Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Melaka Trip

Did write on my Awana Trip, but this time will be my Melaka Trip. But I guess I will post the pictures later :P

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SCB Run Update

I manage to finish my run in 1:27:43+ seconds. That was SCB clock. But since I started from behind, I have to add like 5mins to before I manage to run. Anyway I got my medal. Will be waiting for my cert. But on that day, someone pass away during running. Quite sad. But the thing is from my run, I saw many of people are either not fit or running the wrong way. Please if you want to run marathon, go train and check out with your doctors if you are fit enough. If you cant take it, just walk..

Monday, June 28, 2010


My friend who wants to become an SA and who the other did backup for programmers on v5r4 told the programmers this :

N : Cannot wan, our system is v5r4 cannot save the file to lower wan
P : Then how?
JT : Who say cannot? Can la
N : *went and check the system* eh can la.

Man if you are going to become SA, even simple stuff you don't know and you tell everyone you got 15 years of experience is a NO NO

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Today I am going to attempt my 10km run. Hope I wont faint half way. Did train but I guess it is not good enough. But I have to finish it. Don't really bother about the time that I will set on myself. No use la :P All I want is to go there, run, enjoy myself and come home and rest :P

Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Am Shocked

I got my Chip Mag for month of May quite late. And it was really 1 of my area that I work on which is network. They actually really did write really well. It was quite comprehensive. They really wrote well on how to network your house and what equipments to used. But after reading it, I found out that they kept on talking about cat 6 cables but they didn't talk anything about switches. So I decided to drop them a mail on some of the technical stuff. Their reply as below

"thanks for Sharing! its an overlook from our part that we did not mention that cat 6 cables will only work to its full potential when used with 1000 baseT products. with regards to the cable length, CAT5 and 6 cables can be used up to 150meters (we have tested it) and we thought that no one would need to use a cable that long. You were right that we should been including these details in. as an appreciation, to this, we'd like to you to have the spot as this month letter of the month."

I got letter of the month. This email/letter was not meant to shoot them. Really. But when I let my friend see the email, my friend told me I was brief and nasty. I honestly didnt expect them to put this mail up. Really didn't expect to be letter of the month. I was actually in 1U when I decided to drop by Popular Book Store to get the mag before having my lunch when I open the mag, I saw my name on it. I was actually laughing my way when I saw my name.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I manage To Run 20km

On Saturday and Sunday I manage to run 10km on each day. It was tiring especially on Sunday as it was hot. The air was hot. But I manage to run 21 rounds without stopping. But when I was kind of tired on the 14th round I kept on encouraging myself to continue to run till I finish. I guess it really did me good. So on 27th, here I come.....

Thursday, June 24, 2010

We Wish

At times we wish that we are born in another family and at times we are jealous of this person and that person. But allow me to say this, it is normal to have that feeling. At times we wish that our family life is better than our current. Honest I am one of them too. When Pr Chris kid was sharing during Father's day, I was like "WOW, I wish I had Pr Chris as my dad too".

But I guess if we didn't really have a good kids with parents relationship, its ok, we can make the difference. But I know there is still a distance but when we have our own kids, let us make the difference for them.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So scarry

The SCB run is coming really soon. The other day when I read this it kind of freak me out. Sometimes it plays in your head if you can finish the race or not. Anyway the story is here

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crap Talk

I had to go for a talk the other day and it was 3 hours long. But thank God I sat behind, I was playing Nokia Snake game. Honest I was not sure what that guy was talking about as it was more of programming and programming aint my kind of thing. Those dudes who were beside me were wondering why I was playing game. Anyway it didnt matter. There were couple of programmers sleeping too :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Friend Tried To Burn Down Office

The other day when I was doing SIT, was feeling hungry and since there were left over from lunch, I decided to have a bite for tea. So we took back the pizza and chicken wings and went back to our side to heat the food up. Guess what my friend did? He put the chicken wings which was in the plastic into the microwave and heat it up for 1 minute. Guess now what happen? The plastic burn inside the microwave. Man it was the burnt smell that was in the air of my office. Not only that, since it was burning the microwave have the burn stain already.

So moral of story, please la don't go put plastic inside the microwave la!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Blame Your Self

You know at times lets say we are send for competition and when we are not good enough we tend to blame others and then come out a report and start to wonder why we didn't win? I guess the theory is this, if you are not good enough (even though you think you are) you got to check out why you lost and you need to fix your weak area so that you will be better and the next time when you go and play or etc, you are more ready for it. I guess it all comes down to discipline and how hard that we give our best during training and stop giving excuses.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Yeah I manage to run 10km today. But the weird thing is I manage to do it in less than 1 hour. SO now I am really wondering if I really did 10km. Tomorrow I will try to run again another 10KM. Lets see how it goes

Friday, June 18, 2010

Strong Smells

I am a guy that cannot take too strong smells. That includes perfume, spray, new plastic smell and etc. On 11/6 my sis hubby brought his big screen as he will be projecting the worship songs on the projector. But since the screen is new, the whole house stink of it. When I got back the smell hit me on my face and I straight away saw stars. I know then you guys will ask me "what happen if your gf next time use a strong perfume?" I still have no answer for you, I will get back to you on that.
I am not sure that being born on the year of a dog will actually bring stronger sense to people. To me it does. I can hear very well, have a strong sense of smell and now I cannot really see that well anymore. Maybe I am just too sensitive :P

Thursday, June 17, 2010

An Accident

The other day there was an accident at around 330am that cause a girl her life as the petrol attendant didn't want to borrow the fire extinguisher to a guy who was willing to pay and even pass them his IC. Anyway I bet you guys know this story. But hey I am not here to tell you boycott this station or this oil company. I just want to highlight some points here.

  1. If I am a thief, I wont go ask for fire extinguisher.
  2. If I am a thief, I wont even pay for it or throw my IC
  3. You guys have already spill oil in the ocean and not doing much about it.
  4. Now this incident have happen, what say you?
  5. A supervisor called Syah said that the fire extinguisher was for the station use. If it was his family inside the car and it was burning outside of the station, I will not let him use it too.
  6. We as human have brains to think a little. Even though me doing IT Security, we have to be strict, but when matters arise, we cannot say we will have to follow by the books an we have to do what is the best at that moment.
  7. To run out of context, I am wondering if the those 2 people on duty on that time is legal or illegal.
  8. At 330am, please la go home and sleep. Forget about clubbing and having tea. Safety is the 1st and most important thing.

Won't write too much, if you have any extra points. Do write too.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Intro Me To Girls???

The other day when I was yacking with my friend. Then suddenly my friend asked another friend of mine to reco me to some girls as I am still single .

N : Can you please into him to some girls?
Soo : *Points towards Query Girl*
JT : *did some remark*

*Soo and N Laugh*

Soo : Come I recommend you to someone (not sure name)
JT : Who?
Soo : (told me name again). She very pretty wan
JT : Dowan
Soo : Why she very pretty mar. JH this someone very pretty right?
JH : *Silent Mode*
Soo : Danny this someone very pretty rite
Danny : I don't know
JT : Wahlah you, always give me like this wan u!

Last time she tried to intro to me some girl who say she very pretty and happening. But she was so so only. But what are my requirements? I won't tell you! hahaha

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Really Work Out

I guess I have been working too hard. Till at times I feel so tired when I go home and when I wake up I don't feel like waking up. That is why when I wake up I will go downstairs and have another part 2 till about 835am. Anyway the other day my friend told me this on msn

Jo : If you always do OT how to find gf?
JT :Yeah lor, if got gf, then gf dump me coz always OT.

See even my friend ask me this question already. But really I have no choice. I am 1 person in my team only. I need to do so many things my own or assist people till I don't have time to do my own work. One great example is today. 100% of my day was just to assist people to help them with their problems. At 545pm, need to format pc. Then have to paste back their backup till 9pm+. So today my own work nv do. Yesterday work also never do. So Wed got 3 days of work to do. *sigh*

I guess I work so hard till Mr Ng was saying if he has his own company he will hire me :P


I at times act on this theory, but at time I do nothing about it at the same time. the theory is quite simple. I actually change it to fit myself

"You Got To Start 1st If You Want Something To Be Done"

This actually can apply at home, at work or any where. At times lets say if I need to do house work, at times I am just too lazy. But once if you start it you will really give to do your best in the task that you do too.

At work, I would like to share that I was actually doing an assignment for office but in the end I didn't do it as there are couple of reasons. I got more important work to do and that task is just too hard for me to do. It is really time consuming! But since I don't like to do it, I know that the next batch of trainees will be coming in July, I will force them to do it and finish it. I shall assign work that is a little harder for them if not they will be playing facebook the whole day!

Monday, June 14, 2010

So "Smart"

The other day I had to support some fella. This is actually what he wrote on the email to me :

"can you configure back IP address for SLCC – 035? because the PC still acquiring the IP… "

JT : Can you please check your DHCP Client if it is Started, Automatic?
Dumber : Yes it is
JT : Should not happen like this. Your side is static IP.
Dumber : My boss came out and sat at this place and change the IP to use this PC IP.
JT : Wahlah, you even know 2 device cannot share same IP right?
Dumber : Then must I change the laptop IP back to normal?
JT : Duh! Hey you got degree this type of thing also you don't know?
Dumber : Later I try 1st, then cannot I call you.
JT : Don't need. I very confident can work.

This guy always tell me he wants to work at my side. Even the simple thing also he cannot do want to work at my side for what? Go learn up some stuff 1st man. Anyway he is actually like the trainee. Everything also don't know.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

My Friend Who Wants To Be An SA

The other day my boss was talking about AS400 v6 and V7 and this was the topic my friend had with me the other day.

N : The other day Mr Ng pull back the 100gb, use that size to test v6 or v7 la
JT : *lost of words*

Example, if lets say you install windows xp on your hard disk, you need to partition your hdd to another lets say 20gb and install windows 7 on it. This is not dual boot. It is a single boot. How can that happen man? My friend wants to become an SA really soon and he always talks about how many years he is doing AS400 which is 15years. Man I do AS400 for 4 years also I know that it cannot be done!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Only Ran....

Today I decided to give myself a push to see if I can run 10km. But I could not. At the 14th round which was 8.4KM, my leg muscle was a little tight so I decided not to push anymore as I need to walk back to my home after the exercise. I could not really simulate the real event too as I didnt provide myself with water. Didn't buy as was kind of lazy too. Tomorrow I will give it a shot to run at least 18 rounds which is 10.8KM. But this time I will go get some drinks ready. Stay tune for more

Friday, June 11, 2010

Section 14

The other day when I was in Section 14 for lunch, this was what happen when KP & I were waiting for the lift and chatting. There was this girl waiting for the lift too who was playing her Garmin GPS and she was curi curi tengok me which I notice. Anyway suddenly :

Girl : Are you from Sedaya
JT : No. (Continue to talk to KP)
KP : *smiling at me*

Inside the lift

Girl : Which floor is the roof top?
JT : 4th floor and 5th floor.
Girl : Ok

So after that my friend was hitting on me I should ask her number and etc etc. She was not bad looking. Anyway I should have asked her at least the minimum which was if I look like someone she knows.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I know I posted on my 1 week but there were no pictures. Here come the pictures. Anyway like I say the cakes taste like Secret Recipe cakes. Not only that, they are 50% off after 930pm.


Banana Chocolate & Strawberry Cheese Cake

Turkey Ham Pizza

Turkey Ham Bread

Cheese Cake

Feeding Mr & Mrs Fish

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Don' Eat Too Much Eggs

Don't take too much eggs. Really. They are bad for you. If you have a habit of eating half boil, well done eggs in the morning, go check on your cholesterol level. It will be higher than you think it is. My mum actually took 2 eggs everyday as she read that it was good, but after a while she went for her check up and they told her to take medication, but she didn't and she even cut down on eggs. So please don't just down 2 eggs everyday in the morning. Ain't not good for you.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Manhattan Fish

This was on my birthday. Ate in Manhattan. This is what we had. I have to say it is nothing to shout about the food there. Food extremely oily.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

World Cup Is Here

After English Premier League was done, Thomas Cup, now its time for World Cup. I believe during this season, there will be a lot of people getting new TV Sets and having late nights watching the football. I know that most of the matches are from 10pm OR 230am.

But one thing about world cup, so many players are already injured from training or even on friendly matches. So how? Don't play friendly la :P


Hi Guys,

I decided to change my keyboard. Time to show it off a little :P It is really flat and it is really nice to type on. It is fully rubber and there is no plastic on it at all.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Orange Ice Cream

This was taken a long time ago. Can be found in 100yen shop. I don't know how it taste like cos I didn't dip into it. But he told me it is sweet. How sweet I can't be sure too.

Friday, June 04, 2010


My friends, who went Skytrax with me is really jealous at the way I am still quite slim. Haha. I know that even though there was once that my friend told me "watch out after 25" But I have proven that I am still slim. haha. A lot of people ask me where does it go? Honest I don't know. If I can answer then I will.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

A Good Question

The other day in HL house,

JT: Where did the rain come from? (Before was really hot)
SM :From the sky

Kena lor. My friend whack me :P

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Trainee Finally Left

Finally they left. They left when I was on my holiday and now it is so different as there are no more people playing and opening girls picture so openly during office hour. Anyway if they are there or not there, there is not much difference. Reason is because simple task they cannot even do. So the task comes back to me. But I hope even though FB was their major, they at least manage to learn something during their stint.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010


Crystal send me an sms the other day asking me to go to Skytrex with our friends and I accepted it. I havent been there before and I have seen FB pictures of people going there and it looks really fun to me. But when you are there, you will have to deal with your fear (heights and etc). But trust me, it is good.

Anyway some highlights of the event

Jo : Are you scared of heights?
JT : Not sure. Maybe you ask me later (This was the start of Skytrex)

After climbing up the tall tree

Jo : Are you scared of heights now?
JT : Still not sure, Can you ask me later?

Anyway to cut the whole story short, I am not scared of heights (I found out today). If I knew I wasn't scared of it, I would have done the rotation which was the 1st person not scared an 2nd scared and next not scared rather than putting all the scared people together. This is a lesson from me. Theory is this. If lets say you are scared, then the person behind you are scared too, it will actually freak them out even more. So please don't do that. With the not scared person, it will kind of build up the scared person's confidence.

Anyway I had to admit it was really good. Something different for me. I will post more on my thoughts later again. Those of you who were there and were scared or not, I salute you guys.

  1. Jo
  2. Soo
  3. JT
  4. SM
  5. HL
  6. MY
  7. Lianne