Sunday, December 31, 2006


Seems that I can’t really find a good title name for my post. Well I was off on the 26th of December but I wasted nearly the whole day doing undone task. That includes paying bills and fixing my mum’s friend pc. Actually my whole day was gone due to fixing the pc. I actually hope that my mum’s friend will just buy a new computer soon so that I wont be so troubled by fixing the pc all the time. This old pc is actually really old and it is really hard to find the parts to replace it. So on the 26th of December my whole day was gone.

Work so far is fine. I am starting to get more and different task. The latest task is to draft out a new set of policy and procedures for my company’s mobile computing. Man I have to create the whole document from scratch.

Yesterday I had food poisoning. I vomited at 3am (Saturday). It was due to the company dinner (seafood) that I had on Thursday and on Friday I had bbq. So I guess my whole entire body system is mess up. I did go to office yesterday but after a while I told my boss I can’t take it anymore. I did vomit in office once and after that my legs went soft. I didn’t have the strength to stand or walk. Could only walk a bit and feel weak and the same time. The worst is I am afraid that I will faint as there is nothing inside my body anymore. I took mc for yesterday and head to see the doc where I got a jab. After I got home I vomit again. This time it was worst as I was empty and I was forced to vomit. During the night (8-11pm) was the worst. I felt like dying as every time I took water I feel like vomiting again. I don’t know how many times I went to the toilet but nothing came out. I really suffered yesterday.

I am slightly better today but I am feeling hungry. My parents force me to eat ½ boil eggs which I hate. I ate extra kaya puff and now when I am blogging, I don’t feel that good again. But I am trying my best not to vomit it out as I need food to keep my body going.

Tonight is the last day of the New Year. I guess everyone should take some time to reflect on what has happen this whole entire year. Before I leave, let me say this:

Blessed New Year

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day

Today is Christmas day. Want to start off by wishing everybody a Blessed Christmas.

Woke up around 9am today as the person we ask to wash house came today. So I woke up, sat in my computer room for a while and I started to on my pc and went online to read The Star newspaper. Then while I was reading, LiXia pm me on msn and we chat about different things. This gal, once in UK forgets her own country. She doesn’t even know that our own country flooded. So I told her some latest happening and updated her here and there. At 1015am it was time to go to church.

Today weather was freaking hot. Lixia told me UK is freaking cold and she misses the sun. I told her I wish the weather will be like Genting Highlands weather. Yeah today was really hot.

Church was good. To the violin player, I really salute u. man u can really play the violin so well. She played 5 songs so well. She was accompanied by her sister on the piano which was really good. Church was PACK!!! Well we won’t have this problem next year when we are in the Dream Center. Actually I offered my services as an usher as I saw most of the ushers like never walk around or do their duty nicely. But I was not in formal clothes so they told me they had enough ushers.

After church I came back and sleep. Tired. Then woke up then ate lunch at 330pm and at 6pm was in my mum’s friends house for dinner again. Was there to fix their computer as there were some problems faced by them. Now I am back home…………..

The best thing is, tomorrow I don’t have to work. So happy. Tomorrow is my off day. Thank God for that. I guess that is all.

Believe When God Says Something

On the 12th of December 2006 I wrote that a nation was going to hit by floods or tornado. In the end it was our own nation that was hit by the flood. Places where usually never hit by floods got hit and got hit BADLY.

I know some of you when you read about my dreams from God will wonder if this dream will ever come thru. Some might even say “it might not even happen”. Trust me when it will come to thru when God shows me dreams. I even now know how to tell if it is God’s dream or not. I have to he honest, I didn’t know that Malaysia was going to get hit by the flood. I guess now I won’t look so far anymore. I will look at my country 1st before heading towards other countries.

I did tell some people about the dream that I saw the same day (Tuesday). Told liz about it, did sms my leader about it too. My leader told me to ask God what God wants me to do, but I already had the answer which is pray and pray hard for mercy. I didn’t even share this dream with my parents till 22nd which is on Friday.

Just now when I read in the newspaper I saw some people creating blogs about the floods. I wish this people who created those blogs would have read my blog earlier and be prepared for the floods. But I guess this is all God’s plan. I think if they read they won’t believe it will happen too.

I have to say don’t doubt God and don’t doubt God’s dreams. Trust me he will execute what ever he has shown to HIS people. We are his messenger and we are his priest (prayer people).

Saturday, December 23, 2006

1 Week Update.

I have been working for 1 week already. At times it is quite boring and at times it is quite fun. At times got task at times the whole day I just read the manuals or the files. So far I can remember some of my office mates names. But the only thing I don’t really like about this job is that I have to work on Saturday. We are given 3 ½ days off in a month but it is not enough compared to 4 times a month other people get (I consider Saturday a off day for normal office). Then my off days are quite weird as we can choose 1 ½ days only. The 2 days has been set by the boss. On the 1st day I was quite sad as this company needed staff and they didn’t really explain their policy to me. That includes the Saturday must work, the bonus and etc etc. felt really dumb at first for joining the company. But I guess I had no choice. Better I get a job then staying at home.

Christmas is coming on Monday. This year I guess there won’t be gifts for me or anybody. Reason why is I didn’t buy any. I think I already receive my Christmas present from my sister and her husband.

I haven’t been really playing my guitar that often too. I did play it yesterday for around 15 minutes. It went out of tune a bit but I am quite lazy tune it back as it sounds nearly the same. But after lowering my saddle, it is even easier to play the guitar now. I guess tomorrow I will have to play for my mothers home E.

I wish I really can learn fast not only in my guitar but my work too. It seems like I am getting lazier too. After work, I just come home and play game, eat and sleep. That has been my activity for the last 1 week. I am actually typing this update in office now. After this I will have to go to church and I will not have any position in ushering as my dad told the leader I won’t be there. I guess that will be better so I can roam around like a lead usher: P

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Couple of Days Activity

Today is Sunday. Tomorrow I start work already. Well all I can do now is pray for my moral paper that I will at least get a C.

Yesterday I did nothing much at home. Went to play badminton in the morning, went to have my hair cut and went to get my new saddle for my A&L guitar. Decided to get a new saddle as I want to keep the original saddle and try to lower the new saddle for easier playing capability. So I lowered the new saddle and it is a lot easier to play and those from the 7-15th fret are easier to play too. Actually I am trying to make the saddle low so that it will be like the Maton guitars which have very easy playing capability. You don’t even need to use a lot of strength to press the string. Just a light touch will do. So when u get a new guitar and you want to access those end frets, just lower your saddle.

The sad thing that happened is my DVDROM decided to die today. It refuses to read anymore cds or dvd. I hardly use the dvdrom too. I only use it when I need to rip music cd to mp3 or even burn other cds. But now I need to get a new dvdrom. Not only do I need to buy a dvdrom, I need CDR, the plastic that cover the cd any many more stuff. All this again come with a cost. I guess my pay will go into buying these things.

I guess that is all for my update for this couple of days.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I Miss Cutting Fruits

Last time when I was working part time in FREO / Juiceworks I complain a lot as I have to cut a lot of Fruits or can I say I cut fruits for 8 hours every time. This made me angry and the pay was nothing to shout about. IF there is such thing as pay against the strength that you use, really it is not worth it at all.

But now at times I miss cutting fruits. I wish I can go back and work a couple of hours just to cut fruits. I guess most of you all know that my nickname is also cutter boy as the amount of fruits that I cut last time in a single day is madness. For more information on how many fruits I cut, you got to go back to my old blog which is

All the stories are there. I wish when I start work I can do some part time on the Sunday. Working a couple of hours will be fine too. But I don't think I can as my work place told me I am on call most of the time which is sucky :( I wish I can do part time as I really wish to contribute more towards Dream Center

While I was there, I got many good friends who work really hard to make FREO and Juiceworks a better place to work in. We really added fun and at the same time work to always reach our targets for the day. Not only did we have fun, but all of us left the place nearly the same time as each other as there were some issues from pay to other personal commitment. When we left we created our own company name called FreoWorks

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Street Ministry Christmas Party

Last Sunday was the street Ministry Christmas Event in the Drop In Center in PJ. Before the event started, there was already thunder and the sky was dark. The event will be held in the open air. I reach the Drop In Center around 4pm and we unpack the car as there were so many stuff inside the car seat and boot (food, guitar, drinks, paper cups and plates).

After that it was time for prayer lead by me. As I had to make it simple I focus on 3 items only and that is the weather, the people coming and we (the cg) who is helping and running the event. After we prayed we started to arrange all the items to be brought out and I started to practice the guitar. When I was practicing, there was still thunder sound but I kept on practicing and people started to come in. When the event started, it didn’t rain but it drizzle only a bit and it was meant to keep the weather cool for all of us.

The event started at around 515pm and around 40+ people came (kids, middle age and old). Playing the guitar was quite ok. My leader played with me so I was not so scared. Steven then shared a short message on what is Christmas and what does the Drop in Center does weekly. Then it was time for makan and after that everyone parted their own ways. I am not sure if we did manage to communicate with the people there enough, but I believe the seed has been sewn in them.

I would like to take this chance to thank my parents and my cousin for sponsoring money towards the event. The event did take quite a lot of money as there was a need to buy food, drinks, gift packs, photocopy the Christmas song sheet and many more. I would like to thank Liz also for giving me a guitar key chain last time. I use the key chain to put it at my guitar handle. I wanted to decorate my guitar case but I didn't know what to put last time so this time I put the guitar key chain that has my name behind.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blessed Birthday

Just want to with my 2 friends a Blessed Birthday
1. Liz
2. Sally

Tornado Attack / Floods

I had a weird dream or can I say I believe it is from God. I saw a nation was hit by a tornado and there were a lot of sufferings and there were floods. I kind of know which nation is this, but I am not totally 100% sure. I hope that this nation will not be attack by any sort of weather condition. If you want to know which nation is this, please ask me.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Problem Solver

On Saturday, Pr Chris Kam told us to be problem solver and not problem maker. Today when I watch smallville Season 6 Episode 9, Clark Kent is always the problem solver and he wants to do even more for other people. Choley told him that he has already done a lot and he does what people cannot do for others. I hope that I can be the problem solver then the problem maker. As Christians, we need to have a standard of living to make a difference in the world and not make the world a worst place to be in. as you all know, when there are humans in the world, there are bound to be A LOT of problems that will arise. So join me and become a problem solver and not a problem maker. I wish I can be Clark Kent at times

Sunday, December 10, 2006

My Favourite Songs

AT The Cross

Oh Lord You’ve searched me,
You know my way;
Even when I fail You,
I know You love me.
Your holy presence
Surrounding me
In every season,
I know You love me;
I know You love me.

At the cross I bow my knee,
Where Your blood was shed for me,
There’s no greater love than this.
You have overcome the grave,
Your glory fills the highest place,
What can separate me now?

Verse 2:

You go before me,
You shield my way,
Your hand upholds me;
I know You love me.
And when the earth fades,
Falls from my eyes,
And You stand before me,
I know You love me;
I know You love me.


You tore the veil, You made a way
When You said that it is done.

Ocean Will Part

If my heart has grown cold,
There Your love will unfold;
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.
When I’m blind to my way,
There Your Spirit will pray;
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand,
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.

Chorus 1:

Oceans will part; nations come
At the whisper of Your call.
Hope will rise; glory shown.
In my life, Your will be done.

Verse 2:

Present suffering may pass,
Lord, Your mercy will last;
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.
And my heart will find praise,
I’ll delight in Your way,
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand,
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand.

Chorus 2:

Oceans will part; nations come
At the whisper of Your call.
Hope will rise; glory shown.
In my life, Your will be done.
Oceans will part; nations come
At the whisper of Your call.
Hope will rise; glory shown.
In my life, Your will be done.<

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Register ur Prepaid

Time is really coming soon. Please Register ur Handphone Prepaid before the 15th Dec. Or else your line will just be cut off

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Worst Services

Well to those who stay in Damasara Jaya, the post office here works like turtle. Without fail they work really slowly when it is peak and non peak time. I am not sure why but I guess those who pay your bills there will know why.

As for the Telekoms in Damansara Utama, their services sucks too. The other day I was there to complain about my TM NET dialup bill that i have already terminated 3 years ago and they told me 3 years ago that I don't need to pay anything anymore. That was in 2003. In 2004, I went again to tell them that I receive a letter asking me to pay their rm24 fee. I then went and fill up another form and submit the form and they told me everything is settled. This year 2006, they send me a RED WARNING letter asking me to pay up the rm24 and told me that I will be brought to court if i don't pay up.

When I was there, I waited for nearly 1 hour 20minutes before it was my turn. Man the staff there work like they are playing the fool. They type with 1 Finger from each hand, they don't even have the form in their counter and they will need to walk around to get the form for their customer. Then once their printer ran out of paper to print, they will go to their store room and take around 30 pieces of paper for the printer. As their printer is network printer there will be many other printing from the same machine and they still can take so few papers. When it was my turn I was angry and the person there like sounded me saying "why are you so angry now? I am attending to your case now". I could have blasted him in front of him but I didn't want too. It will be a major embarrassment for him. Then when he showed me the form I told him angrily that I filled this form 2 times last time. He told me to fill it up again. I just did it.

Now I guess you all know why our country can't go far as we have people that work like NOT SURE WHAT, always take so much bribe and create nothing but problem for our nation.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I wish......

There are many things I wish for in my life..Shall list it down here

  1. I wish I had a big land so that I can plant many tress and create alot of Oxygen and lessen the heat that is in Malaysia or even try to lower global warming.
  2. I wish I had alot of money so I can contribute even more towards DreamCenter
  3. I wish I can do some part time job so that I can contribute towards DreamCenter
  4. I wish I can become good in the things I do without working hard on it (Will Never be).
  5. I wish I was a nicer person at times.
  6. I wish at times the things I want will just come in a snap of a finger..
  7. I wish I wish I wish............

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Dont have title

I started to post some of the DUMC notes which are the old old ones. But I dont really have it all so I will only post what I really have. There will be more to come when I have the time.

This sunday, I will be playing the guitar for the Street Ministry Christmas Celebration. I am practicing really hard, but there are some songs which still I am not really good at, but I am really trying my very best to make it on time by this sunday not to be perfectionist, but at least no mistakes.

Moral exam is coming soon too. It is on the 15 th of Dec. I will be starting work on the 18 December which is so freaking fast. Do pray for me people. Thanks

Monday, December 04, 2006

Felt Being Used

Yesterday was the ushering thanks giving dinner at Dr Tham. It was a wonderful outing in his house in sieramas. His house is 4 stories high. His house is a palace. His house took 3 years to draw and 3 years to be build. One part of his house had musical instruments in it. Electric guitar, classical guitar, semi acc guitar, electronic piano, drums and speakers. The only thing I don't have is pictures of his house. Thanks Dr Tham for the dinner.

The part of felt being use was when my mum's friend ask me to burn cd's for her. She told me she don't have CD burner at home which I totally doubt as her son is working in the IT line and her younger son has good computers and she don't have a cd burner? Anyway I took the cd's and burn for her but when I was burning the cd's I felt as if I was being use by her. I did ask my friend about it and my friend say "maybe she really don't have a cd burner" or "her son is busy". Well that lady will be paying me for my cd's that I use to burn her cd's.

After burning her cd's I ran out of cd's, my marker to mark cd ink nearly finish and the plastic that I use to put the cd's nearly finish. I guess it is time I restock my stuff once again. I guess the last time I bought empty cds is nearly 2 years ago. I don't really burn that much this days. If there is a need to pass files over, I usually will use CDRW or DVDRW.

Am I being used or not? The answer is out there.....

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Really True

Read the stuff that I just uploaded. It is what we face everyday in our Life. Please click on the picture for a bigger and clearer view.