parents, it was about too late. Different states was already flooded the second time. What have I done? I believe if I had done more, people wont really suffer that much. Maybe God will even have mercy upon the respective states that was hit with flood. I believe due to my blunder, God hasn't been giving me dreams anymore. Those of you who receive dreams and visions from God, act out. Don't keep. I know I have acted out on smaller dreams which deals with people but when God gave me this bigger dream I guess I felt it was too hot to handle.

I Don't Understand Why

The funny thing in my company is that my biggest boss don't like the network, security and SOO (all the 3 work together). Every time in the meeting we will always get screwed by her. She always blames that the system is slow and this and that. And when we take action she will counter shoot back by saying what we did was not right and didn't plan well and etc. She even said that the way we answer IR, UAR and etc is not good. I mean who cares as we are the people doing it and those in the same team will actually know what we are doing? The application team don't need to see all the UAR, IR and other reports that we do.

But guess what? She as a programmer herself sucks too. She always feels that the Application Team always does the best work around. Sad to say the application team sucks as their programming is worst than the people in diploma. Can you imagine those stupid programmers always make their system loop and causes the CPU to go even higher? If you don't understand what is loop it is simple. Imagine when file A must find file B but it cant find it? It will continue to turn turn till it finds it which eventually it does not find it at all. I guess that is why the small e got promoted to become a manager. She everyday polish her boss shoes during lunch. I even overheard their conversation. It went like this "eh how is your kids, when is your husband going to come back from overseas and etc etc". To me all those are bullshits la.

To me without the Big E and small E and some of those programmers, we will be better off. The Big E loves to talk when she don't even know what she is talking about. She always simply scold vendors and don't even want to pay the vendors maintenance fees and expect them to come when ever some of the system goes nuts. Even now in a small IT department there is actually a sempadan between the programmers and the network/security and SOO. When ever we communicate with the programmers, we really watch out words as a slip of a tongue will cause u alot.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Company Dinner 2007

Last Saturday was my company dinner. Held at Mandarin Oriental. Food was not so good. But overall it was quite an good event. Most of the people there went there to drink and get drunk but I was not one of them. I am going to put some pictures of my event down here.

KC, Me, KW, Tong

IT Department Staff

IT Dept + Finance

Programmers, BISS & Adminstrators

Me With My Lucky Draw Price

KC, KW, Me, Adrian

IT Department (Not every one in the picture)

Picture which Tong Shoot Quietly

Ether, Chia, Me, KC, KW, Reagen

Su Li (my direct boss), Chun Yee, Dolly

Me And Group At Mandarin Oriental Ballroom

Mr Wong, KW, KC, Me

Me, Kw, Tong, Kc

Tong & I

Work Work

I have to say the company I am working with is quite happening. I mean I enjoy the friendship there with the people who are in my team. We are there to backup each other when we are busy and when we talk we have like the same frequency. I think I will name those people who I really appreciate working with. At times when I am really busy they will really help me out with what ever they can. Thanks guys for really helping me out when I was in total need.

  1. Jason Hew (as400 administrator)
  2. Allen Teo (Network)
  3. Kieng Weng (as400 administrator)
  4. Su Li (My direct boss, Security + System Administrator)
  5. Mr Ng (No longer there)
  6. Jess Lee (Network)
  7. Adrian (BISS)
  8. Kok Chung (BISS)
  9. Mui Cheng (BISS)
  10. Dolly (BISS)

From Tuesday till Friday, the system was total nuts. As you can see the post before tells the whole story. On Friday I had to support the whole nation in changing the printer name. There is a stupid department in my HQ which loves calling me even when they know how to use the system. They know they do and don’ts but they still make the mistake and when I lead them from phone they say “cannot la can pls come”. When I was down to help them up with the problem it was actually no problem at all. It was the user who was stupid.

I will give you all an example. To open Microsoft word all you got to click the icon on the desktop (if there is a short cut) but that also they can’t do. When the 3rd that same person called me (luckily I was on the phone with another branch), my friend told me to return her call and I hit back “what is her problem? I don’t want to do, you go follow up with her. How many times she want me to go there and help her? Why she so idiot wan” then my friends who were there were like ok ok, don’t so angry la. My friend who went to do the support came back scolding her also saying “she use the system so long already and still don’t know how to use meh?”

That aside, I really enjoyed my time working by talking on the telephone with the rest of the branches. It was quite cool. I mean we talk about so many different things (while troubleshooting) and I guess some of them were quite amused by me. Some asked me why was my English so good, some asked me to be their son, some say I was a bad boy and some wanted to kill me because the IT department makes their life hard. Those of you who know me know what I really am when I am talking. I can be crazy, cheeky to the max, nottie boy and I can make u go nutty :P

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Last Couple Of Days

Work has been a nightmare last couple of days. On Tuesday I was suppose to attend a training and I only attended the training for 1 hour as the whole country had problems with the AS400 once again. I went for the training at around 930am and when it was tea break, I decided to come back to office and see if the vendors replied my email. To my horror, after I sat down, problems started. A lot of people started to complain that they could not log into the system. A lot means the whole country and HQ.

I had to stop attending the training and start to go department by department to troubleshoot the problem. Man it was nightmare when I went to troubleshoot. Its not like 1 pc cant connect but 10 to 15 each department. While I was troubleshooting, my handphone rang coz my friends were trying to find where I was troubleshooting. They also had to tell me where to go next.

To cut the whole story short, the whole of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was doing the work. Today was worst. I came in at around 8am, the phone rang at 820am. At 845am I had to go to another department to troubleshoot. I had to get support and my handphone rang like many times when I was doing the support. My friend then called me and said this "jin teik, we got a major problem. when your done come up and find out"..

I was like yeah ok. Then when I got back, I was so so shocked that every 1 was picking up calls and my boss was doing the troubleshooting. Then I sat down and started the phone calls to all the branches around our country. While troubleshooting I had to take to them coz I was bored. I then made sure that all branches could connect to the system by making them really check all the systems. What time did my troubleshooting end? Ended at 630pm. I then started to do the rest of my task that is outstanding and replying all emails. Was it a productive week? Answer is yes and no. Yes coz i work so much till time fly so fast, no coz i was freaking tired at the end of the day.

Monday, March 05, 2007

God's Word

Around 3pm today, my friend Adrian ask me to check my email as a branch was having some problems accessing their as400 system. I saw it was Ipoh branch and I attended to their problem immediately. After doing what I can, I decided to call the branch straight away and this was how the conversation went.

Alicia : Eh today I got a lot of problem accessing the system la. Since 130pm I cant access the system

Jason : what u do to the system la?
Alicia : I didn't do anything
Jason : Sure or not? Don't bluff me la. (at the same time troubleshooting for them)
Alicia : You know your like an angle send in time of need
Jason : Yeah I am an angle send from heaven to serve you (my friends who heard what i say started to laugh)
Alicia : (laughing the other end)
Jason ; Your system should work now, do try
Alicia : Thanks!!

Some other part of the conversation was not important so I decided not to put it in. But everytime when we talk or we serve people, serve the very best. People will really see that you are different. Remember this, we are send from heaven to serve people.

As Matthew 20:28 states this

"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Truth In Phrases

I was watching CSI the other day and Nick Stokes says this

"I tell ya no place is safe anymore"

I agree with what Nick has to say. You see these days the world is just a sad place to live in. All we can do is only pray to God to have mercy upon our land

Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Nation That Complains

I believe most of you know I am working as security engineer and system administrator. I bet all of you know it is a really tough task too. After 2 months of working there + overnight, I felt today was the worst day. I don't want to put want to put our nations name also just in case anything happens to me.

I started work at 9am today and this morning when I was praying in the train + my own mind, was telling the Lord, "God help me to be hardworking today and help me to really serve my very best". God really gave me the best today. As I work at AEON, there are many branches in the whole nation. Today the whole nation kept on calling the BOG (Branch Operation Group) and IT department as the system was REALLY SLOW FROM 9-6pm.

The whole day I was just monitoring the system (printer server, as400, exchange server,reset password of both windows and as400). And my whole day was occupied doing all this + support to other departments. Worst time was after I came back from lunch, I saw quite a few papers on my table asking me to reset password. While resetting password, my other friends will call me to do this and that and tell me that the system is slow and which branch is complaining. I didn't really take action as it is normal for they system to be slow EVERYDAY. Can you imagine the system cpu from 9-6 is at 99.9%? It is total madness. It is the user who uses the system and they can ask us why the system is so slow. Worst is they call up and say that the receipt that they print cant come out. That is the most serious case. Even when I troubleshoot, there is nothing wrong with the system, but it is only slow. But users cant wait as most of the time they have customers in front of them.

Honest there is no way we can boost up the system. Yes we can but upgrading the system it will cost the company millions to upgrade the whole system and the telephone line. Even after 6pm, I had to support HQ and even the some of the other branches. When I was about to leave, my phone rang again! I did support that last call and told my other friend that I am leaving for home. If there is any support I will only do it tomorrow.

Actually tomorrow half of my day will be in IBM attending a talk. I think my friend will have a tough time tomorrow troubleshooting the system if there are any problems. Worst thing is there is only 1 administrator working and I will only come in at 2pm. As for my night shift, well I guess it hasn't ended. After this problem, on Saturday I will need to have a meeting with my boss + the rest of the administrators to find the best solution to fix the problem. We cant afford to have a down time as we in the IT department will get shoot and the best is our company dinner is on Saturday. I guess if the system is screwed up abit for today and tomorrow, it wont be so nice for us working as administrators.