Tuesday, March 27, 2007

God Works In Ways We Truly Don't Understand

I guess I told some of you that I mistakenly took my halfday off like 3/4 weeks ago. Do you all know that it was part of God's plan for me to execute the mistake. There are 2 good reasons I see why that happen.

  1. I was doing worship for CG that day
  2. Next week was a nightmare working (didn't know that will happen till the next week)
On that day I was really confident that it was my half day off day. Actually most of the Wednesday's I am on half day off. Yeah I was doing worship for the day so I needed time to practice and also prepare. Then I went to CG on that night asking people to pray for me that I don't get killed in office.

On the next week of work, I don't have my halfday off. But from Tuesday till Friday, the whole Nation could not connect to the system that we used and IT WAS A NIGHTMARE (read work work for more information). I had to do phone support, I had to support the whole HQ. It was more tiring for me as I had to wake up early every morning for the whole week to drive myself to the LRT station as my parents were in HANOI. I reach office everyday at around 8am and from 820am I will stop doing troubleshooting at around 6/7pm. After 630pm+ is the only time I can squeeze in time to do the rest of my jobs which are pending and best of all, the telephone will all be silent during that time.

Imagine if I had half day off day on the day of disaster. I bet the company won't let me go home as only a few people could do the task as we are administrators. It was worst as my sidekick was on replacement offday for the whole week. So in the end there are only 2 administrators working which is me and my direct boss. The network team did help me out here and there as well as the BISS team.

So ever wonder why God let things happen? Look to the future as God sees the whole plan.


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