Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Is Crap From SL

I honestly starting to feel damm sick about programmers. Their AMS boss can just pluck some stories from the sky and write an email to be against people. I mean yeah since his whole team sucks like don't know what (practically everyday send backup restore to fix bugs) so it shows how great is their quality is. That was how I got framed by this AMS boss. But I am so smart enough to have facts on my side to win the war. And oh yeah I just love to see the reply of their boss. He was so furious. Such a loser for a Team Head. Man he should know how suck his application and his team is. He better stop doing all the crap job and start to build a team that has more caliber that always saying I don't know (even their Team Lead says so too). How? After 6 more months then find another job lor.


Blogger Unknown said...

ooiii ckp pasal siapa ni haaa....

12:07 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

pasal u la..

12:55 PM  

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