Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just Wondering

The other day when I woke up, I was wondering how much oxygen does a tree will make every morning. I know that it depends on how wet the ground and that the wetter the ground the tree / plants will be able to make more oxygen. But I really wonder if there is so much Carbon Dioxide in the air, will the trees be able to catch all of it and change it to oxygen for us? So the more trees we have the lesser the carbon dioxide will be. Not only that, the place will be cooler as there wont be any sun hitting direct at the ground.

I know you guys might wonder whats up with this kid talking about the environment, but I really feel that the amount of trees in the world is getting less by the day. People are just cutting trees down without replacing them and for them to grow will take many years again unless the soil is really fertile. When my parents were holidaying, everyday my house will have A LOT of dead leaves lying around. So I decided to take the dead leaves and throw into the flower pot and also at the ground that has no grass so that the leaves will decompose n become fertilizer so that the soil will be more fertile and hopefully the mango on my tree will taste better. But I know it is a long time process n a continuous process and since my dad is back he clean all the dead leaves already :(

Anyway if anyone can tell me how much oxygen does a tree create everyday will be great. I also wish that one day there will be trees that will be planted side by side every where. I like this type of picture showing so many trees on the side of the road and it will be really cool to have this scene in our land. I wish one day everyone will start to plan some sort of trees around their neighbor hood.


Blogger Huis said...

lolx..tch is interested in photosynthesis process jor. U can study the whole process on how many molecul oxygen it is released. omg,I really forgot everything adi.haha.. Btw,plants take up oxygen at night too. Consult Biology student will be great huh,who is the one study Biology??hor hor..ahaha. jz kidding.. Dino tch teaches us color oni..lolx

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to calculate oxygen? I think it's better to figure how to produce more oxygen scientifically, without depending so much on the mother nature, as human being are not holding the control for it. So far, I've known and seen a product that transforms carbon dioxide to oxygen, and I think that product will be a hot selling item in the future market.

As for planting more trees in your place, well, might be a better idea if you move to those places where people live ON THE TREE :p Your place is like running out of space, man...just pray that they WILL NOT build more buildings.

The photos that you've shown, we have just exactly a highway like that over here :)

6:57 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

Thanks so much for commenting, so i guess i need to find a BIO student who will be able to answer me on how much oxygen will be created.

as for the product that will make oxygen will defeat the purpose as the weather will still be hot.the sun will hit direct to the land.

i dowan to live on trees ler.not that happening :P actually i was looking for a photo which is all green in color but the same view but i could not find it.

9:29 PM  

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