Saturday, December 23, 2006

1 Week Update.

I have been working for 1 week already. At times it is quite boring and at times it is quite fun. At times got task at times the whole day I just read the manuals or the files. So far I can remember some of my office mates names. But the only thing I don’t really like about this job is that I have to work on Saturday. We are given 3 ½ days off in a month but it is not enough compared to 4 times a month other people get (I consider Saturday a off day for normal office). Then my off days are quite weird as we can choose 1 ½ days only. The 2 days has been set by the boss. On the 1st day I was quite sad as this company needed staff and they didn’t really explain their policy to me. That includes the Saturday must work, the bonus and etc etc. felt really dumb at first for joining the company. But I guess I had no choice. Better I get a job then staying at home.

Christmas is coming on Monday. This year I guess there won’t be gifts for me or anybody. Reason why is I didn’t buy any. I think I already receive my Christmas present from my sister and her husband.

I haven’t been really playing my guitar that often too. I did play it yesterday for around 15 minutes. It went out of tune a bit but I am quite lazy tune it back as it sounds nearly the same. But after lowering my saddle, it is even easier to play the guitar now. I guess tomorrow I will have to play for my mothers home E.

I wish I really can learn fast not only in my guitar but my work too. It seems like I am getting lazier too. After work, I just come home and play game, eat and sleep. That has been my activity for the last 1 week. I am actually typing this update in office now. After this I will have to go to church and I will not have any position in ushering as my dad told the leader I won’t be there. I guess that will be better so I can roam around like a lead usher: P


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