Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Happy Merdeka



Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya



Selamat Hari Raya


If You Are Going Back




Monday, August 29, 2011

Home Alone

I will be starting my sequel today AGAIN

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So Sien,

Monday work,

Tues - Thrs holiday,

Friday work

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Drive Safely

If anyone of you are heading back to kampung, please drive safely, please give way, please be alert as everyone wants to head back safely. Drive Safe everyone.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Blackberry Latest Phones

Blackberry has now launch a couple of new phones and they are as below

  1. BB Torch 9810 (Already out in Malaysia)
  2. BB Torch 9850 / 9860
  3. BB Bold 9900 / 9930 (Already Out in Malaysia)
  4. BB Curve
To check them more out, please head to Blackberry website

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Weather Makes Us Sick

Man the weather, really make me sick. Last Friday itself I was having fever and flu. Then today I got cough with phlegm. Aih weather, why you always make all the doctors rich by making us sick?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Stuff To Get

At the end of the year, I really plan to get couple of stuff. That includes

  1. New Cellphone (love blackberry torch)
  2. Laptop
  3. Ext Hard disk and laptop fan
  4. If got budget, another 4gb of ram and 500gb hdd for my current laptop

Will I buy no 1? Unsure, but confirm no 2 and 3 will be in confirmed listing. But what brand? Wait till end of the year to decide :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nice Song

This song is really nice. Please check it out here. This song will really bless you :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Command Of English

You know, its really important to at least know grammar and know what and how to write precisely. But when you read how some fella from overseas write their emails you will be very confuse. I can give you an example as below

"Our meeting today is cancel, please find new schedule as below"

Do you actually know what is the meaning? It is actually saying the meeting has been reschedule to a different time but at the same day. So the other day my friends didn't attend the meeting and that overseas fella was angry and he was blasting my team leader because the rest of my friends didn't attend the meeting. I was excused as I had to attend prayer meeting.

If simple stuff also cannot write, it is really difficult. he has written many times and I have to clarify with the user what he was actually trying to say. So if you think overseas people English is good, think again. If you wonder who wrote this, ask me.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I Just Want To Get Out

Yup, you heard me, I want to really get out from my current job. But since it is Hari raya coming up, everything is really slow. I guess I only might be able to get out after I am being confirmed in my job. Kinda sucky as it will be 3 months notice after this for me. But I rather get out as I am starting to become dumb and dumber as the days goes by.

Saturday, August 20, 2011



If you are using Garmin GPS from Aeco, the MSM NT 2011.30 is already out for download. Please go to Garmin website to download your map.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Kids Today

I guess I wrote about this a couple of times before. But this time the story is going to be different. There is this girl in my office who just grad from her university and that day she told me her bf is really important to her. She even told us that if he goes overseas to do his PHD, she will follow him. Inside my heart, I was wondering, you don't even have a strong foundation and you just want to follow your bf like that? Some of the stuff she tells me like she wants to have a good family and be rich (who does not want that) and that also she wants to be successful in her job. She wont get success at the current place and even when we told her to leave, she will be 1 day she wants to leave, 1 day she does not want to leave. She even told me she plans really far ahead too. I guess planning is ok, but I guess we got to fall back to basics which means we got to be realistic too.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I just realize that I havent read my mags that I bought from 2 months ago. Most of the time last time when I buy it, I can finish reading it like 2 days? Man now I got nearly 2 months to catch up. Kinda lazy at times to read but surely I will read as there are pictures in it and there are colors in it too :P

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I Do In Office Everyday

What I do now in office everyday is this

  1. Eat Breakfast
  2. Yumcha twice a day
  3. Read Email
  4. Read newspaper
  5. Read Forum
  6. Read about Handphone
  7. Do some work if got
  8. Watch Utube

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

After Coming Back

I have to say when I got back from KK, it took me about 1 week to recover. During this time, I still had tummy issues and I went to the doctor to get medication for my parents too. I wish I had a taken an extra couple of days to rest but I didn't want to use up so much of my holidays. Anyway I came back home and manage to get cleaner water once again, with sun burn and also some diarrhea.

But overall it was a good trip. It was physically and mentally challenging especially when I was walking down from the camp side to Lepo Bunga. I really thank God that I survive as when I was down, I was thinking to myself how on earth am I going to walk till down there? Someone who actually had to walk about 11-13 hours even gave me their water to drink which I was really thankful for too.

So Next year it shall be Bakalalan and it will be a complete trip (meaning I went up the hill and down the hill)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Walk + Dinner in KK

When we move out to KK, we went to walking to the fish market and below are some of the fishes that I caught in the market.

Dinner at night was at the Seafood Center. Below are the pictures. But I could not really eat too. The food was ate by 2 people which is my mum and I. But in the end we tapao most of it home as we were not up for the food. But was quite sad as the oyster shop wasn't open :(

Overall Picture

Fried Rice With Crab Meat



Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mount Murud Trip Part 7

I woke up feeling a lot better but was still weak. Headed out to eat some breakfast in the market. After breakfast was when we found out that 1 of the team was still half way when their car actually broke down while they were coming down. We went to another market then to get some rice. Today was also the day that 1st time I manage to drink clean water ONCE AGAIN :)

When we were in the market, we met different people who were the tribes there and some of them event haven't hike up to mount murud too. We all talked, shared our experiences and guess what? Some of the people know the people that we know so that was a better and nicer fellowship. I guess when God put people together, there will be a good fellowship :)

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Mount Murud Trip Part 6

Today was the day we had to walk down. But it was one of the most night mare for me as I was having food poisoning and in about 10minutes, I vomit more than 3 times. When I reach the Holy Land, I was down and out. When I was so called semi conscious, many people came to pray for me and I really thank God for many of them who even prayed for me when I was resting before I reach the Holy Land. It took me about half an hour before I got back a lil bit of my strength and started to walk. I really thank God for others who actually help my mum also to carry her bag down and also an uncle who carried my bag down too. I really want also to thank the other 2 people who accompany me to walk the whole journey as I was the last batch behind. On that day itself, it took my whole team about 8 hours to walk down to Lepo Bunga and another 6 hours ride on the car before we reach Lawas. When we were there, we just crash into a hotel and took our bath and rested.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Mount Murud Trip Part 5

On Sunday it was events too. It was from Morning and evening. It was a great time learning from the Pastors who were sharing their testimony and also preaching of God's word.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lazy To Post

Man, I have been really behind. But will try to post when ever I can. Stay tune for more.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Christmas With Friends

It is nearly a year ago that I participated in this event! This event was so dear to me :) Wonder if one day this event will again happen for my friends and I to take part once again :)

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Stock Market Took A Bang

On Friday the stock market took a bang and everything just drop to the red zone. Quite scary to see it happen like that. Does it mean that another recession will be happening anytime soon? I guess we will have to wait and see what will happen.

Monday, August 08, 2011

My New Monitor

I guess I told u guys my monitor died on me some time back. I got a replacement. Yey. It is actually from a friend of mine's housemate. He bought the whole set pc last year and it came with a 19 inch monitor which he didn't use till today. So since the other day I was checking and reading about monitors, my friend asked me if I was buying and I explain to him my situation. So in the end he did check out if his friend was willing to sell and I got it at a good price of rm200. Anyway his friend uses a bigger monitor which is 23 inch (wahlah way). Anyway my monitor pictures as below

The monitor comes with 4 USB port, VGA and DVI. I havent tested the DVI (kinda lazy) but I have tried to play games and plugin the USB on the monitor and it does work. Yey. Wonder how the USB can work? Well there is a cable called upstream that connects the monitor to the USB port of ur PC and it works. Anyway the monitor back cannot be adjusted coz the thing is jam but I don't need to move as moving it will bring more trouble for my neck :P

Monitor Front

Monitor Side (USB)

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Manchester United Models

During the world cup in 2002 (If I am not wrong), I got my friend to buy for me 2 models from Caltex as it was on sale. Each figure was about rm10 and there were 4 figures which was Fabien Barthez, Veron, David Beckham and Owen. Since I decided to have 2, so below is the 2 that I choose and asked my friend to help me buy.

Saturday, August 06, 2011


The other day I saw this item on my table. I was wondering what on earth is it. So I decided to put on my hand and when I press it down, it started to vibrate on my hand. Have to admit, it kind of gave me a shock. Didn't know that this item was used to massage.

Friday, August 05, 2011

Captain America

The other day 1 of my friends invited me to watch Captain America and it was the 3D version. I have to say, the last time that I went to the movies was last year in May and usually I do it once a year in May to "treat" myself coz I believe I need a break during the mid year.

Anyway I am going to admit, this is my 1st time watching a 3D show in the cinema too. Yeah I know, I am really back in time. This show was invited by my Secondary school friend and suddenly on that day (Wednesday) she could not make it and on that day itself I brought my laptop to office. So since another friend of mine asked me when CA was going to release, I said I had no idea, so I invited this other gal to watch it with me. This girl even though she had cg on that day, she still went to watch the show with me.

So thanks to my friend who originally invited me for the movie. Really thought full of you :)

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Torch Light

This was actually the torch light that I brought to Mount Murud. The 1 that is on the left hand side is actually rechargeable and the right hand side is run using dynamo (no batteries). I actually brought 2 dynamo torch as I heard that in cold weather and if you don't keep your batteries warm, your battery will just go flat. Both the torch was enough for usage and I really thank God for both of the torches that went thru extreme weather (14-18 Degrees).

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


I got nothing to do, so just want to show you all my laptop desktop :P

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Someone Who Is Not So Clever

Working at my place means I need to work with people from other kind's. I am not talking about locals here. One kind was really rude to my friend and I and when I had enough, I shared my thoughts with him and also send it to my boss and he was so afraid that he called my boss and complain about small stuff like a lil kid.

In his email to me, it was written this way

"May I know why do I have to remind you every week regarding filling up the infra task sheet"

As I wasn't happy about the way he wrote his email this was my reply

Could I ask that you be more tactful towards the Malaysian team as it seems there is always a raise of your tone towards us either thru telephone conversation or even thru emails.

This has happen many times and I believe there should be a certain level of respect towards one another.

I have already notified you that we are attending unix training on Friday and there is no way we can update the Infra task sheet on Friday itself.

As I CC my boss in the email, he panic and he directly called my boss and started to complain about our team and etc etc and in the end my boss reply my email and even came to see me with stupid explanations talking about culture and etc.

My boss is another weak fella. But what to do? Their own kind will always and shall always protect their own kind. The thing which is the most shame is that the work that we do is not even IT Security related and we have to analyze the files and do stupid work like generating reports daily which no 1 even checks.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Atria Closes Down




