Monday, December 25, 2006

Believe When God Says Something

On the 12th of December 2006 I wrote that a nation was going to hit by floods or tornado. In the end it was our own nation that was hit by the flood. Places where usually never hit by floods got hit and got hit BADLY.

I know some of you when you read about my dreams from God will wonder if this dream will ever come thru. Some might even say “it might not even happen”. Trust me when it will come to thru when God shows me dreams. I even now know how to tell if it is God’s dream or not. I have to he honest, I didn’t know that Malaysia was going to get hit by the flood. I guess now I won’t look so far anymore. I will look at my country 1st before heading towards other countries.

I did tell some people about the dream that I saw the same day (Tuesday). Told liz about it, did sms my leader about it too. My leader told me to ask God what God wants me to do, but I already had the answer which is pray and pray hard for mercy. I didn’t even share this dream with my parents till 22nd which is on Friday.

Just now when I read in the newspaper I saw some people creating blogs about the floods. I wish this people who created those blogs would have read my blog earlier and be prepared for the floods. But I guess this is all God’s plan. I think if they read they won’t believe it will happen too.

I have to say don’t doubt God and don’t doubt God’s dreams. Trust me he will execute what ever he has shown to HIS people. We are his messenger and we are his priest (prayer people).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jason,

I was just googling for someone I met who mentioned that he went to DUMC, and found your blog.

I'm intrigued that you have dreams that you know are from God. Sometimes I get messages from God like waking up in the middle of the night with words or bible verses and i also see lots of things in life that are more than coincidences which I can only attribute to God. I know that if I were to tell many of my churchmates, they would think I'm crazy. There's been so many times when I think of a song and then I hear it at church, or it gets played on Christian radio (I'm in Australia). Our God truly is amazing, if only more people would choose to have more faith in Him, even if it's just as small as a mustard seed, I believe it can move mountains! More importantly though, I'm learning that faith without works is dead, and we are His workmanship created to do good deeds. To God be the glory!
In Christ,

12:12 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Hi ace,

actually i dont really know how u could find my blog as i still dont really know how is my blog connected too. I did try checking it out in the search engine BUT i hit nothing :P

let me start by saying this, last time when i got dreams,i am not sure if it is from God or not.but now when i get dreams i will know if it is God talking to me or it is not God's dream.its like your already experience (not being big head)...

If you read below, i reveal God's dream and I know i had to do something about it and i thought that it would be good if people would partner me in prayer.But i am not sure if i can say this,but some people decided not to really believe me.there is nothing much we can do, but all we can do is do our part as we are the 1 that God has given the dream.

8:28 PM  

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