Thursday, May 29, 2008

Weird Dream + Update

Anyway I didn't finish my PnP. I decided that if I didn't put it in, they wont know either. So that is what I did. I didn't put it in together with my work. The visitors did come and boy they really ask us a lot of questions and some of the things we don't even have but they say that they have. Its all lies. I know people lie to get business but I believe it is not the way. Anyway the visitors came at around 5pm when they were suppose to be there are around 230pm. I guess things are ok, but the amount of work coming after me is A LOT.

I had a weird dream the other day. It was quite scarry to me. I was sleeping and I believe the dream was fighting with something and I was on the ground and the thing decided to hit my lower back and honest I felt my nerves reacting to the hit. My body was hit twice and I really could feel it. When I was hit the 2nd time, I was awake and my nerves like send electric shock to my whole body and I was scared. I was like 'wat on earth'. I got back to sleep after that shock but till today it will not leave my head on what has already happen.


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