Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Someone Who Is Not So Clever

Working at my place means I need to work with people from other kind's. I am not talking about locals here. One kind was really rude to my friend and I and when I had enough, I shared my thoughts with him and also send it to my boss and he was so afraid that he called my boss and complain about small stuff like a lil kid.

In his email to me, it was written this way

"May I know why do I have to remind you every week regarding filling up the infra task sheet"

As I wasn't happy about the way he wrote his email this was my reply

Could I ask that you be more tactful towards the Malaysian team as it seems there is always a raise of your tone towards us either thru telephone conversation or even thru emails.

This has happen many times and I believe there should be a certain level of respect towards one another.

I have already notified you that we are attending unix training on Friday and there is no way we can update the Infra task sheet on Friday itself.

As I CC my boss in the email, he panic and he directly called my boss and started to complain about our team and etc etc and in the end my boss reply my email and even came to see me with stupid explanations talking about culture and etc.

My boss is another weak fella. But what to do? Their own kind will always and shall always protect their own kind. The thing which is the most shame is that the work that we do is not even IT Security related and we have to analyze the files and do stupid work like generating reports daily which no 1 even checks.


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