Saturday, September 22, 2007

When Your Best Is Not Your Best To Others And Words

Well I can say that most of us work really hard for everything that we do and all of us want to achieve something out of it. You know at times you put in the 110% effort but in the end people just don't appreciate your work even a single bit and just continue to shoot you to blame you for things that you do or even things that have already happen? People will at times wonder if it is truly my fault if the problem occurred when actually it is not our problem or we have tried our very best to fix the problem.

I know on earth there are no people who will say nice things to you or even compliment you on your job that you have done nicely. Most of the time people will just say things that will hurt your feelings and some of them do it intentionally and unintentionally (to them is a joke when it is not).

Why can't people be nice with each other? I know there is nothing we can do to change the other person, but there is something that we can do to change our own self. It is always the 1st step that we need to take to make the difference rather than being just like one of them. That is why now I am learning how to or have already started to use words of encouragement and even to compliment people as they will feel appreciated and you will never know that those are the words that they just want to hear at that very moment. You might never know that they will just even remember your words you have for them even at that time even though you might have already forgotten what you have said to them.


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