Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mount Murud Trip Part 4

On Saturday itself, we didn't have any events as there was some of us that headed to the peak of Mount Murud. One way of walk is 5 hours, so in total I walk about 11 hours that day. What was worst when I got back as it rain and it was freaking slippery. Not only that, we had to take water from only 1 source that was said to be clean. But I have to say the water there is cleaner then the water I have at my place of stay. Anyway some pictures

Signboard 4 The Path

If You All can See the White thing, That is where the camp side is from near the peak of murud

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mount Murud Trip Part 3

In the morning, noon and nite was just the events. So yeah it was really good as every session, God's awesome presence was always there with us every time. Yeah so this posting is really short :P

Friday, July 29, 2011

Mount Murud Trip Part 2

On Thursday, at 4am we had to wake up, wash up, ate break fast and our journey started at 445am and we had to ride in a 4 wheel drive for 7 hours. We had to go thru the timber camp and when we reach the foot hill, it was already 11am+. When then had our lunch a while then we started our journey to the camp site. It took me another 4 hours before I reach the camp site. My mum took about 5 hours while my dad who was waiting for the others took about 6 hours. The last group that arrive took 7 hours.

At the Holy Mountain, my dad actually saw the burning bush and it was captured on video by another person. I wish I have the video so that I can let you see what he saw. I saw the video too.Pictures as below

Travel @ 430 AM

Stop For Toilet and Makan

4 Wheel Drive

Timber Camp Pictures

Timber Camp Pictures

Journey Up To Lepo Bunga

Lepo Bunga

Trail Up

Holy Mountain

Holy Mountain

Holy Mountain

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Mount Murud Trip Part 1

Well I shall write a sequel on my trip. Went to KK on the 13th Of July. Flight was at 1020am and we caught the bus from KL Sentral to LCCT. Reach there like near 1PM +. But when I was still in LCCT, the driver called my mum and told her that he don't want to take us and assigned another driver to drive us which is a little bit too much. How can you already promise then last minute change how things are done?

Anyway we reach, pickup another 3 people from the main airport and we went to have lunch at this area that was build by a Christian Community. I didn't get a shot on this are though :( But the food there was good. Had ikan bakar, rice, vege and egg (3 people eat) for rm28?

Then it was 3 hours drive to Lawas and it was tiring journey. When we reach there around nearly 8pm, we rest and we had dinner and we had to wash up and prepare for bed as the next morning will be an 4am wake up call.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Don't Trust People

I trusted a person the other day and guess what? That person decided to take things into their own hands and what happen in the end was a big whole argument. Well moral of the story is don't trust people. You will get your self burn really badly.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Read This

Read this for those of you who carry android phone. Read Here

Monday, July 25, 2011

Yeah Yeah

The other day before I went for my holiday, I send out a notification that I am going on leave. Then my TL said that he didn't know I am going for my holiday. Well when he goes off for his MC or leave no one even know. Anyway I have notified them long time ago and I didn't bother but I still went. I guess if you are a TL you should know when your staff is going on leave and rather than acting don't know and surprise when they are going on leave. Anyway its quite confirm my TL don't have leadership skills. Everyone agrees and everyone says that.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why So Rude?

The other day in front of my area. This guy from In*** was complaining to the building management.

I : Your tap and hose always got issue
M : Where got?
I : It is always not working and always spoil.
M : Over here 100 over people use. At your home only your family use.
I : The one in my house has better quality then use that.
M : It is no use, it will still spoil too.
I : That is not my problem it is yours.

When I heard that, I myself wasn't happy. Why the world are you so rude to people for? I think even they come and change the toilet lights and etc you should be happy. At that moment I felt like telling that I to go back to his own country since he is so nasty and go suffer there for not being grateful to the items that is in the office

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sidney Mohede Concert

Heard that the concert was really good. Wish I could be in 2 places at once during that week / weekend. But I guess it will not happen. Unless I can split my body into 2 at once. But there was once when I was reading Doraemon comic, there is this knife that he used to cut the person into 2 so that 2 people can be at different location. But I wonder if 2 people are at 2 different location, will they be able to see / hear the same thing.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Feeling Unwell

I don't feel that 100% good after coming back from Mount Murud. The full story of the event will be coming up really soon. So stay tune for it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Back To Work

Its back to work today



Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Unix Training

I will be attending Unix training soon. To me, honestly its no use. Why? Coz Unix is not my kind of thing but yeah I get to learn new stuff and I don't think I will be using it often in my new office place too. But since free go only la.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nothing To Shout About

The other day when conference call, my counterpart told us that we will have more task coming ahead and that we will be given the chance to take care of the ticketing system (if you don't know its like ticket number for ur issue). To me it is nothing to shout about but they are so proud. I really wonder if they are really that shallow.

Monday, July 18, 2011


My office now has WIFI. I wish I have a HP which has wifi or can bring a laptop to play wifi as there is no 1 blocking it from accessing any sites. So that means I can chat too. Let's see how that goes.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

True Worshippers In DUMC Part 3











Saturday, July 16, 2011

True Worshippers In DUMC Part 2











Friday, July 15, 2011

Trueworshippers in DUMC


Can I have your attention please? Trueworshippers will be in DUMC today!

Place : DUMC
Date : 15/07/11
Time : 8pm
Contact : Click here
Map : Click Here

Need more information? Drop me a msg :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Concert TMR









Wednesday, July 13, 2011






Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Question Over Dinner

The other day when I was having dinner with my friends, I was questioned.

P : Will you go after a non christian?
JT : It will never happen.
AL : Don't say that it will never happen.
JT : Why not?
P : You already set what you want?
JT : Yes there is a minimum requirement to have which is to know God.

In life, there is a need to know what you want and at least to have requirement(s). This is not only finding for BF/GF but it is for general too. If you are MCC, surely you will not know what you want in life.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Being Stalk Part 5

The other day stalker told me this on FB

Staker : Everytime talk to u also answer good, not bad or ok..this 3 answer only will give... if i ask u be my bf what u will answer?

JT : *I din't reply*

Stalker : dont know how to answer leh..

I have no idea how to tell her to buzz off anymore as she really don't get it. I wish she was well versed in English and I will sit her down to tell her not to have any hopes as it will not bring any benefit as the 1st issue is already religion issue.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Learn To Be Humble

Working with people from overseas especially another kind is really an experience. Even though they call them self Senior IT Security Analyst, I don't think they even have a single bit of knowledge of IT Security. They are so proud of their current job which is nothing to shout about and the project has no future at all.

The other day I was provoked by them. Check it out as below

A: Who will take the ownership of the presentation?
JT : If lets say I take the ownership and when I don't know anything will you back me up as I am not all knowing (coz the work they do is NOTHING ABOUT IT SECURITY).
A : Teo are you scared?
JT : *Wasn't happy with that provocation*. Speaking and presenting is nothing to me.
A : Good.

I think the person who is more scared is that fella than me. When you go for call conference with them, they are always yes, yes, right right. Not only that, they are freaking lazy, they always as us to do their work while they do nothing. As you notice, I have to monitor servers every 4 hours manually as there are many reasons given to why we cannot use any monitoring tool.

Not only that, when my TL asked 1 of their kind to do the scripting 2 weeks ago, nothing came back till today. They say 1 week will be ok. But guess what? Till today I see nothing. That is why there is nothing to shout about them, they are more of shaking the heads but they CANNOT GET THE JOB DONE. So please don't have such high respect for them as guess what? We are any time better than them at every level (speaking the truth here).

Saturday, July 09, 2011

IT Sec Job

I was hoping that I could try my luck in WV, but they decided to cut the IT Sec Job. Sad but true but I guess when the door is close, another door will open really soon for me :)

Friday, July 08, 2011

Parking Story

The other day when I was in TC as my mum needed to get some stuff, I decided not to park and decided to wait in the car as my mum will be quite fast. One thing I notice is that when I don't need parking, there will be a lot of parking near the entrance. But when you need parking at times you cannot find any. How weird isn't it?

Thursday, July 07, 2011

Wash My Car

I finally wash my car after so long I haven't wash it. I really clean the inside and also outside and thanks to a lot of bird droppings, my car is starting to rust and the top part of my car already has holes on it. Stupid birds. But as I vacuum my car and wash it, I am really happy that I can spend that amount of time with my car even though it is not human as I really thank God that it can bring me still any where I want even though the exterior is not that happening. I wish I can just change the roof top and make the car go on for another couple of years as I feel that getting even a 2nd hand car is not worth it as my travel now is even lesser compared to the days I drive to work when I was working in KL.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Toy Model

I love to look at toy model's. As Transformers is the kind of thing now their models are around every where and it is freaking expensive. The other day when I was in TC I saw Optimus Prime @ 250+? But I have to say it is nice even though it looks more like a toy. It is not so much of u buy and take it out and play but its more for display. I have seen people selling it 2nd hand in lowyat forum and it is not cheap too.

I guess most of you know that I love skyline too and skyline model which is metal die cast is around RM80+? Like I say our money so small, stuff so expensive how to buy?

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Money Very Small

Now when we earn money, our money is really small. Our money is small because everything is so freaking expensive now. Even though they try to curb inflation, it will never happen. I guess when down the road when you want to get married, easily the wedding dinner table will be freaking expensive. I heard even from 2 years ago, if you get married in a 5 star Hotel, it will cost u about 1400 and above.

Side track, don't talk about getting married, check out the price of houses now. It is so freaking expensive. Even a condo / apartment is like 300k and above? Well one thing I can say, is that our salary we will not be able to pay for the house that we want to buy unless it is freaking far away like inside a jungle.

Monday, July 04, 2011


After working for nearly 4 months, I really am demoralized. Everyday when I walk up the LRT steps in KJ, inside my mind is "I hate to go to work" and it keeps on repeating till I reach the platform. Once I am in Masjid Jamek, while walking up the stairs, the same phrase will play in my head too. It is quite sad that I really drag my feet to work every single day. But what to do? I am being trick to join this company and the people that I work with (not our locals) are quite not so clever. So why is my knowledge in HP better than my work? Coz I have nothing to do and I just read about HP nearly every single day :(

Sunday, July 03, 2011

PC Hang Kay

My pc in office runs on 3Gb of ram and guess what? It still hangs everyday. I have no idea why. I guess the system there is kind of sucky. If they can ask me to monitor the server health every 1 hour, what more should / can I say about their PC's?

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Monitor Server Manually

You know when you work in a bigger organization you think that they have better way of working and etc? But guess what? The place I am working isn't doing that. They actually ask us to monitor the server manually every 1 hour and send them email on how much CPU and memory is being used. I am doing IT security and it is such mempersiasuikan of our knowledge. If the server has limitation on hard ware like CPU or even memory, can't they get like 2 or 4 way CPU with loads of ram to run the server and have a monitoring tool. *sigh*

Friday, July 01, 2011

Kena Tipu

The other day when I got an email from my friend regarding water cut, I was worried and I went home and collected nearly 10 pails of water because the notice was for 2days. But on the next day, when I turn on the tap at 730am, there was still water and I told myself it was not yet time. So when I got back home, I asked my dad if there is still water and my dad told me yes.

The amount of time that I use to collect water was so much and there was still water for even the 2 days. Eventually they gave a statement saying that the pipes were replaced really fast and they manage to restore all their services back to normal. I guess if you are unsure why do you even put the notice to hit such a wide area and drive people worried?