Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Nigth Shift Over

Well my night shift ended this morning at 6am and I will not get a chance to do night shift anymore. Yesterday was really tiring. We could not focus after we got back from drinking tea at around 130pm. At the mamak stall we were talking about the systems (windows, as400, networks, vendors) and not forgetting our beloved BOSS :P

After the tea, it seems the task that I and my friend will be assign (already assign,daily routine) will be even more and harder. This is due to our beloved programmers team who don't even know how to write a program that will not loop and cause the system to get jam or can I say the resources reach out to the max.

I believe working in the company I will get to learn a lot. But due to the time limit (9-6) I cant even finish my work. My parents even ask me to go learn the as400 programming language which I TOTALLY don't even have time. My job as a SE and SA is actually very taxing and every body wants a piece of me. Fair not fair? I really don't know.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Molest Molest

Everyday when I take the LRT, I think I kena molested ler. Sounds abit stupid but indirectly it is not molest. Well the reason why is the train will be pack and people will be rubbing each other. Most of the time I will be standing at the front of the train and people who are shorter (not pin point to any person shorter here) will have their handbags rubbing my bumz. I kena this everyday and worst is when I am praying infront of the train I wont focus on my prayer. The part that will give me the electric shock is when their bag poke my spinal chord and it sends a shock to the brain. I know I cant tell the lady please stop rubbing my bumz with their bag.

Usually my time at my watch is around 20minutes faster than normal time. When I was in the train, a guy look at my time and his face changed. I saw him taking a look at his watch and then back to my watch once again. I wanted to burst out in laughter when I saw his face reaction but i manage to control myself.

Alot of funny things happen in the LRT. You will only see it when it is peak time only.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


CNY was a night mare for me. Usually CNY should turn out to be happy and getting together. But how I was so wrong for this year. Incidents that should not happen, happen. I wish it didn't have to happen but for some it did happen. So how was CNY? It suck big time.

I still don't understand why bad incidents have to happen during events like CNY or other events. At times I wish I can like just get lost and hide and dont need to see a certain type of people too. But who am I kidding? They are bound to be in your way some time or another.

There is a saying time will heal, but I feel the time has been too long and IT WILL NEVER HEAL.

Blessed CNY to Everyone

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Day Before & Valentines Day

Since I am quite free and I don’t have a valentines date, I shall blog what really happen yesterday and today. The whole of yesterday I was in training (9am-6pm) and when the training decided to break I went back and was shocked to see my UTAR classmate there on his 1st day of work. I am happy that my friend got the job there as it was me who recommended him to get the job. Since I saw one, I wish to see the other 2 more to come it too. I guess you all might wonder if I will get a certain amount of money when I intro people in the company, well NO. All I want is just to help my friends who are still looking for jobs just to kick start their lives with something they studied in their degree.

During training my mind was there and not there. Even the person teaching knew that and he asked me a question and I didn’t know the answer at all. But I did utter the answer to my Ipoh counterpart which was “ISO”. I was not sure of the answer so I didn’t answer. Then later he said ISO and I was “crap should have said it”. Then everyone started to laugh at me abit (everyone as in representatives from every department).

Another part of training was when I was chosen to do presentation and the stuff for presentation was all written by my friend Rachel (Ipoh) and it was at times quite hard to read her writing. But I manage quite well during the presentation. There was a part where I was suddenly blur when I don’t know what my friend was drawing (presentation on flow chart and also some stories about a company we created). So I was “wait ah” stood infront of the board and look look and suddenly people started to giggle. Then Mr Fong (Ipoh) suddenly helps me out and I manage to continue. Then Melaka Branch asked me a question that was not in my diagram which we left out and I could not answer. Then it was time to go back to my seat when suddenly people started to laugh again. Honest I don’t know why people laugh. Maybe they thought I was cute up there (maybe only). A lot of people keep on asking what my age is and keep asking me why I still look like a lilboy which I can’t answer too. Actually the audience could be nearly the same age as me or even older.

The only part that I didn’t really like was during tea time, the melaka guy came and question me why the as400 system in the company was so slow. Our system is actually supporting the whole of Malaysia and not only his branch so when there are transactions at times there will be a lag time and it is worst when everyone logs in the system the same time. He was actually blasting the IT department that due to slowness of the system and because of this his staff will have to do extra work and by offering manual receipt and later when the system is up they will need to key in the data again after office hour. Actually he doesn’t know that the IT department works like mad and every time there is a problem they will just call us and make noise and we try our best to troubleshoot the problem as soon as possible.

I left office at 615pm and headed back to sleep till 9pm+. I woke up and had dinner, bath and headed back to office at 10pm. Once I was there, I had to process my work that I didn’t do the whole day. I manage to call a friend of mine to yack a while and also sms people using the net sms. At nearly 1045, Mr Ng and Allen only came in. during that time we had fun time laughing and talking all types of trash. And when we laugh we laugh really loud as there is no one in the company already. At 1115, that was where the nitemare started. The exchange server had some problems and we restarted the mail server. I had to trouble shoot the problem with Allen as email server is really important to the company and before the email server was down at 9am, the whole of Malaysia started to call us, our boss made DAMM a lot of noise and etc etc. We kind of knew the situation in the morning if we don’t fix the problem. In the end Adrian, Mr Ng and I went on to do our other task which was PC Maintenance at 12am. That was how we ushered in V day at 12am.

At 330am we were so tired and the email server was still not fixed yet. In the end all 4 of us slept from 330 till 430am as we were so so tired. When we awoke we were so fresh. We slept by connecting 2 or 3 chairs and slept on it. It was comfortable but we didn’t have pillow. If we had it will be superb.

We work till 6am and went back to the IT department and the email server was still down. At 645am, the mail server was not working and I decided to go home as I was so tired. I reach home around 7am and I slept till 1245pm. Ate lunch and at 130pm I was off to bed till 6pm. So my whole day was considered gone. Even thought I slept many hours, my body still can’t change back to normal. Even right now I am still feeling damm tired. Tomorrow I’m working once again. I bet there are a lot of task which I will have to complete once again.

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day To All. I am currently working in office now and it is 3.20am. I am still setting up pc's and today I feel so freaking tired. Not only that, we now have to troubleshoot the email server that has problems AGAIN. If we don't fix this problem by 7am tomorrow, the whole of Malaysia will start calling us and many of the support team wont be working as we are currently doing overnight shift.

Happy Valentines Day To ALL

Felt Being Used Part 2

Remember once I blog about an aunty that ask me to burn 15cds for her? Well it is proven that she used me for her own benefit. How I know? Well in December her cg had a Home E. but during this home E, she took the chance to invite all her son family members, her own family members, her friends and many more. The tally of people from her side was nearly about 30. Actually it was only her side who were the oikoss of the home e.

The amount that they had to fork out for the home E was 1000++. That was not included gift exchange. Each gift was to be rm10 each person no matter kid or adult and she wanted to change it to be rm15. If I am not wrong some people object as it will defeat the purpose of gift exchange. I heard that some of the families were not happy as they had to fork out so much expense for the home e. that won’t? I mean I will be unhappy if I was there and it will ruin the concept behind the home e.

So if you come across people who you think love to use you or others, beware. I know we need to show love to them but it every act there should be wisdom.

Small Boy Again

Again this is what my counterpart told me the other day when I was having lunch with them. Check out the conversation. Both are different timing.

Rachel: Hey how old are you ah? 20, 21, 22?

Me: Why ah?

Rachel: Tell me la your age because you look very young

Me: I am not that young after all. I am 24

Rachel: Is it? You look like a “sailo chai”. You look like u just finish secondary school

Dolly: Eh how old are you?

Me: I am 24

Dolly: But you look so young like small boy

Adrian: Yeah when he 1st came in, I thought he was the youngest in the company.

Me: Nola, just that I look young and I guess I will be forever young

Sunday, February 11, 2007

When I Finish My Walk

When I finish my walk just now (Bukit Kiara Hill), someone handed me a small booklet. It is sort of a valentines day booklet. The front title is called "Love is all about... You". In this whole book it is actually phrases and some explanation of the phrase. But I am a lot lazy to write the explanation so I shall only put down the phrases. If I am a bit hardworking, I will put the explanations down next time. The only thing is the explanation is so long. Even a fast typist like me will take some time to finish it.

I have to say there are somethings that I don't agree with (phrases and explanation) as it goes into meditation. There are classes to this but it is on meditation. As Christians we are to only meditate on 1 thing which is God's Word. Just have an Open mind towards some of the phrases. I believe God can give/help us more in our lives and make it clear and take away all fears than we rather needing to meditate on other stuff. I wish I can share that God can take us to a different level and we don't need to be so worried of our future and etc. Once we believe in HIM, he will bring us thru EVERYTHING.

For More Info Of This Stuff that I Got, this is the URL. You can download the same stuff that I got and read through what I have Written.


  1. Love is "Accepting Yourself For Who You Are And Who You Are Not"
  2. Love is "Allowing Others To Be Themselves"
  3. Love is "Giving Worth To Your Self"
  4. Love is "Giving Up Self Pretense And Simply Be Who You Are"
  5. Love is "Recognizing Abundance In You Instead Of Lack"
  6. Love is "Receiving With Joy What Is Entitled To You"
  7. Love is "Being Grateful For Little Blessings That Comes Your Way"
  8. Love is "Being Thankful For Everything That IS Already You"
  9. Love is "Being Kind To Yourself In Moments Of Stress"
  10. Love is "Seeing Everything With Gratitude"
  11. Love is "Opening Up To Greater Possibility"
  12. Love is "Inspiring Others With Confidence"
  13. Love is "Sharing Your Innermost Fear"
  14. Love is "Sharing What You Love"
  15. Love is "Rewarding Yourself For A Job Well Done"
  16. Love is "Listening To Your Heart"
  17. Love is "Guiding Others To Grow At Their Own Pace"
  18. Love is "Embracing Negativity With Forgiveness"
  19. Love is "Listening With The Silence Of The Heart"
  20. Love is "Speaking With Fullness Of The Heart"
  21. Love is "Giving Yourself A Measure Of Comfort A Day"
  22. Love is "Sharing Yourself With Others"
  23. Love is "Letting Go Of The Past Hurts And Grievances"
  24. Love is "Forgiving Yourself Unconditionally"
  25. Love is "Letting Go Of Guilt And Regret"
  26. Love is "Expressing Gratitude For Lessons That Come Your Way"
  27. Love is "Living Your Life Purposefully"
  28. Love is "Making A Difference In People's Life"
  29. Love is "Rejoicing In Others Happiness"
  30. Love is "Respecting Your Needs Instead Of Wants"
  31. Love is "Handling Yourself With Gentleness"
  32. Love is "Trusting Your Own Capabilities"
  33. Love is "Turning Your Perspective 180 Degrees"
  34. Love is "Surrendering To Your Highest Good"
  35. Love is "Surprising Others With Random Acts Of Kindness"
  36. Love is "Allowing Yourself To Live Instead Of Exist"
  37. Love is "Letting Yourself Be Appreciated"
  38. Love is "Overflowing Your Life With Kindness"
  39. Love is "Silencing Yourself In Stillness"
  40. Love is "Attending To Your Inner Call For Peace"
  41. Love is "Giving Others The Benefit Of Doubt"
  42. Love is "Making Time For Yourself And Your Needs"
  43. Love is "Allowing The Good Heart To Be Contagious"
  44. Love is "Encouraging Yourself To Server"
  45. Love is "Seeings Others With Compassion"
  46. Love is "Letting Go Of Control"
  47. Love is "Believing In Your Goodness"
  48. Love is "Choosing Loving And Positive Thoughts"
  49. Love is "Loving Yourself Unconditionally"
  50. Love is "Letting Fear Be Your Teacher"

Care Bears

Going to be a bit childish today, decided to post my favorite care bears. I still remember when I was a little boy, I love watching this cartoon. It is quite a cool cartoon to watch. Actually looking at the different bears, it kind of remind us of our faith in Christ and if we can show it to the world it will be good as it will bring blessings and we can touch many peoples lives. I will just have the bears picture on my blog, but if you want more info please head to this url


Seems some of the bear pictures wont come out that nice, so head to the url to check the real bear out. Wonder how I got my blog name? Easy, see the 1st bear which is Tenderheart and the next bear is Lovealot. Lovealot actually likes Tenderheart so I decided to have it called tendeheart-lovealot, but I cant as someone has taken that blog name. So I have to change it to tenderheat-lovealot. I should have change it to tenderhearts-lovealot which will sound alot better.

Tenderheart Bear

Love Alot Bear

True Heart Bear

Wish Bear

Laughalot Bear

Secret Bear

Share Bear

Surprise Bear

Do Your Best Bear

Friend Bear

Funshine Bear

Good Luck Bear

Grumpy Bear

Bashful Heart Bear

Bed Time Bear

Champ Bear

Cheer Bear

Day Dream Bear

Valentines Day

Well I know what is going to happen on Valentines Day for me. I will be sleeping on that day ALOT. On Tuesday I am working overnight again from 10-630am. I thank God on Wednesday I will at least get to rest then back to work on Thursday Morning.

* Just Want To Wish All Singles & Couples A Happy Valentines Day *

Friday, February 09, 2007

Handphone + Work

Gosh I still look at sony ericsson homepage nearly everyday to see the handphones I wish to have one day. But I guess the 1 day will take a long time more to come. Reason is simple, my parents won’t buy for me and I will need to work and safe all the money just to get the handphone. But the thing is when you have safe that amount (lets say rm1700), it is really hard work and suddenly you will just pour the money on getting a new handphone. Actually I really need a handphone.

My current handphone which is Nokia 3310 has served me well for many years. But the only problem I have is the numbers and sms can’t be stored on the handphone. It will be stored on the SIM card. I can only store 250 numbers and 30 sms. Currently I have 245 numbers on my SIM card (after deleting quite a lot because I don’t have the choice). My Nokia 3310 is actually still working very well. I wish I can modify it and put in a those MMC cards or etc cards so I can do backup on the numbers without deleting any.

Handphone aside, now I know how doctors feel when they work over night. I have been working overnight on Monday night (10pm-630am) and yesterday (930-630am). Next week I will be doing that a couple of times more. Reason why I work at night or shall I say this 1st, I actually work morning from 9-6pm, then I go home rest, bath, eat and rest a while and I am back to office by 10pm till the next morning 630am. Why am I working so late? Reason is simple again. I got to take care of systems and configure computers one by one with the rest of my gang (4 people include me). I wish I could do from central and push it out to those computers, but well sad to say we can’t do that. So we got to go department by department and do it.

Nothing much has been happening to me. Most of the time I am working and the best part is I have damm a lot of backlogs. Everyday I work from 9-730pm but my time is like so limited. At times there is so many other tasks that pulls me off focus. On Thursday I was suppose to finish a task before I go home, but I had to make sure the server room is clean, the operations room is clean, do this and that and it wasted nearly 1 half hours. Then I had to create new users ID, next thing I know it was lunch time. After lunch I work on that task and I was side tract again as I have to make sure the IT department is not messy. Our department was spot checked yesterday and it was my duty to keep the place clean as I am the security office for the company and I know what they will check on.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sony Ericcson K800i

Boy I love this phone, but I don't have the finance to buy it. It cost around RM1.7K (phone only). Actually I start to need a new handphone as my current handphone (nokia 3310) cant store numbers on the phone. I have to store all the numbers on the sim card. My sim card is running out of space itself. Currently I only have 6 more spaces up for grabs. Actually I have 6 is also because I deleted some people who I don't really contact anymore. I know you all must be saying so cruel, but really I don't have a choice at all.

I love this phone as the features are quite cool. It has a 3.2 Megapixel Camera, 3G, and etc etc. Most important thing that it has is radio and music player (comes in helpful when I am doing overnight shift). I wish my cousin in Singapore will take this new handphone when her contract runs out. She promise me a handphone but till today I see nothing. Maybe it is about time I sms her and ask her where my handphone is!!!!!!!!! :P

If you all are using some series of Sony Ericcson, let me know what series is that and if your happy with it (features). OH yeah maybe if you all bought accessories like bluetooth, memory stick or etc, do let me know the pricing of it too. And my last question is, if you have downloaded themes from the Internet before, is it safe to put it inside ur handphone?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Company Christmas Dinner

I know you guys will be wondering why so late then only I post about my company dinner. Been lazy, getting less ideas to post also. But from this week onwards I will try to post of the different things I have in mind. After my company dinner, few days later I got food poisoning.

Guys Of IT Department

The Team That Supports The Whole Of Malaysia (Most Authority Too)

IT Dept Staff

Adrian & I

The Food

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Desktop Paper For Another Computer

Since today I am quite free and still feeling a bit sick, I decided to check my other computer and put a new desktop wallpaper on it. Enjoy It.

Seize The Oppurtunity

What I am going to tell now is a true story and it happen few days ago. I had a friend who was going to Australia to study. I told my friend that the last day I can meet is on Sunday as I am really busy from Monday till Tuesday. My friend decided not to meet me on Sunday telling me that it is not the right time to meet. As my friend didn’t want to meet me I was fine with it as it is not my life and I just can’t simply force people out if they don’t want to go out.

On Monday I had to work late and my friend sms me. So I return a call (as I was lazy to sms at around 645pm) and told my friend that I can’t make it as I will be back late. True enough I came back home at 1045pm. I was really burn out for the day. My friend actually wanted to meet me on Tuesday morning before I go to work or Tuesday night but in the morning I am a bit slow in waking up so it was a no no for me. Tuesday night was Church evening prayer. In the end I didn’t go for church evening prayer as at 445pm on Tuesday, I started to have a little fever and headache. My friend actually wanted to meet me in church after church evening prayer. I reply that I could not meet as I had to sleep 2 recover from my lil fever.

On Tuesday night my friend sms me saying sorry because my friend should have meet me on Sunday no matter what it was and that my friend did regret not doing so. My friend was to leave for Australia on Wednesday night. My friend even says some things that I didn’t say when I read the sms. One of it was my friend say that I will say serve my friend right. But I didn’t.

What I am trying to say here is simple. When this event happen to me, Pr Daniel sharing replayed in my mind as Pr Daniel once shared saying that we should always seize any opportunity that God has given us. That includes events that happen to us (in my case going out) or it could be any other examples in life. Among the examples that I can give is to pray for people, reach out to them for salvation, help people and many more. I believe what Pr Daniel say is true, if we don’t take the chances, we might NEVER get the chance again as we might not even get to see the person again (the person die, transfer, we will only meet once).

My final words are, seize what ever chance we have to touch people’s life, going out with the person or many other examples which I can’t think of right now.