Sunday, December 31, 2006


Seems that I can’t really find a good title name for my post. Well I was off on the 26th of December but I wasted nearly the whole day doing undone task. That includes paying bills and fixing my mum’s friend pc. Actually my whole day was gone due to fixing the pc. I actually hope that my mum’s friend will just buy a new computer soon so that I wont be so troubled by fixing the pc all the time. This old pc is actually really old and it is really hard to find the parts to replace it. So on the 26th of December my whole day was gone.

Work so far is fine. I am starting to get more and different task. The latest task is to draft out a new set of policy and procedures for my company’s mobile computing. Man I have to create the whole document from scratch.

Yesterday I had food poisoning. I vomited at 3am (Saturday). It was due to the company dinner (seafood) that I had on Thursday and on Friday I had bbq. So I guess my whole entire body system is mess up. I did go to office yesterday but after a while I told my boss I can’t take it anymore. I did vomit in office once and after that my legs went soft. I didn’t have the strength to stand or walk. Could only walk a bit and feel weak and the same time. The worst is I am afraid that I will faint as there is nothing inside my body anymore. I took mc for yesterday and head to see the doc where I got a jab. After I got home I vomit again. This time it was worst as I was empty and I was forced to vomit. During the night (8-11pm) was the worst. I felt like dying as every time I took water I feel like vomiting again. I don’t know how many times I went to the toilet but nothing came out. I really suffered yesterday.

I am slightly better today but I am feeling hungry. My parents force me to eat ½ boil eggs which I hate. I ate extra kaya puff and now when I am blogging, I don’t feel that good again. But I am trying my best not to vomit it out as I need food to keep my body going.

Tonight is the last day of the New Year. I guess everyone should take some time to reflect on what has happen this whole entire year. Before I leave, let me say this:

Blessed New Year


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch.. get well soon, and blessed new year too!

4:41 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

thanks jinny, blessed new year to you too...

5:37 PM  

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